Tag Archives: Foot Soak

More Apothecary Pictures.

Munchkin.Kimono.TableI have updated The Apothecary section of our Website and finally (it has been more than a year) put in the following pictures:

This is our Body Salt Scrub range available in lemongrass, lavender, passionflower and ylang-ylang scents.  The scents are all made from plant extracts or essential oils.

Body Salt Scrubs.
Body Salt Scrubs.

Here is the Foot Spa Range which is also available in the same scents.  These foot soaks are ideal for soothing tired or swollen feet  or used as a natural anti-fungus (Athlete’s Foot) remedy.  Or you could just use it as a relaxing treat!

Foot Spa.
Foot Spa.

Last but not least, here is a picture of our Chocolate Velvet range which is available in original, orange, mint and all-spice flavours:

Chocolate Velvet Range.
Chocolate Velvet Range.

All labels are designed by Gnome, printed out here in the middle of the bush and pasted by yours truly.  These are Authentic 100% Munchkin and Gnome products.  Be aware of “Made in China” Cheapo copies!! 😉

Apothecary Pictures.


Hello Everyone.  This is a late post for me but I decided I had to keep the Blog going to bring the traffic in!!  I have noticed that if I don’t write for about three days, our viewing statistics go down.  Anyway, we found a whole load of missing Apothecary pictures stuck in a nameless file in the computer.  We have downloaded them and I will be sticking them in the appropriate places in our website very soon.  Meanwhile, enjoy our picture gallery!

Chocolate Swirl Soap.  Hand-made with Toledo cacao and coconut oil.

Chocolate Swirl Soap.
Chocolate Swirl Soap.

Our Chocolate Mint Body Wash is made from coconut oil castile soap (totally detergent free) which lathers up very nicely.  A must for any chocolate lover out there!

Chocolate Mint Body Wash.
Chocolate Mint Body Wash.

The Lemongrass Foot Spa is great for tired, achy feet.  It also acts as a natural deodorant and anti-fungal so it can be used for Athlete’s Foot.

Lemongrass Foot Spa.
Lemongrass Foot Spa.

If you feel like treating yourself, why not go for a 32oz (1 litre) Elixir?

Large 32oz Elixir.
Large 32oz Elixir.

Luxury Cacao Butter Soap is one of our new offerings for 2016.  Very indulgent with a creamy lather…lovely!!

Luxury Cacao Butter Soap.
Luxury Cacao Butter Soap.

If you want to see all this stuff plus lots more, please have a look at The Apothecary.

Artisan Soaps and Apothecary Additions.

Munchkin and Gnome: Mad About the Beans!

Phew…today started off with steaming, stifling heat at 5.30 in the morning and it just got hotter and hotter.  In the dry season, strategy is the key and there is a small window of opportunity from 6am to 10am to “get things done” and in our case this means brush-mowing the farm, collecting coconuts and processing them into cream, weeding, watering plants, housework, making soap and packing products.  It is indeed a mad rush before the wall of heat gets the better of you and you collapse into a red-faced, sweaty heap.  What Fun!!

Here are the Artisan Chocolate Soaps that we made yesterday:

Product.Stack.Soaps.Chocolate.SwirlThe soaps turned out to be more of an “impressionist” style of art, as you will see from the following Rorscharch examples.  For those of you who are not familiar with Rorscharch, it is a test which uses a system of ink-blot pictures as psychological analysis.  Being a doctor, I think it is fun to try to perceive impressions from our Artisan chocolate swirl soaps.

Rorscharch Gallery:

A Crab…

Product.Soap.Chocolate.Swirl.Gallery.3A Pig Snout… Product.Soap.Chocolate.Swirl.Gallery.2

A Willow Tree Bending in The Wind…


I do have quite an imagination!  Do you see it too?  Or am I just getting googly-eyed from the heat?

Last but not least, there have been new additions to The Apothecary which include: Body Salt Scrubs (Lavender, Lemongrass, Passionflower, Ylang-Ylang) and Foot Soaks in the same scents.  This completes our Spa range of products.