All posts by Munchkin

New Casa Mascia Product!

Lime Sulphur Fungicide Treatment.
Lime Sulphur Fungicide Treatment.

We are pleased to announce that we have a new product: Lime-Sulphur Fungicide For All Plants.   This is an organic product indicated for the treatment of plant fungus.   For more product details and usage directions click on the link.

This is available at The Farm Store in Punta Gorda, Toledo.  If you live outside this region, you can check out ordering information in The Apothecary.

Combat the fungus with Lime-Sulphur Fungicide For All Plants.  If you can’t remember the name, just ask for Presidente No.2!!

Organic Fungicide.
Organic Fungicide.

Copal Resin.


Hello There.  We are have been cleaning up copal blocks to use the resin to make soap, ointment and medicinal oil.  These are the blocks which you purchase at PG market:

Fresh Copal Blocks.
Fresh Copal Blocks.
Fresh Raw Copal.
Fresh Raw Copal.

Copal resin is tapped from the Copal tree (Protium copal) which is a tree indigenous to Belize.  It is most commonly used as incense; to use: break off pieces of copal and burn on hot coals.  It has an earthy resinous smell which is very aromatic.  Copal has also been used as a medicine by the ancient Maya for the treatment of skin ailments.  We process the copal to remove all the gunk (leaves, bark, flies and all).  This is the trash that you get out of the blocks…

Copal Trash
Copal Trash

We use the refined resin to make our copal products.  Our copal products are recommended for rash, itch, insect bites and they can also be used as a natural anti-septic and anti-fungal.  Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, Copal Medicinal Oil can be used an external rub for muscle-ache and arthritis.

Copal Products:

Copal Medicinal Soap.
Copal Medicinal Soap.
Copal Medicinal Ointment.
Copal Medicinal Ointment.
Copal Medicinal Oil.
Copal Medicinal Oil.

If you are interested in reading more about Copal, click on the link.  For more product information, click on The Apothecary.

Good Time To Harvest Roots.

Together.Eating.Fire.PotThe dry season in Belize is a great time to harvest roots.  We have been pulling up cassava from our beds.  Each plant has been giving us a generous 10lbs (5kg) of root.  Cassava requires immediate processing because it tends to go off after 1 or 2 days.  We usually peel a whole load of them in one go, boil them and then store them in the freezer.

Cleaning Cassava.
Cleaning Cassava.

This is food security:

Peeled Cassava.
Peeled Cassava.

This time we had a surprise harvest.  Gnome called me out to the veranda and said,

“Surprise!!  I found three brains for you!”


He was of course referring to these; elephant foot yam which we have humourously coined “The Brain.”

Triple Brain.
Triple Brain.

More Food!!

Zazen Duckies Are Not Convinced!


So what’s happening with the Zazen Duckies in the Zen Garden?  They’ve been giving Mayor Gnome the “Duckie Look” for weeks.

Duckie Look.
Duckie Look.

Mayor Gnome has made a valiant attempt to ignore these enquiring looks for fear of confrontation.  But alas, it seems that our spiritual duckies are winning out on this staring competition.  He finally broken down and asked them:

“What’s the matter duckies?”


Spokesduckie:  “Mayor Gnome!  We are embarrassed by your weak ploys and foolish manipulation to get us into those concrete monstrosities.”

Mayor Gnome:  “Oh, you mean the laying nests which I built for you to strict ISO building standards?”

Spokesduckie:  “Yes.  Do you honestly think that we would lay eggs in them?”

Mayor Gnome:  “Well, yes.  What’s wrong with them?”

Spokesduckie:  “There have ping pong balls in them!”

Mayor Gnome: “They are supposed to be fake eggs!”

Fake Eggs.
Fake Eggs.

Spokesduckie: “Well you certainly didn’t fool us!”

Mayor Gnome: “So you’re not convinced?”

Spokesduckie: “Mayor Gnome…they have “Halux 40″ written on them?”

Mayor Gnome: “Oh.”

Mayor Gnome: Unsure.


Definitely Habaneros.

Munchkin.BossieYip, these are most definitely habaneros.  A while back, I wanted to plant Jalapeños and bought a seed packet imported from the States.  When the first lot of leaves started coming out, I had some doubts because they were heart-shaped rather than elongated.  Nevertheless, Gnome told me to be patient and I waited a bit longer.  The plants started flowering and then I watched the formation of the fruits with great anticipation.  All this time, I kept on think to myself…



Gnome: “My dear…be patient!”


Well, there’s not denying it!  They are definitely habaneros!!

Red habaneros.
Red habaneros.

