All posts by Munchkin

The Nato Phonetic Alphabet: Belize Modified.

Munchkin.Unbelievable.LookThere are lots of different names for the Nato Phonetic Alphabet; it is basically the 26 words assigned to the 26 letters of the English Alphabet. It starts like this: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo,etc.  I am sure you know most of it especially if you have watched a lot of British Police TV programs (like “The Bill”) or army stuff on American television.

Anyway, I find that I do have to use this Phonetic Alphabet over the phone in Belize especially when I have to spell out my surname.  Some of words just don’t work here!  For instance, Foxtrot and Tango usually get a deadly silence…after all, why should you expect anyone to know about ballroom dancing?  Lima is no good either…more confusion!  Quebec what?  Sierra…is that a “Z” and don’t ever say “Yankee” to an American!  Oh and forget about Zulu…

Foxtrot Or Tango?
Foxtrot Or Tango?

Here is my unofficial Belize Modified Nato Phonetic Alphabet.  It is largely unchanged except for a few alterations that can make communication a lot easier over the phone.

Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo,

Fox, Golf, Hotel, India, Jaguar,

Kriol, Lime, Miguel, November, Oscar,

Papa, Quick, Romeo, Snake, Toucan,

Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yellow, Zebra.

Soaps At The Pharmacy!

Together.HorsesWe have just delivered a fresh batch of our medicinal soaps to Vance Vernon Pharmacy in Punta Gorda.  You will find Copal Medicinal Soap for treatment of  rash, itch and insect bites:

Copal Medicinal Soap.
Copal Medicinal Soap.

There is also Jackass Bitters and Neem Soap which is indicated for sensitive and irritated skin.

Neem and Jackass Bitters Soap.
Neem and Jackass Bitters Soap.

You will also find our popular White Pitahaya Soap which is a facial soap recommended for acne (here, they call it “bumps”) and oily skin.

White Pitahaya Soap.
White Pitahaya Soap.

If you do not live in Punta Gorda we can post within the country and internationally.  Check out The Apothecary section of our website for more details.

Officially Crepuscular!

Together.PointingHello There!!  We are officially Crepuscular!! I have been temporarily away from the keyboard, because it has been sooooo unbelievably hot.  I can’t even sit next to the computer because anything that generates heat exacerbates the sweat fest.  You are probably wondering what Crepuscular means….

Crepuscular (animals) are those that are active during the periods of dawn and dusk.

Basically, right now in Belize it is so hot (Real Feel of 45C or 113F!!) that we have to get up at the crack of dawn to run about do the farm duties.  At dusk, it starts to cool down a little and again, we pack in our activities at this time of the day.

Anyway, Gnome came across the word “crepuscular” when he was looking at possible “farm animals” that he would never be allowed to bring into the country that could possibly help him farm more elegantly.  Yes sometimes the pragmatic Gnome does let loose his imagination to fantasize (a little).

This was our conversation:

Munchkin: “I am guessing it’s a monkey to climb trees or maybe one of those big bulls for ploughing the fields…”


Gnome: “Not quite. I would like a coconut crab actually.”

Munchkin: “…a crab??”


Gnome: “Yes, these crabs are huge…about a metre (3 feet) wide.  They collect coconuts on the ground, cut through the coconuts with their claws and then they climb up the coconut palm to drop the coconuts down to break the shell.  I need a coconut sheller and these would be perfect!”

Munchkin: “Mmmmm…are they good to eat?”

Gnome: “Yes…but that’s not the point…”

Munchkin: “Ok, I’m in!  Let’s get an import license for coconut crabs!”

What A Feast!
What A Feast!

Let’s Do Some Foraging!


Do you know that you can forage for greens in Belize?  This is purslane…it’s a perfectly good vegetable to eat!

Wild Purslane.
Wild Purslane.

If you are really looking for “organic” one of the answers is foraging.  There is plenty of this around…just get your shade hat on and start walking about…

Wild Purslane of Belize.
Wild Purslane of Belize.

It’s got all the usual good stuff that you would expect from a green vegetable: It is rich in vitamin A and C and has a high percentage of omega 3 which is usually only found in fish oils and flax seed.  You can eat it raw in salads or you can cook it anyway which you want.  Taste wise, it is mildly acidic with a crunchy texture; the flowers and stems are edible.

C’mon then…get out there and start picking your greens…I’m doing it!

Bunch of Purslane.
Bunch of Purslane.

For more information click on Purslane.

I also have some recipes:

Coconut Purslane Salad

Purslane Chicken Chow Mein

More Coconut Cream!

Munchkin.More.EatingHi Guys, we have delivered a fresh batch of coconut cream to Green Supaul’s in Punta Gorda.  This information might be useful to you:

Usage and Storage of Coconut Cream:

Our coconut cream is sold in the frozen state.  Store in the freezer.  When you are ready to use, simply use it in the frozen state.  If you only require a small amount, cut off a chunk with a knife and store the remaining cream in the freezer.  The shelf life of this product is 6 months if stored properly in the freezer.

Look at our beautiful coconuts:

Our Lovely Coconuts.
Our Lovely Coconuts.

The coconuts are grated and then squeezed by hand.  All our own hard work to help maintain the coconut plantation.

Freshly Grated Coconuts.

Freshly Grated Coconuts.

