We have been out and about, doing a bit of this and that, and socialising. Internet has been intermittently on and off hence the inconsistencies in writing up posts.
On Friday night, we ended up going out late at 7pm to see some patients. Also, we met friends at Belcampo (lodge in Toledo) for a soiree. Look at this place…this could be anywhere from California to Glasgow but it is actually in Toledo, Belize!

Again on Saturday night, I couldn’t fulfil scheduled blogging time because we had another doctor call-out at 7pm. No rest for the wicked!
On the road today to Placencia which is a 2 hour drive from Toledo. Placencia is a strip of land nestled between two large bodies of water (Caribbean Sea and Placencia Lagoon). Real estate is booming right now and there are new resorts popping up everywhere. Check out the pictures.
Gnome suggested that a gaggle of geese would look picturesque on the moat.

Luxury in Placencia:

Anyway, we visited a friend who has recently moved to Placencia from Italy. Yes indeed, Munchkin and Gnome have been totally out of character and been socialising around the clock.
We were glad to get back home…back on familiar ground.
Luxury in Toledo:

Bungalow in Toledo, Belize:

Back on the road. This is “Flo’s Bend,” a sharp turn onto Barranco Road which is a 5 minute drive back home. This sharp bend is a real bugger because we have known many personal acquaintances (five, actually) who have ended up in the ditch in the middle of the night. They are usually travelling back home from Flo’s Bar (sixty seconds away) and turn a tad too sharply round the curve.

Ahhh! Home Sweet Home…sixty seconds away: