Category Archives: Philosophy

Munchkin And Gnome Genisys.


Well, we’ve been here for 12 years.  We came to Belize clueless and naive to be wannabe farmers.  So what have we achieved in all this time.  We have fulfilled our main goal of reducing our footprint on the earth.  We dig in the dirt, grow our own food, eat and cook our own food, live in a very modest wooden shack and catch all our own rain water for all our needs.   We can build with sticks, we can start a fire and we can slaughter our own fowl for meat.  Our doctoring skills have been put to good use with our practice of medicine without the need for numbers, blood tests and scans to make diagnoses (yes, you just need to know the human body and mind and ask the right questions to arrive at the same, or even more precise, conclusion as a machine).  In short, we have become no-nonsense, pragmatic people who tell you what you need (if you ask) and not what you want.

Anyway, what’s next?  This is Munchkin and Gnome Part 2:

We have decided to gather forces and find people of like-minded philosophy.  In doing this, we have made a recruitment; he goes by the name of The Panda and he has moved onto a piece of our farmland.  His goal is to reduce his footprint on the Earth.  Our goal now is to impart our experience and knowledge to help him make this transition as positive as possible.  The Panda will be posting his experiences on this blog so watch this space!

Hello, I’m the Panda!

Our regular WordPress Followers will automatically get these new posts.  My FaceBook Followers will have to go into our WP site (or follow) to get these new instalments.  Undoubtedly, the Panda will publicize onto to his own FB account.

Finding The Creativity To Write.


Gnome just saw this title and tells me that I go through a 3 month cycle where I go through very busy times (doing outside farm work, making products, cooking, patients, etc) and then I find that I have no energy to write anything.  He says this goes on for a little while until I start going on about finding creativity and then I write a post like this.

Well my response to his observation was,

“I don’t think so…”


He’s such a smart-arse!!  Unfortunately, he is correct and now I am on the upward cycle where I feel that I need to write more regularly.  I have to re-evaluate my reasons for writing; it is to keep a journal and to remind myself of what I do and why I do things.  I don’t want to run automatically through my life and do things for no good reason except to keep busy.  I think about life a lot, the way that we live it and the way that I can live with significance in my actions.  This is deep Munchkin talking…she doesn’t come out much because she’s too busy writing inane blogs to entertain people.

Gnome says in response to this:

“That sounds like the beginning of a thought…are you taking this somewhere?”


Munchkin: “No.”


Well that was a conversation stopper if I ever saw one!!

Big Move For The Piggies!


The Piggies have been grumbling a lot lately…about the weather, you know the usual stuff that we all get miserable about.  On top of all that, their Yoga teacher left a couple of months ago to the greener pastures of San Antonio.  There has been a lot of squealing, squeaking and squawking and general complaining on Coco-Prune Resorts.  Of course Mayor Gnome was awfully concerned for the emotional welfare of the community of Paradise Piggies and held a meeting to find a solution.

Mayor Gnome: “How can I make life better for the gated community of Paradise Pastures/ Coco-Prune Resorts and Condos?”


Piggies: “There is nothing to do at the resort…it’s so boring!!  What are we supposed to do in the condos…watch telly all day?”

We Are Bored!!
We Are Bored!!

Piggies: “We need a reason to live…we need to find meaning in life!”

Gnome: “Okay, Piggies, it looks like you have done all your frolicking and fun and now you want some spiritual food.  I know what you need!”

Piggies: “Oh Mayor Gnome, what are you going to do?”

Gnome: “We’re moving you to the Zen Garden.  The Zazen Duckies can help you lot get back on your feet!  No more resorts!!”

Zen Garden For Duckies and Piggies.
Zen Garden For Duckies and Piggies.

Tune in tomorrow (if you are really bored and have nothing else to do) for THE BIG MOVE!!  How exciting, can’t wait….

Swaying Bamboo Technique.

Giant.Green.BambooWe have had heavy rains and we are surrounded by a sea of water, the Jacinto River is up and there are flood signs everywhere.  The river floods onto our road every year and it looks like this occurrence is imminent.  In addition to all this, the truck is behaving dodgy (oh how technical of me!) and the two tonne front gate is still done broke.  In other words we are on forced house arrest!

There was a downpour lastnight so we couldn’t even get anything done on the farm.  I was so frustrated and said to Gnome today:

“Aaaaaargh…the weather refuses to cooperate!  Everything is conspiring against us!”

Munchkin Sick and Feeling Sorry for Herself!

Gnome replied with an enigmatic smile:

“My dear, we must sway like the bamboo…learn to bend like the limbs of the bamboo…be flexible!” 

Gnome.Another.Look.GreenIn response to this, I lifted my arms up in the air and flailed them from side to side.  Testily I said,

“Is that it???!!!  I don’t feel any better!!”


“No dear you are not doing it right…you need to smile while you are swaying.”

This the Gnome-Style Swaying Bamboo Technique.

The Many Faces of Gnome.

