I think our local stingless bees are really cute, the species I have nesting in one of my old tool boxes is Tetragonisca angustula…

They are nice and friendly and you don’t need any fancy beekeeping equipment since they don’t sting. It seems like a better start to beekeeping to me than going for Africanized Bees.
They don’t make much honey apparently, only about 1kg a year but what they do make is supposed to be very medicinal…which is right up my alley. They are also good pollinators for assorted crops.
Anyway, the point of all of this is that I made a couple of beehives in order to get this project underway…

Yeah, I know, it doesn’t look like much and I suck at taking photographs (but I am better at stitching up your face with some 7/0 prolene, thankfully…sorry doctor joke!).
If you are interested, there is more detail in constructing the hives in Bored-In-Belize…Making a Stingless-bee Bee Hive.
With the amount of honey these little darlings make, I’ll probably have to make about 100 hives…one day at a time…
Thank you to Leanne and Craig Knox for giving me the idea.
Cheers and have a good day!