The Weather.

We are always affected by the weather. The last two weeks of December was so hot that we thought that dry season had come early. We were getting quite worried because our water tanks were half full. The last few days, it has clouded over and it is drizzling a bit. C’mon…if it is going to be so dull and miserable, it should at least be pouring down. We made an attempt to go outside today but ran back in because the sogginess was no fun at all.

It is sapodilla time right now and our trees are loaded. We have been making a serious attempt to pick daily because we have competition from birds and gibnuts. Yes, those gibnuts are prancing around like they own the place! We are hoping to dry our harvest to make a date alternative for cakes.

We have been picking them green since the animals are stealing them all. It usually takes about a week for the fruit to ripen off the tree:


These are some dried sapodilla:

What else is happening? Well, we finally fenced our geese in a separate area. This is definitely a good thing because they had turned our 10 acres of lush grass and perennial peanut into dry, shrubby land. They had eaten up every single fresh blade of grass! The other annoying thing was their enormous piles of poop! Goosies…I love you but Honeymoon is over!! The downside to fencing the geese in is that we have to feed them on a daily basis. This is no mean feat because they eat a lot: we have to collect 4 big buckets of grass, chop banana trees and foliage and crack open twenty coconuts a day! Plus, they use up about 20 gallons of water daily…this is going to be a problem in dry season! Once we have done that, we don’t feel like doing any other farm work! The reality of the situation has set in and we are planning to fatten some of them up to eat. We dislike this part of farming but it seems like it is the only way to complete the cycle efficiently.

Anyway, on a lighter note, we are re-planting our perennial peanut; it will be very pretty when this stuff is covering the ground again:

Wishing you all a pleasant evening and hope that you all had a good start to the year!

Happy 2020!!

What? Another year has passed by and gone? I say this every time but I mean it every year. Time passes so quickly, it is scary. Wishing all of you All the Best for the New Year. We have resumed the farm work again after a 2 week hiatus. The grass keeps on growing, the weeds need to b removed, the goosies need to be fed and watered and life goes on. This is just a quickie to start the new year since we finally got our Internet antenna replaced yesterday (it was never quite right after it fell off the roof with the storm months ago).

I will leave you with a few lovely pictures of sorrel (roselle); it is harvest time right now and this year, I picked them all and it is blooming again. We are drying them for tea and wine-making.

Sorrel Plant with Flowers.
Seed Pods Separated From the Sorrel Fruit.
Fresh Sorrel.