Gnome.Shiny.GlassesA few months back at an Elixir Tasting at Cotton Tree Lodge, I took the liberty of describing the plethora of jobs that Gnome had undertaken in working independently on the farm.  Not only has he been a medical doctor for 20 years  but he is the on-site engineer, mechanic, plumber, electrician, farmer, soap-maker, wine/ liqueur maker, herbalist and generator of great and amazing ideas.  One woman in the group after listening to the description said gleefully,

If I had my own private island, I want you both on it!”

I feel that he definitely deserves acknowledgement for everything that he does.  Because I am usually the spokesperson for us, a lot people don’t realise that we are living our idealistic philosophy because Gnome has the tremendous strength the carry it forth and keep it going.

Here’s one for Gnome!  Hip Hip Hooray!!

Gnome Buddy Does It Better:

Gnome Magic!
Gnome Magic!

Farm Update.

Munchkin.Froggie.JumpingWe have been hearing all sorts of weather predictions and looking at reports on the Internet with forecasts of hot, dry weather…forever (well, it feels like that anyway).  This morning we were sitting down with our cups of tea (can’t take the Scottish out of either of us…still like a cup of tea to hit the spot)  and lo and behold!  Grey clouds gathered right over us and it started raining.  What a relief!  It wasn’t  torrential but it was enough for the plants and trees to quench their thirst for a wee while.  This is one of the longest dry seasons that we can remember.  Every year, the season tends to end abruptly and we are usually left thinking,

“Hey, hang on a few more days…or weeks…we haven’t done this and that..we haven’t done everything on our dry season list!”


Well, this year, it’s hanging on for a while so we have no excuses but to dig the trench in the pond…


This is to allow a catchment area for the tilapia when the pond dries up every year.  We are doing it this year and Gnome is digging!

A lot of people wonder why we do our own work…a couple of ascetic wannabee farmers who like pain and suffering?

Together.Munchking.PointingThe truth is that we are actually both very healthy and fit from this lifestyle…a lifestyle that we like to promote to all our patients…we reckon that the only way to give advise is to do it (not just talk).

After digging a trench three feet wide and two feet deep today, Gnome said:

“Yes, I can eat as much as I want!”


Yes, indeed he can stuff his face with satisfaction with that smug look on his face!

Haiku Gnome. of you may have noticed that Gnome has started posting up Haikus.  I think that it is a good thing and it gives us a few giggles and guffaws.  Often when we find something humourous, nobody else does so this one may purely be for our own benefit.  Though we would be pleased if these were received with joy and release  in your hearts too.  😉

So, how did this come about?  This is what happened…

I had received a pannetone cake tin from a friend and I was anxious to bake one and show a picture on my Blog.  Well, that was the plan anyway.  In my usual haphazard way of baking  I proceeded without a recipe.  Just sort of made it up.  Needless to say, the baking venture went wrong.  I was all in a tizz in the kitchen, getting myself into a maddening hysteria.  It was one of those really, really hot days.


Gnome was hot and bothered too and was in no mood for my antics.  He said rather coarsely:

“If you had actually read a recipe and done it properly, you wouldn’t be in this mess!  It’s your own fault!”


Waaaahhhh!!  I was none too pleased with his reply.  It made me Waaaaahhhh!! even more.

When Gnome realised that his directness had only served to exacerbate the situation, his countenance suddenly changed.  Anger was replaced by cool placidity.  He said with unwavering surety,

“The caterpillar must grow wings in order to flutter high.”


Gnome had made a complete U-turn in our usual “chucking-a-maddy”script which shifted me off balance.

I paused in mid-flail.  Arms in the air.

What an obtuse reference…it was all too funny!!  We both saw the stupidity of the whole situation and cracked up laughing.

This is when we got the idea that Gnome should start writing Haikus.  Often, he is viewed as too direct and honest in his words.  So this is an opportunity for Gnome expression; nicely obtuse and obscure and uncharacteristically airy-fairy for an immensely pragmatic Gnome.

Zazen Soap!!

Together.Sea.of.TranquilitySo what’s our latest tout…or clout?  Not only do we have Zazen duckies but we have Zazen soap!  I have noticed that at some point, when we have done enough hours of an activity (Yes that 10000 hours thing), it evolves into an art.  The other day, we had a moment of clarity whilst mixing up soap; we realised that by clearing our head of the internal dialogue (you know…the usual blah blah blah voice in your head) the soap mixes perfectly with no hitches.  In contrast to this, when we are feeling chaotic, we get early thickening of the mixture and lumpy bits  so that the soap has to be poured in haste.  There you go…The Zen of Soap making by Munchkin and Gnome!!

Look at this soap…it is smooth and silky like custard:

Zazen Soap!
Zazen Soap!

Stacks of Chocolate Vanilla Cookie Soap. “Right Thought, Right Action” Soap!!

Chocolate Vanilla Cookie Soap.
Chocolate Vanilla Cookie Soap.

…better than maximal velocity soap.   You can’t get better than Zazen!