Tag Archives: Celebration

Pictures From The Weekend.

Together.Another.City.ShotHi There!!  Here are some pictures from the weekend event at the Grand Opening of Rail B Service Station on the Southern Highway, Toledo, Belize.  We had fun…good to get out and socialise! There was a lot of interest in our Copal products; it is good to see that there is a demand for natural medicines.  Anyway, here are some pictures:

Paul Mahung was in top form.  For all our International readers, he is our usual Master of Ceremonies down her in Toledo; you can’t have an event without MC. Mahung.

Paul Mahung.
Paul Mahung.

More Pictures…Well done, Isabel…

Mrs. Bardalez.
Mrs. Bardalez.

Lots of music and entertainment…this was an East Indian dance:

East Indian Dance.
East Indian Dance.

The ribbon cutting:

Ribbon Cutting.
Ribbon Cutting.
Puma Service Station.
Puma Service Station.

And of course, we had the traditional celebration food for lunch…cohune cabbage!!

Cohune Cabbage lunch.
Cohune Cabbage lunch.