Tag Archives: Lime Sulphur

Sulphur and Goosie Trouble!!

Gnome has been boiling up sulphur and lime for our Lime-Sulphur XXX Pet Dip For Mange, Fleas, Ticks and Ringworm.

Boiling Sulphur and Lime together.

Available at the Farmstore in Punta Gorda, Toledo by the way.  Just ask for Presidente…for Pets.  You will know why once you see the bottles because we are recycling old Presidente beer bottles:

Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip.

He’s making it on a kerosene stove on the veranda which has been inadvertently converted into yet another work space…not fit for people…he does it on purpose so that we can’t  invite anyone around:

“errh…sorry folks you can’t come round because I’m boiling sulphur today…sorry about the inconvenience…maybe another day when I’m not boiling sulphur!!”

Today the sulphur concoction boiled over so there was a very strong eggy smell pervading the veranda, the house and our senses.  Gnome loved it and as I have previously mentioned he is a Catholic Gnome so he feels thoroughly cleansed when he plays around with sulphur.  He said to me, in a rather a playful manner,

“Don’t cry over spilled sulphur my dear…this will get rid of the snakes…the evil eye…and bad spirits…I’m giving the house a thorough cleansing!”

Well, what could I say?  One can not go against the word of a Catholic Gnome!

Okay, we also have more goosie trouble.  Our white goosie (we call her January Jones) has been sitting on a clutch of goose eggs.

Sitting Goose.

I’ve mentioned in a previous post that there has been problems with a male goose who keeps on fighting to sit on her eggs (yes, I know…do ganders get broody too??).  After many fights, the eggs were getting smashed and alas she ended up with one egg.  I had been timing her sit and her EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery…Ha-Ha using medical terms…might be Estimated Date of Hatching) was on Wednesday.  Anyway, we gave her a few more extra days and lo and behold, the egg exploded because it was rotten.  Now you would think that she would get off her nest since there were no more eggs plus there was a terrible  stench of exploded egg.  No, she wouldn’t budge an inch.

Since January Jones had no more eggs to sit on and she had lost so much weight over the last month, we made an executive decision to throw her off her nest and out of the coop.  I know it sounds horrible but she was wasting away and we needed to break her broodiness so she would start eating again.

Well, she’s thoroughly pissed off with us!  Every morning she waits outside the house to ambush us.  She runs full throttle at us and tries to leap and thrash at our legs!  What a feisty goose…I hope at some point she will find it in herself to forgive us because these goosie attacks are getting a bit too much.

Anyway, I still want to end on a positive note.  Here are some recent baby pictures!!  We love Oor Goosies despite their evil temperaments!!

Hello Goosie!!!
Goosie Eating.

Lime Sulphur Pet Dip is Popular!


We just delivered a fresh batch of Lime Sulphur XXX Pet Dip For Mange, Fleas, Ticks and Ringworm (wow…what a looooong name).  The guys at the Farm Store in Punta Gorda just call it Presidente (the name of beer from which we have recycled the bottle)…for Pets.  Brian, the manager at the Farm Store tells us that the Pet Dip is very popular.

Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.
Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.

Later on I spoke with Gnome and discussed the possible reasons for the popularity of this particular product.


Munchkin: “Hmmmm, Maybe it’s because we use recycled bottles.”


“Maybe it’s the Triple XXX on the label…makes it look really serious.”


Maybe it’s because people imagine two doctors in the bush, stirring over a cauldron of sulphur pet dip, and think it’s really cool imagery….”

Gnome, of course had a reply:


“Maybe it’s because it actually does what it says on the label.”

Oh. Selling something that actually works.  What good marketing strategy!


Checkout this product in The Apothecary or check it out at The Farm Store in Punta Gorda, Belize.

New Casa Mascia Product!

Lime Sulphur Fungicide Treatment.
Lime Sulphur Fungicide Treatment.

We are pleased to announce that we have a new product: Lime-Sulphur Fungicide For All Plants.   This is an organic product indicated for the treatment of plant fungus.   For more product details and usage directions click on the link.

This is available at The Farm Store in Punta Gorda, Toledo.  If you live outside this region, you can check out ordering information in The Apothecary.

Combat the fungus with Lime-Sulphur Fungicide For All Plants.  If you can’t remember the name, just ask for Presidente No.2!!

Organic Fungicide.
Organic Fungicide.

Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip At The Farm Store!

Hello Everyone!!!  We have the wonderful smell of brimstone pervading through our house since Gnome has made up a fresh batch of Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip for The Farm Store.  Ahhh…like the Catholic Gnome that he is he feels spiritually cleansed and renewed with the richly aromatic vapours of sulphur!

The High Velocity Cleansing Power of Sulphur.
The High Velocity Cleansing Power of Sulphur.

So, get your Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip at the Farm Store in Punta Gorda.  Guaranteed to work regardless of religion of pet.

Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.
Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.

Ask Brian at The Farm Store.  Use it for the treatment of Mange, Fleas, Ticks and Ringworm.  If you can’t remember the cumbersome long name of the product, just ask for “Presidente.”  You’ll know why if you look at at our cheap budget packaging.

Presidente Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip.
Presidente Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip.

Pet Stuff.


Hello Everyone.  We have just delivered some Pet Products to the Farm Store in Punta Gorda.  These include Jackass Bitters and Neem Pet Soap and Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip.

The pet soap is made from jackass bitters and neem leaf for control of fleas, ticks and mites without the use of strong chemicals.  The Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip is used for more severe infestations of mange, fleas, ticks and ringworm.

Both products are safe to use on your pets.  As you can see: our pets love Sulphur Dip Time!

Washing Dog with Sulphur Dip.
Washing Dog with Sulphur Dip.
Clean Cat.
Clean Cat.

For anyone who lives in Belize, outside of Punta Gorda, we can have these products delivered via Tropic Air.  We also ship Internationally.  Check out The Apothecary for more information and prices.

Big Rain, Lime Sulphur Bottling and Lemon Peels.

Munchkin.with.UmbrellaHi Everyone.   This morning, poor Gnome woke up with a terrible crick in his neck.  Despite this pain, he soldiered on since the weather was looking good…a bright sunny start and we were ready for a big clean up with brush-mowing and coconut palm cleaning!!  All of a sudden, grey clouds gathered and blocked out the sun and we had a down-pour at 8am this morning.

Gnome.Hand.OutAnd, so the place is still looking bushy:

Bushy Farm.
Bushy Farm.

Gnome took solace in making some more Pet Sulphur and Lime Dip:

Boiling Sulphur and Lime together.
Boiling Sulphur and Lime together.

Gnome really likes the smell of sulphur; he says he feels cleansed and invigorated from the fumes.

We received a re-order for our new pet product which is used to treat mange, fleas, ticks and ringworm: Lime.Sulphur.Pet.Dip

We have decided to recycle old beer bottles to make the product really cheap and affordable.  And, so when we went to the Farm Store in Punta Gorda last week, the manager said to Gnome,

“I’d like to order some more Presidente, please!”

Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.
Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.

Despite removing all the tell-tale beer stickers from the bottle, the farm store manager and workers still recognised the Presidente branded beer bottle!  This is a picture of Gnome bottling the Sulphur-Lime Dip…now, also known as Presidente!


Anyway, we tried to keep busy.  We harvested our lemons and put them through this cool citrus peeler, which the locals usually use for oranges.

Citrus Peeler.
Citrus Peeler.

I dry the peel and use it for flavouring of food such as stews, stir frys, soups and of course, limoncello  Also, in the process of peeling, we can catch some essential oil from the peel…about 1ml for every 4 lemons and so to get 30mls(1oz) you need 120 lemons in total!  Just goes to show the value of a tiny bottle of essential oil…the quantities of biomass never ceases to astound me!

Peeled Lemons.
Peeled Lemons.

Have a lovely Saturday night!!

Our Pet Dip and Pet Soap.

Together.HorsesToday we were in Punta Gorda doing our delivering, “hailing” and the usual town stuff.  In Punta Gorda, everyone knows you so you have to go through the custom of “hailing.”  Ignore this at your peril!  Basically, you need to say “Hello, how are you?” to everyone that you know…who happens to be crossing the street, sitting in their shop, driving in their car or standing in the queue in front of you.  If you can handle a bit of small talk then that is an added bonus because every-one loves to stop and chat. If you ignore anyone who knows you, you are considered an “ignorant outsider” or just plain rude.  These are the unspoken rules of a small community.

