Tag Archives: Thank you

Ready To Plant Peanut!

We prepared our area for planting peanut about 2 weeks ago, eagerly looking for seed peanut to plant.  We were quite surprised that we couldn’t find any down here in Toledo .  So we searched further afield, and asked our friends Graham and Joyce if they could find some in the Cayo region.  Thank-you so much!!  We got the seeds today and are ready to plant!!

We have a fifth of an acre all tilled up and mixed with lovely seaweed (courtesy of Panda) and lime.  The area is protected from the geese with metal fencing right now.  However, we have set up a bamboo fence and planted air potatoes at the base and once the plants get bushy, we will take away the metal fence.

Peanut Area.
Bamboo Fence.

The bamboo has been erected to grow air potatoes:

Air Potato Vine.

We will plant tomorrow…we are so excited.  I think the peanuts are Spanish Red Variety.

Seed Peanut.

Thank-you once again to Graham and Joyce for the peanuts!!

Cheers Enrico!!

This is a special Thank-you blog post for Enrico.  Thank-you for the wonderful Good-Bye gift (we loved it too).  We wish you all the best in your new adventures; may you find joy and passion in everything that you do.  Cheers…here’s a toast to you!!

Special Rum.

Christmas Has Come Early!

Just a quickie! Look what treats we got today! Anyone in the UK will be saying, “What’s the big deal!”  Well, the big deal is that we are in Belize and these things are hard to come by.  Well, we had to have a little bit of everything to try out just before Christmas…just a smidgen…Ha-Ha!!  Anyway, a big Thank-you to Joyce and Graham from British Belize Foods.

By the way, what happened to the coffee creams in Quality Street? They were always the ones left at the bottom of the tin.  I like the red and orange ones and Gnome likes the purple ones.  If you grew up with Quality Street, you will know what we are talking about!

Christmas Goodies.


Back to the grind for Munchkin & Gnome as we resume our farm activities…yes, we are disappearing into the woodwork again!!  So, the Chocolate Festival was our chance to see everyone and it was good to see some “old faces.”  Thank-you everyone for all your continued support and we are glad that we continue to survive (and thrive) in this environment.  A special thanks to Alisa Atkinson and Tati for sharing a stall with us; it was a lot more fun this year with the jolly good company!  See y’all again next year!!

Thanks For The Care Package!

Look what we got through the post!!  Thank-you Betsy and Taylor for your thoughtful gifts!  There was a whole array of useful items including recyclable bags, gardening gloves, shower cap and even duct tape.  Oh, and few other stationery pieces and bamboo wind-chimes (which we will hang out at the pond  underneath the bamboo).


And yes, if you carefully scrutinize the picture, you may notice there are two Peeps purple bunnies missing…Hmmmm….where are the missing bunnies??!!

Thank-you For The Egg Moulds!

This is a “Thank-you” post.  About a year ago, I had written as an aside, in one of my posts, that I would love to make one or two of these:

Flower Egg..

What happened does go to show that we have friends that look out for us.

This is what we have received through the post; the larger one came about a month after my write up.  Thank-you Joanna!

And the set of smaller ones were a Christmas gift (3 months late because of sloooow transit times from the States to Belize).  Thank-you Erin!

Egg Moulds.

The large one is definitely for goose eggs but we haven’t eaten any yet since we are trying to set all of them.  I will have to post some food pictures but not sure if they will look as pristine as the animated picture!  Cheers and Thank-you!!

Out and About.

Hello Everyone!!  It’s amazing how time goes so quickly that I haven’t written a post in over a week!  We have had an  extraordinarily “wet” dry season this year.  The last couple of days, it started feeling a bit more like dry season with the sun and the over-bearing heat.  I think everyone felt it and since dry season is the time for burning, people started burning their wood piles.  We actually stepped out of our house into a thick smog of smoke…and, we are not burning here on our farm!

We hardly ever leave Toledo but we did yesterday because we felt our lungs thick and heavy with smoke.  Thank goodness this is the only time of the year that we get this air pollution.  It is worse this year because everyone is feeling the time pressure of a late start to the dry season.

We took a road trip to Cayo ( a Western region of Belize which is about 3 and 1/2 hours drive from Toledo) and picked up some city goodies on the way.  We met up with our friends, Graham and Joyce and had lunch with them.  I feel really silly but I didn’t bring my camera with me so this post is mostly a description of ideas and experiences.

Anyway, they showed us their new British Foods Belize Shop which is really lovely.  It looks like a “real shop” which has carefully displayed British souvenirs and good old British food (can’t give you the whole list but it’s stuff like Bird’s Eye Custard, Marmalade, Scottish shortbread, Cumberland sausages and more).  I stocked up on my “must-have” Yorkshire Tea and crumpets.  We are going to have tea and crumpets at the pond this weekend in a romantic sort of way and throw crumbs at the geese.  Oh, and I also bought chocolate Easter eggs as a treat…this  is funny but we have not had these for about 15 years!  I remember that I used to take these for granted and I would get a whole load of them at Easter time and stuff myself silly on them.  Our ascetic life-style in Belize now makes us appreciate things a lot more and we are really going to savour the taste of Cadbury’s milk chocolate!

After lunch, our friends took us to their sheep operation…these guys are always on the go with projects!  They showed a 2 acre plot fenced with barbed wire and sheep wire, divided into quarters. There was a shelter in the middle of the rotational pasture and the size of acreage held 20 sheep in total.  It was a neat set up and it did inspire us a lot.  Gnome whispered in my ear,

“After we sort out the geese, we could consider a sheep or two!  I wouldn’t mind some lamb for Easter!”

After this, Gnome had an intense conversation with Graham about…wait for it…it wasn’t politics or anything like that…it was about worms!  I wasn’t privy to this conversation because they went round the back to look at worms, tubes and stuff so I have to directly quote to you what Gnome relayed back to me.  At first he wasn’t entirely coherent because he was a bit over-excited and so he started in mid conversation with me by saying,

“…we need to get 2 pounds of worms!”

Come again?  And so he launched into a description of “worm towers.”  This is a method of composting in which you a bury a pipe (eg PVC pipe about 4 inches in diameter or more) halfway into the ground and you drill holes in it to allow worms to move in and out of the tube.  You then put food scraps directly into the tube to be eaten and processed by the worms. You just need a handful of worms to start each tower.  This idea has truly captured Gnome’s heart (he likes worms…I know, he’s a funny sort of Gnome!) and as I write this, he is under the house looking for tubes.  I also saw him scrutinising the giant bamboo this morning so I know his mind is whirring and swirling with worm tower possibilities.

We had a lovely afternoon and would like to thank Graham and Joyce for spending a little time with us and for inspiring us with new projects for the farm!

Thankyou For The KitKats!


Hello Everyone, I better keep on writing because ever since we changed hosts, our viewing stats have virtually gone to zero.  We are lucky if we even get 2 views in a day!  Just a quickie this time to thank our Singapore connection for the packages of special Asian food.  This time, we got Matcha (green tea) KitKats!!  I tell you…if you ever have one of these Japanese specialty KitKats, the ordinary milk chocolate/dark chocolate/even white chocolate do not compare!!

Matcha KitKats
Matcha KitKats

Also, a Big Thank-you for all the other wonderful stuff including the lovely mooncakes, teh tarek and sambal belachan.   What a treat!!

Thanks Everyone!


Just a quick one this morning…

Thanks to all who responded to my test post yesterday.  I am glad that the posts are getting through.  Things still aren’t quite perfect yet but we will hopefully get everything sorted out in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks again to all of you!!!  Munchkin and Gnome.

Thanks For The Smiggle Bag!

Smiggle Bag.
Smiggle Bag.

A Big Thank-you to Ruri-chan for a late Christmas gift all the way from Singapore! Just arrived in Belize last week and it was a lovely surprise to open up a box of pressies at the post office.  As usual, I had to go through the rigmarole of opening up the package in front of the Postal Worker.

When I opened up the box with the extremely blunt knife, the worker looked at this funny looking purple case and said, “What’s that?”

Munchkin.BossieI confidently said in an even tone,

“It’s a Smiggle Bag.”

He shifted slightly, coughed politely and said,

“Yes it’s a Smiggle Bag.”

He wrote “Smiggle Bag” on the customs form and then waved me out of the postal room.  Outside the post office I just cracked up laughing because neither of us had a clue what a smiggle bag was but yet we both insisted on pretending that we knew what it was!

I had to do a Google Search on Smiggle Bag and “Smiggle” is actually an Australian based retail store that sells well, Smiggle stationery!

Thanks for the Smiggle Bag!!
