Gnome has been out of action since Wednesday morning with a neck sprain. He was chain-sawing a high branch of a tree (the chain-saw is heavy and he was on his tippy-toes); I saw his face contort and luckily he could steady himself to switch the chain-saw off safely. I ran to his aid as he complained of neck pain and shooting pains down both arms (well, he was going ARRRGH ARRRRGH a and there was a lot of body language). Oh, poor Gnome!! I helped him back into the house and put my Doctor hat on (luckily we are both doctors so can stay collected and calm under these stressful conditions). With a couple hours of rest, analgaesia and observation we decided that it was not a medical emergency.
We have had accidents on the farm in the past and have just suffered and got through it together in our stoic sort of way! This time, we took a different approach and decided to “share the anxiety and stress.” So, with Gnome loaded up to the eye-balls with pain-killers, off we went to the Social Security department in Punta Gorda to report the accident. They were soooo nice and helpful and I was relieved to have done it. They said to us that it was important to report any accident on the workplace immediately because even although it might start off looking like a minor problem, the fact that we have reported a case allows them to follow up with medical investigations, treatment and care should the problem become chronic and ongoing. What have a learned from this? We really should remember to ask for help when needed…because we are doctors and the buck usually stops at us we often think that we have to bear the pain ourselves!!
I am happy that we live in such a small community in which we are not just a (social security) number and because we have been living in this place for such a long length of time, we are recognised by our positive interactions within the town. Everyone involved was lovely.

Last but not least, I need to assure Gnome’s parents and family that everything is okay and that he is recovering. He is resting and I am treating him with medication and acupuncture daily. He is not allowed to do any work right now (says me and I am the law on the farm!!) so he has to stay put. He is getting a bit bored which is a good indication that he is doing better!