Tag Archives: Cold

Busy With Coughs And Colds!

Together.CourtyardThe business of coughs and colds always fall to the responsibility of the GP and right now, we are having a busy time with it!  As I look back at previous years, I have noticed a spike of this type of ailment in June.  I think this co-insides with the abrupt change in weather from from dry to rainy season in Belize.  On-call, off-duty, on-duty….it’s all the same to a doctor…everywhere we go right now, we are bumping into people with coughs.  Just a few days ago, I stepped into a man’s shop and he was lying on his back (on crates) coughing and spluttering.  I can’t get away from the call of duty.  😉

I am now armed with a stethoscope and medical paraphernalia as I walk down the streets of Punta Gorda.


We have noticed that some  people do start off with a benign cold here…they call it “fresh cold” in Belize.  It usually goes away by itself with a bit of rest, good wholesome food and TLC.  There are however some people who don’t rest and continue to erratically go through life in the same stressful and deleterious way.  These are the ones who get into trouble and the upper respiratory tract infection develops into pneumonia.  We end up seeing these people as patients.

Anyway, for all you people who have recently developed the sniffles…STOP.  Give your body a rest!!  Doctor’s Orders!!  And here is an easy drink that you can make at home (3 times daily for the next 7 days) to help reduce the phlegm and cough.


Cough And Cold Remedy.

Put the following in a mug:

Juice of one lime

1 tbsp honey

1/4 tsp ground black pepper

1/8 tsp chili powder (or a quarter piece of fresh habanero, finely chopped)

1/4 tsp of ground dried ginger (or 1/2 tsp fresh ginger, finely chopped)

Top up with hot water.  Allow to steep for 5 minutes and then drink up.

Also, go to sleep early, rest and stop running around!

Asafoetida Chilli Sauce Recipe.

Munchkin.DrinkingThis recipe which contains asafoetida, doubles up as a home remedy and a tasty condiment.

Asafoetida Resin.
Asafoetida Resin.

Asafoetida is a resin obtained from the tap-root of several species of Ferula.  It is mostly used in Middle-eastern and Indian cuisine.  It contributes a strongly pungent taste to food and can be compared to a combination of garlic and onions.  It makes a very unique tasting chilli sauce and asafoetida has the added health benefits:

1) Digestive aid.

2) Anti-flatulent.

3) Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial.

4) Traditional remedy for asthma and bronchitis.  Can also be used for coughs and colds.

5) In Aryuvedic medicine; it is used to balance the Kapha constitution which has a watery/phlegmatic tendency.  Also, it can balance the airy qualities of the Vata constitution which requires grounding.

I have put the Asafoetida Chilli Sauce recipe in Belize Wild Recipes and Home Remedies.

Asafoetida Chilli Sauce.
Asafoetida Chilli Sauce.

The recipe also contains:


More.TomatoesHabanero Peppers:

Habanero Peppers.
Habanero Peppers.

Cilantro (Coriander):

Fresh Cilantro.
Fresh Cilantro.

For international readers asafoetida can be purchased from health-food stores and Indian supermarkets.  For those in Belize, asafoetida can be bought from The Apothecary.