Category Archives: Our Products

Apothecary Pictures.


Hello Everyone.  This is a late post for me but I decided I had to keep the Blog going to bring the traffic in!!  I have noticed that if I don’t write for about three days, our viewing statistics go down.  Anyway, we found a whole load of missing Apothecary pictures stuck in a nameless file in the computer.  We have downloaded them and I will be sticking them in the appropriate places in our website very soon.  Meanwhile, enjoy our picture gallery!

Chocolate Swirl Soap.  Hand-made with Toledo cacao and coconut oil.

Chocolate Swirl Soap.
Chocolate Swirl Soap.

Our Chocolate Mint Body Wash is made from coconut oil castile soap (totally detergent free) which lathers up very nicely.  A must for any chocolate lover out there!

Chocolate Mint Body Wash.
Chocolate Mint Body Wash.

The Lemongrass Foot Spa is great for tired, achy feet.  It also acts as a natural deodorant and anti-fungal so it can be used for Athlete’s Foot.

Lemongrass Foot Spa.
Lemongrass Foot Spa.

If you feel like treating yourself, why not go for a 32oz (1 litre) Elixir?

Large 32oz Elixir.
Large 32oz Elixir.

Luxury Cacao Butter Soap is one of our new offerings for 2016.  Very indulgent with a creamy lather…lovely!!

Luxury Cacao Butter Soap.
Luxury Cacao Butter Soap.

If you want to see all this stuff plus lots more, please have a look at The Apothecary.

Elixirs at Cotton Tree Lodge.


We had an Elixir Tasting last night at Cotton Tree Lodge with a small group of six.  The lodge is having a Chocolate group at the moment so we set the mood for the night by starting with Cacao Fruit as the first tasting.  This was interesting because it was a new batch and we were curious as to the response from the group.

Cacao Fruit Elixir.
Cacao Fruit Elixir.

In this batch, we actually increased the sugar content in order to balance the astringent qualities of the cacao bean.  The result was a mellow, well-rounded flavour with a definite rich chocolate taste.  Overall, the group found this elixir complex, interesting and unique.

This time, we talked more about the medicinal properties of the Elixirs.  It was very clear that the Cacao Fruit had mood-lifting and stimulating qualities as the night proceeded!  This one got every-one into a talkative and lively mood.

By the end of the tasting, it seemed that the clear favourite was the Grapefruit Elixir.  This one is actually three years old and the maturation process brought out such interesting flavours!  It was a complex combination of pears, apples and honey.  Very silky smooth and unctuous and it had a lovely clear golden colour.

Grapefruit Elixir.
Grapefruit Elixir.

It just goes to show that aging a liqueur makes all the difference.  Most of the Elixirs that we have available are about 2 years old now and getting better.

Again, it was amusing to see the response towards the Culantro Elixir…you either love it or you hate it!!

Fresh Culantro.
Fresh Culantro.

Culantro is used interchangeably with cilantro in this country in cooking.  This herb lends a herbaceous refeshing taste to our Elixir.  Some people absolutely love it because they like everything with the taste of cilantro (culantro).  Others wrinkle up their nose in dismay and describe it as being “too soapy” or “too medicinal.”  The feedback is always very helpful!


For more information on our Elixirs, including taste profiles and medicinal properties, check out our link.  For our full list of Elixirs please check out The Apothecary.

We Are Still Here!


Hello There!!  We are still here but experiencing some technical problems, amongst other things.  First of all, my faithful little hp Notebook died.  It gave one last exhalation, the lights blinked on and then off.  Alas, rest in peace my dear computer which has been our companion for six years and used to accompany us into town during our Internet cafe years.

RIP Computer.
RIP Computer.

And so we have one computer to share which is actually “Gnome’s Laptop.”  it has been hard to get a Munchkin schedule on the computer because Gnome is temporarily out of action.  Yes, the hand is still swollen…

Gnome's swollen hand wrapped up in scarf.
Gnome’s swollen hand wrapped up in scarf.

Gnome has been watching films back to back because he can’t do anything with a swollen left hand.  I really didn’t want to take the computer off him because he was seriously climbing the walls with boredom.  Anyway, the hand is getting better and I am sure we can work on a computer schedule so that I can write posts on a more regular basis!

Oh, and in addition to the computer breaking down (what next, huh?), the printer has carked it too!  So now we have to do “labels on-the go” as we get orders.  This means that before delivery, we have to go to the Internet cafe to print out labels.  We then cut and paste the labels in the car before we pack everything up to send.

Cutting and Labeling in the Truck.
Cutting and Labeling in the Truck.

The other day I forgot the glue stick so had to do another circle around town to pick up glue and return to Tropic Air to stick on the labels.  Last minute packing is done in the car-park at Tropic Air!!

Label and Pack Before Delivery!
Label and Pack Before Delivery!

Despite all this, I would like to think we are delivering the best service!!

Donations For Tumul K'in Event Of The Year!


Hello Everyone!!  We would like to offer our support to Richard and Alisa Atkinson (for all our British readers, they are the ones that appeared on TV with Kevin McCloud).  They are holding a Christmas Fair at Tumul K’in Centre of Learning in Toledo.

Some stuff that we have donated for the Christmas raffle:

Casa Mascia Donations.
Casa Mascia Donations.

Hopefully we will see you there!!  Mark Sunday the 13th of December on your calendar for the most spectacular Christmas event in Toledo!!

Happy Cyber Monday!!


Hello Everyone!!  Happy Cyber Monday to you all!!  To commemorate this day of spectacular e-commerce shopping, I am offering 10% off ALL Apothecary items today.  Sale ends Midnight  tonight.  Every buyer also gets a Free Collectors’ Edition Vintage Jonas Gift Bag!!

Check out The Apothecary for the new stuff including:

Chocolate Body Wash.
Chocolate Body Wash.
Castile Soap.
Castile Soap.

Enjoy Shopping!!

Can Somebody Help? Who Are Jonas?


Can anybody tell us Who Jonas Are?  Have we missed out on anything good?  Somehow the last 10 years of Belize has acted as a time warp and we have no knowledge of current trends and popular fads.  We have no idea.. are these guys old or new?  Are they a Christian Pop Band?  We  have ended up with hundreds of Jonas Gift Bags and this is how it happened…

Just last week, our old missionary friend phoned me up and asked if I had ordered gift bags to be sent to his States address.  I recalled that a long time ago (2 years to be exact) I had ordered some golden organza bags via Amazon, from China, to be sent to his address.  They never appeared and so I had given them up for being lost in the post somewhere out there!  So, when he mentioned Gift Bags, I immediately thought that they had at long last arrived.  When our friend came to deliver the stuff he literally chucked a huge bin bag liner over the gate, a few token papayas and scurried quick smart back into his truck.  He made a hurried excuse about needing a hair-cut, pushed the gas pedal down and was gone before I could even utter a word of thanks.

I opened up the bag and this is what I got.  Hundreds of these in all shapes and sizes.

Jonas Gift Bags.
Jonas Gift Bags.
More Jonas.
More Jonas.
And More Jonas.
And More Jonas.

I have the sneaky suspicion that my missionary friend has happily off-loaded these bags onto me regardless of whether I have true ownership.  I think they probably came from some church bazaar along with woolly jumpers and coffee mugs.  Anyway, since I continue to receive gifts under the auspices of Jesus, I would like to extend this gesture by giving away a free Jonas bag with every International order from our website.  Yay!!  Start Shopping!!

Fried Cassava With Peach Palm Miso Dip.


Mmmmm…deep fried cassava is one of our favourites…it is really hearty and warming for colder days in Belize.

Fried Cassava with Miso Dip.
Fried Cassava with Miso Dip.

And since we are moving into winter time in Belize when the temperature can drop down to 18C (64F), this dish is perfect.

To prepare the cassava, peel and wash:

Dug Up Cassava.
Dug Up Cassava.
Peeled Cassava.
Peeled Cassava.

Boil the cassava in a stockpot.  You will know when they are ready when they start to split length-wise.  Drain the roots and once they have cooled down, slice them into 1/2 inch circular pieces.  Heat up oil (I use a wok) until smoking.  Fry about 10 pieces at a time, until golden brown, and drain on kitchen towel.

To make Peach Palm Miso Dip combine the following :

2 tbsp Soya Sauce

2 tbsp Honey

1 tsp Peach Palm Miso (or Shiro Miso)

Peach Palm Miso Dip.
Peach Palm Miso Dip.

Enjoy!!  We deliver Peach Palm Miso in Punta Gorda on Wednesdays.  Contact us by email or Facebook if you are interested and we can drop it off for you.

Peach Palm Miso.
Peach Palm Miso.

We can also send it to you via Tropic Air within Belize.  Check out The Apothecary for prices.

Pet Stuff.


Hello Everyone.  We have just delivered some Pet Products to the Farm Store in Punta Gorda.  These include Jackass Bitters and Neem Pet Soap and Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip.

The pet soap is made from jackass bitters and neem leaf for control of fleas, ticks and mites without the use of strong chemicals.  The Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip is used for more severe infestations of mange, fleas, ticks and ringworm.

Both products are safe to use on your pets.  As you can see: our pets love Sulphur Dip Time!

Washing Dog with Sulphur Dip.
Washing Dog with Sulphur Dip.
Clean Cat.
Clean Cat.

For anyone who lives in Belize, outside of Punta Gorda, we can have these products delivered via Tropic Air.  We also ship Internationally.  Check out The Apothecary for more information and prices.

Peach Palm Miso: The Basics.


We have had a great response with our Peach Palm Miso.  A Big Thank-you to all the people who bought it last week.  Their  support is much appreciated.  We even sent one packet on Tropic Air to Placencia. So, yes we can send this food product to anyone within the country via Tropic Air.  It is a fermented product so does not need special refrigeration.  Once you receive it, it should be refrigerated or stored in cool, dry place.  It is best consumed within 6 months but can be kept indefinitely…like all fermented products it actually gets more flavoursome with time.

Peach Palm Miso.
Peach Palm Miso.

To start with basics, to make a simple miso soup, dissolve one teaspoon of peach palm miso in hot water and simply enjoy!  Miso is a healthy pro-biotic food which can aid digestion and helps maintain healthy digestive flora.  Moreover, our miso, is made with peach palm and white rice koji only so it is completely gluten-free.


Anyone interested in purchasing Peach Palm Miso, please contact us by email or Facebook.  We can deliver within Punta Gorda on Wednesdays (tomorrow) or send by Tropic Air to the destination of your choice within Belize. Check out The Apothecary for prices.

Freshly Made Chocolate Lip Balm!


We have just made a delivery of freshly made lip balms to the Cotton Tree Chocolate Factory in Punta Gorda.  This is a must-have for all chocolate lovers out there!  They are made from real chocolate, cacao butter for extra smoothness and honey!  They are available as Chocolate Smoothie Lip Balm or Orange Chocolate Smoothie Lip Balm.

Chocolate Lip Balm.
Chocolate Lip Balm.

Cotton Tree Chocolate:

Cotton Tree Chocolate.
Cotton Tree Chocolate.

Get your extra fresh smoothie lip balms here!!