The word Kipple was first coined by Philip K Dick in “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.” This is the definition:
It refers to the sinister type of rubbish which simply builds up without any human intervention. Eventually, one day, the entire world will have moved to a state of kipplization.
Well, we have a Kipple Box which contains a whole load of crap that we refuse to throw away. We dearly cling onto the stuff as if our very lives depended upon them! Hey, at least it’s just a box…I am sure everyone has kipple lurking in the dark recesses somewhere… perhaps in the drawer, the cupboard, the bedroom or even the entire house! It is an insidious monster that invades and pervades every nook and cranny!

Every now and then I sort through the box and have a good laugh at the useless rubbish that we are holding onto. Here are a few pictures:
Casino dice from the old days when we played Craps all night:

Chinese ear buds with the scoopy bit..

I asked Gnome over and over again,
“What are these?”
He wouldn’t explain himself, rolled his eyes and muttered,
“It’s just kipple.”

Hair stuff…bought them about 8 years ago and never used them!

This has never been used before either:

Trapping Wires?!

Water sensor for the broken water pump:

Hmmm…someday they might come in useful….
There was a whole lot of other stuff including old batteries, spectacles, a strop and a badger-hair shaving brush, dental floss, plastic razors, etc, etc.
Well you know what I did. I put them all back into the box and said to Gnome:
“Well you never know…don’t want to throw anything away just in case.”
Gnome calmly ignored me and said nothing.