We delivered our Pet Products to The Farm Store in Punta Gorda.  This particular shop is owned by Mennonites (Anabaptist Christian Group who emigrated originally from Germany and now settled in Belize) and run by local Mayans who have converted into this particular faith.  The Farm Store sells anything to do with farming, hardware and pet supplies, basically, anything that is useful to man or beast!  We delivered the following:

Jackass  Bitters and Neem Pet Soap.
Jackass Bitters and Neem Pet Soap.

This is not the same as our same-name soap for people.  This one has a higher percentage of active ingredients so that it is extra strong for the treatment of fleas, ticks and mites in pets (usually dogs and cats).  Gentle but effective, without the use of strong chemicals.

We also took this opportunity to launch our new pet product: Lime Sulphur Pet Dip for Mange, Fleas, Ticks and Ringworm.

Lime Sulphur Pet Dip Label.
Lime Sulphur Pet Dip Label.

This is the label with the instructions.  We used recycled beer bottles for this product because they are the cheapest thing to use so that we could sell the product at a rock-bottom price.  Gnome created a tag to go with the product with regards to the philosophy of recycling; unfortunately, the network connection to the printer wouldn’t work so we didn’t get this part printed in time.  So, this tag will be on the next order:

Lime Sulphur Pet Dip Wrap.
Lime Sulphur Pet Dip Wrap.

…Gnome Philosophy stuff in small writing for anyone who cares to read Gnome humour.

We use all our stuff on our own pets; they are very healthy and have the reassuring smell of sulphur to them:

Washing Dog with Sulphur Dip.
Washing Dog with Sulphur Dip.
Clean Cat.
Clean Cat.

This is a picture of the very friendly bossie of the Farm Store.  He is a lovely young man:

Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.
Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.

So, you can now get our pet stuff at the Farm Store in Punta Gorda.  The products will be posted up in the Apothecary soon for those of you living outside Toledo or outside of Belize.

Lime Sulfur Dip For Dogs and Cat.

TogetherA couple of months ago, Gnome made Lime Sulphur as a Bored-in-Belize project.  One of the many uses of it is a dip for dogs and cats.  It can be applied for mange, fleas and ringworm.  We tested our formula on the two dogs and the cat today (not the guinea pigs!!).  We poured out a quantity of the concentrated lime sulphur and diluted it with water in a bucket:

Measuring Lime Sulphur.
Measuring Lime Sulphur.
2 Gallons of Diluted Lime Sulphur.
2 Gallons of Diluted Lime Sulphur.

A rag was dipped into the bucket of solution and the dogs and cat were soaked with it.  Prior to this, they all got a wash with our sulphur soap.  There were no complaints from any any animals concerned as we sponged them copiuosly with this bright yellow fluid.  They seemed to like the smell of rotten eggs!!

Sulfuring Doggie.
Sulfuring Doggie.

Sorry, no picture of the other doggie because we both had to hold her down because she is the mad one that likes to lick toads.

Sulfuring The Cat.
Sulfuring The Cat.

The cat actually stayed still and did not seem to mind the extremely pungent smell.  After all that, we were both smelling of sulphur; Gnome said that he felt spiritually cleansed…I think he was referring to fire and brimstone and all that stuff!!

The Joys of Brimstone and Lime.


Today was a good day to make some lime sulphur, a smelly concoction that has multiple uses as a fruit tree anti-fungal and as a pet dip for things like mange and ringworm.

One of my friends is trying to grow grapes, which in this climate are very susceptible to a plethora of fungal diseases; he asked me to make some lime sulphur for him since I am a Gnome and Gnomes like messing around with smelly stuff.  Also, I am a Catholic Gnome, and obviously Brimstone, Smelliness, Catholic and Gnome are a match made in Heaven (hee, hee, hee…)!

Anyway, you need sulphur or brimstone…

Flowers of Sulphur.
Flowers of Sulphur.

And you need white lime…

White Lime.
White Lime.

And you boil them together…

Boiling Sulphur and Lime together.
Boiling Sulphur and Lime together.

…to get Lime Sulphur.

It is dirty, smelly work and you need to be careful as it is quite poisonous and caustic though the sulphurous fumes of brimstone are very soul-cleansing!!

After boiling for a while it looks like this…

Lime Sulphur Transformation Complete.
Lime Sulphur Transformation Complete.

…a dark red-brown-rotten-egg-smelling liquid…

If you want to make your own…look at my recipe in Bored-In-Belize:  Making Lime Sulphur.

Until later, take care!