There are lots of different names for the Nato Phonetic Alphabet; it is basically the 26 words assigned to the 26 letters of the English Alphabet. It starts like this: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo,etc. I am sure you know most of it especially if you have watched a lot of British Police TV programs (like “The Bill”) or army stuff on American television.
Anyway, I find that I do have to use this Phonetic Alphabet over the phone in Belize especially when I have to spell out my surname. Some of words just don’t work here! For instance, Foxtrot and Tango usually get a deadly silence…after all, why should you expect anyone to know about ballroom dancing? Lima is no good either…more confusion! Quebec what? Sierra…is that a “Z” and don’t ever say “Yankee” to an American! Oh and forget about Zulu…

Here is my unofficial Belize Modified Nato Phonetic Alphabet. It is largely unchanged except for a few alterations that can make communication a lot easier over the phone.
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo,
Fox, Golf, Hotel, India, Jaguar,
Kriol, Lime, Miguel, November, Oscar,
Papa, Quick, Romeo, Snake, Toucan,
Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yellow, Zebra.