They are still nice and I do like the red colour of these habaneros.  Okay…back to looking for some real jalapeño seeds!

Surprise Sesame Seed Plants!


A while back, I bought some sesame seeds from the market in Punta Gorda.  It was sold in a thin plastic bag and when I got back home, I just placed the bag on the shelf in the kitchen.  I am one of those messy types of cooks with a plethora of bags and containers of raw ingredients placed on my kitchen shelf for easy access.

The next morning I found the bag ripped open with tell-tale cat teeth marks on the bag.

Our cat has a predilection for all food in plastic bags; this is because once he found beef jerky in a plastic bag and since then he will attempt to chew through all plastic bags in the hope of finding beef jerky.

Some of the sesame seeds had spilled on the floor so I quickly vacuumed it with my little companion Eureka.  The cat had scarpered by then and there was no hope of getting him to clean it up!

Eureka Is The One On The Left.
Eureka Is The One On The Left.

Thinking that it was just organic waste, I emptied the contents of vacuum cleaner into a nearby plant pot.  And look what I’ve got 3 months later…surprise sesame seed plants!

Sesame Seed Plants.
Sesame Seed Plants.

Looks like it is an easy crop to grow…will probably harvest this lot to plant on the farm.

An Evening Out.

Liqueur.Tasting.TogetherYes, Shock! Horror!  We left our comfortable nest in the bush to go out for the evening.  We went to Belcampo for Green Drinks with some friends.  The scenery up there is spectacular; sipping on an ice cold drink whilst watching the sunset is certainly a pleasant experience!

Belcampo Bar.
Belcampo Bar.

Duckie and Tim were in top form:

Duckie and Tim.
Duckie and Tim.

The display at the bar is nice with all the greens from their garden.  This is Tim making a drink for me!

Tim At The Bar.
Tim At The Bar.

It was a great excuse to go out and it gave us the chance to dress up…Gnome’s mother had sent us some lovely new clothes (nice stuff…not our usual farm attire).

Vanilla Pods!


A few weeks ago, Gnome started pollinating the vanilla.  It was pretty hard work because he had to climb a ladder to get to the flowering vines.

Ladder For Pollinating Vanilla.
Ladder For Pollinating Vanilla.
Vanilla Flowers.
Vanilla Flowers.

We were actually asked if the scent of the flowers were like vanilla.  When I went to check the first time, I didn’t think that they smelt of anything.  With subsequent sniffs, I think they have a faint sweetish scent similar to honeysuckle.

Anyway, the pollinating has worked and we have pods forming!  Oooooh…look at that…we are so pleased!

Vanilla Pods.
Vanilla Pods.

We will have to wait for the pods to mature…takes about 6 months; indications are when they turn pale start to split at the end.  They get to about 15cm in length.  Harvesting still requires a lot of attention because each pod ripens in its own time so this is another job to add onto the daily list!  Phew…farming is actually a lot of work!

Not So Dry!


Yippee!!  We had a good rain last night which filled up half of the tank.  And now it’s raining again so we should have the tank completely filled.  Good thing Gnome sorted this out:

Tank In Place.
Tank In Place.

We were so worried because the dry days seemed never-ending (it always feels like that every year).  At least now our poor shriveled tobacco plants will start growing again:

Tobacco Plants.
Tobacco Plants.

And the pond might start filling up…look…it has been reduced to a single puddle!

Pond Drying Up.
Pond Drying Up.

Hopefully with this extra bit of rain, our mangoes will get fat and juicy.

Mangoes Growing.
Mangoes Growing.

All the fruit trees on the farm will benefit from this splendid rain…what a relief!

Akee Fruit.
Akee Fruit.

Munchkin And Gnome Update.

So Hot!!
So Hot!!

We are still here!  Lately the daily RealFeel of 50C (115F) has been absolutely awful.  We have been up at 3am doing our stuff in the cool of the morning (still RealFeel 30C/86F).  The heat has frazzled my brain and the inspiration to write just wasn’t there!

Gnome has been charging on full speed and managed to set up the water tank for the imminent (well, we hope) rains.  This is the new look tank in Belize called Best Tank:

New Water Tank.
New Water Tank.

I think that these tanks are made within the country so they have stopped importing the Rotoplast type.

Rotoplast Water Tank.
Rotoplast Water Tank.

I mentioned to Gnome:

“Hmmmm…I don’t really like the colour of these new tanks.  Quite bland.”


Gnome replied with:

“My dear, are you going back to your Ikea days when you wanted everything in spring green stripes or pastel blue?  I’m afraid that we don’t live like that anymore.”