Coconut Palms.
Coconut Palms.

Green Supaul’s; the coconut cream is still in the ice-cream freezer!

Coconut Cream.
Coconut Cream.

Definitely Rain!

Munchkin.Froggie.JumpingHumans can’t get it right and the Internet definitely lets us down on weather forecasts.  The plethora of animals making noises from frogs croaking to rain hawks cawing sometimes get it right.  Wait for it…the most consistent sign of imminent rain (for us) has been the grader working on San Felipe Road.  Guaranteed 97% with 3% Faith!.  The grader came by today to move rocks about and flatten the road a bit.  Standby for the torrential rain!!

We are Waiting…


Shopping In The City.

Together.from.FrontYou might think that it would be exciting to go the capital city of Belize, Belmopan, once in a while to go shopping.  But alas, our habits and lifestyle have changed so much that we don’t find thrills and excitement in grocery shopping.  This is especially when our wants have become refined and we only want very specific things.  My short list would be chocolate eclairs, smoked salmon and Yorkshire tea…dream on…can’t get any of that here!

Anyway, I did manage to find some Chinese stuff…

This is glutinous rice flour which is used to make mochi balls and Chinese equivalent.

Glutinous Rice Flour.
Glutinous Rice Flour.

This is wheat starch for yummy transparent steamed dim-sum.  There is no gluten in wheat starch…I wonder if people with gluten intolerance can eat this?

Wheat Starch.
Wheat Starch.

Fermented black beans for black bean sauce.  I remember my mum telling me that this stuff was for real Chinese people and that the black bean sauce jars were for “other people.”  Anyway, I still consider myself Chinese so I will insist on buying the real deal!  Incidentally we are making this stuff…it’s bubbling away in the corner somewhere…not ready yet to unleash the monster!

Preserved Black Beans.
Preserved Black Beans.

Dried lotus root…usually boiled in soups:

Dried Lotus Root.
Dried Lotus Root.

Oh we did find something for the Italian Gnome…although he mostly likes to be a Straits Chinese Gnome.

A big tin of olives:

Tin of Olives.
Tin of Olives.

City Trip!

Together.Talking.HorsesFor the last year or so we have had problems starting the truck.  When we turn the key in the ignition sometimes the engine starts and sometimes it doesn’t.  Usually it takes a few goes before it gets started.  It was becoming such a  routine that the Catholic Gnome would turn the key with a Sardinian prayer.  Finally I said to him that it was just getting too ridiculous and we should just get the starter replaced.  I said to him,

“What if we get stuck out in the middle of nowhere!”


And he replied,

“Babes, we are in the middle of nowhere!”

Piggies Are Happy.

Oh…so we are.


Anyway we took a trip to the Big City last week and got the truck fixed up.  Everything is now fine; we even saw a freezer on a pick-up.  That’s 850 points.

Freezer On A Pick-up.
Freezer On A Pick-up.

Remember the rules?  Here they are again…

This is a Point Allocations game for the spotting of Goods (and assorted paraphernalia) on a Pickup (with a picture):

  • Fridge 1000pts.
  • Washing Machine 900pts.
  • Freezer 850pts.
  • Estufa (Spanish for Stove) 800pts.
  • Boca (Central American Chip Packets) 750pts.
  • Pig 500pts.
  • Tractor Wheels 500pts.
  • Large Ruminant 350pts.
  • Small Ruminants 250pts each.

When you spot the Fridge on a Pickup, the rule is to jiggle your bottom on the car seat and shout out,

“Fridge On A Pickup!!”

with whistles, loud expressive whooping and hand gesticulating.

Thank-you Ginja Bwai for continuing to play this game with us!!

Pictures From The Weekend.

Together.Another.City.ShotHi There!!  Here are some pictures from the weekend event at the Grand Opening of Rail B Service Station on the Southern Highway, Toledo, Belize.  We had fun…good to get out and socialise! There was a lot of interest in our Copal products; it is good to see that there is a demand for natural medicines.  Anyway, here are some pictures:

Paul Mahung was in top form.  For all our International readers, he is our usual Master of Ceremonies down her in Toledo; you can’t have an event without MC. Mahung.

Paul Mahung.
Paul Mahung.

More Pictures…Well done, Isabel…

Mrs. Bardalez.
Mrs. Bardalez.

Lots of music and entertainment…this was an East Indian dance:

East Indian Dance.
East Indian Dance.

The ribbon cutting:

Ribbon Cutting.
Ribbon Cutting.
Puma Service Station.
Puma Service Station.

And of course, we had the traditional celebration food for lunch…cohune cabbage!!

Cohune Cabbage lunch.
Cohune Cabbage lunch.

See You At Dick's Service Station Today!

Munchkin.Ninja.FlyingSee you at The Grand Opening of RailB Service Station today from 9am to 2pm.  This is Dick’s Service Station on the Southern Highway, Toledo, Belize.  We will have our popular Casa Mascia products including Copal Medicinal Soap, Copal Medicinal Oil and lots more.  Many products will be at a special discounted price just for the special day.  You can’t beat our Runaway Best Price!!

Our Products:

Copal Medicinal Soap.
Copal Medicinal Soap.
Copal Medicinal Oil Vial.
Copal Medicinal Oil Vial.

See you all there!!  Support Toledo…it’s a gem of a place!