Category Archives: Amusing

Shopping In The City.

Together.from.FrontYou might think that it would be exciting to go the capital city of Belize, Belmopan, once in a while to go shopping.  But alas, our habits and lifestyle have changed so much that we don’t find thrills and excitement in grocery shopping.  This is especially when our wants have become refined and we only want very specific things.  My short list would be chocolate eclairs, smoked salmon and Yorkshire tea…dream on…can’t get any of that here!

Anyway, I did manage to find some Chinese stuff…

This is glutinous rice flour which is used to make mochi balls and Chinese equivalent.

Glutinous Rice Flour.
Glutinous Rice Flour.

This is wheat starch for yummy transparent steamed dim-sum.  There is no gluten in wheat starch…I wonder if people with gluten intolerance can eat this?

Wheat Starch.
Wheat Starch.

Fermented black beans for black bean sauce.  I remember my mum telling me that this stuff was for real Chinese people and that the black bean sauce jars were for “other people.”  Anyway, I still consider myself Chinese so I will insist on buying the real deal!  Incidentally we are making this stuff…it’s bubbling away in the corner somewhere…not ready yet to unleash the monster!

Preserved Black Beans.
Preserved Black Beans.

Dried lotus root…usually boiled in soups:

Dried Lotus Root.
Dried Lotus Root.

Oh we did find something for the Italian Gnome…although he mostly likes to be a Straits Chinese Gnome.

A big tin of olives:

Tin of Olives.
Tin of Olives.

City Trip!

Together.Talking.HorsesFor the last year or so we have had problems starting the truck.  When we turn the key in the ignition sometimes the engine starts and sometimes it doesn’t.  Usually it takes a few goes before it gets started.  It was becoming such a  routine that the Catholic Gnome would turn the key with a Sardinian prayer.  Finally I said to him that it was just getting too ridiculous and we should just get the starter replaced.  I said to him,

“What if we get stuck out in the middle of nowhere!”


And he replied,

“Babes, we are in the middle of nowhere!”

Piggies Are Happy.

Oh…so we are.


Anyway we took a trip to the Big City last week and got the truck fixed up.  Everything is now fine; we even saw a freezer on a pick-up.  That’s 850 points.

Freezer On A Pick-up.
Freezer On A Pick-up.

Remember the rules?  Here they are again…

This is a Point Allocations game for the spotting of Goods (and assorted paraphernalia) on a Pickup (with a picture):

  • Fridge 1000pts.
  • Washing Machine 900pts.
  • Freezer 850pts.
  • Estufa (Spanish for Stove) 800pts.
  • Boca (Central American Chip Packets) 750pts.
  • Pig 500pts.
  • Tractor Wheels 500pts.
  • Large Ruminant 350pts.
  • Small Ruminants 250pts each.

When you spot the Fridge on a Pickup, the rule is to jiggle your bottom on the car seat and shout out,

“Fridge On A Pickup!!”

with whistles, loud expressive whooping and hand gesticulating.

Thank-you Ginja Bwai for continuing to play this game with us!!

How To Make A Gnome Happy.

New.Munchkin.Gnome.Yellow.BootsHello Everyone!  Just something short and sweet today.  Gnome likes specific things that usually allows for practical applications…this is one of them.  If you know what this actually is, you will know how to procure one.  Otherwise, you will just think it is a piece of junk and if you ever happened to have one cross your path.  Finding one of these makes a Gnome happy:

A Gnomish Object.
A Gnomish Object.

Just one of those Gnome things.  There are of course expensive shiny things that he likes…like gold…again, still immensely practical!  Ha-Ha 🙂

Thank-you Zazen Duckies!

Food.MunchkinMore harvests from the farm…the ducks have been laying so we have been eating lovely eggs.  Here in Belize, the shop bought eggs are really, really bad…they are runny and the yolks are anaemic.  You can’t even make a proper custard with them…believe me, I have tried and I ended up with a yellow snot that won’t thicken.  Thanks to our Zazen duckies for their contribution to the farm!

Duck Eggs.
Duck Eggs.

Look at the lovely fresh eggs…

Egg Tomato Dish.
Egg Tomato Dish.

I’d love an egg mold to make flower-shaped eggs like these…

Flower Shaped Egg.
Flower Shaped Egg.

I asked Gnome to make me one and he replied with,

“…add it to the list dearest…you might get it in a couple of years time if you’re lucky.”

And I said,



Oh what a shame!

Haiku Gnome. of you may have noticed that Gnome has started posting up Haikus.  I think that it is a good thing and it gives us a few giggles and guffaws.  Often when we find something humourous, nobody else does so this one may purely be for our own benefit.  Though we would be pleased if these were received with joy and release  in your hearts too.  😉

So, how did this come about?  This is what happened…

I had received a pannetone cake tin from a friend and I was anxious to bake one and show a picture on my Blog.  Well, that was the plan anyway.  In my usual haphazard way of baking  I proceeded without a recipe.  Just sort of made it up.  Needless to say, the baking venture went wrong.  I was all in a tizz in the kitchen, getting myself into a maddening hysteria.  It was one of those really, really hot days.


Gnome was hot and bothered too and was in no mood for my antics.  He said rather coarsely:

“If you had actually read a recipe and done it properly, you wouldn’t be in this mess!  It’s your own fault!”


Waaaahhhh!!  I was none too pleased with his reply.  It made me Waaaaahhhh!! even more.

When Gnome realised that his directness had only served to exacerbate the situation, his countenance suddenly changed.  Anger was replaced by cool placidity.  He said with unwavering surety,

“The caterpillar must grow wings in order to flutter high.”


Gnome had made a complete U-turn in our usual “chucking-a-maddy”script which shifted me off balance.

I paused in mid-flail.  Arms in the air.

What an obtuse reference…it was all too funny!!  We both saw the stupidity of the whole situation and cracked up laughing.

This is when we got the idea that Gnome should start writing Haikus.  Often, he is viewed as too direct and honest in his words.  So this is an opportunity for Gnome expression; nicely obtuse and obscure and uncharacteristically airy-fairy for an immensely pragmatic Gnome.

Italian Style Fry Jack Brunch.

Jumping.MunchkinIf you ever look through my Belize Wild Recipes section, you will know that I like “mixing it up” and revel in being non-traditional in my invention of meals.  I am indeed a Rebel Cook!! ;).  Anyway, I’ve cooked an Italian Style meal to eat with fry jacks.  Just in case you don’t know, fry jacks are puffed up dough traditionally eaten in Belize with refried beans or eggs for breakfast.  Well, I am being twice the rebel because I have modified it into Italian and Brunch!

This is really easy:

Take the following:

1 tbsp olive oil

1 medium onion, chopped finely

1 to 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

and saute until onions are nicely  browned.  Add:

5 peeled plum tomatoes (fresh/tinned), finely chopped

1/2 tsp of Italian Herbs (fresh/dried)

Salt to taste

Place a tight fitting lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

Next, take the lid off and crack eggs onto the simmering dish:

Fresh Eggs.
Fresh Eggs.

These are our lovely duck eggs; allow 1 to 2 eggs per person.  The timing for the eggs is crucial!  Put the lid back on; for soft cooked eggs, cook for 3 minutes 45 seconds; for hard boiled eggs, cook for 5 to 6 minutes.  I like them soft and gooey so I have to really quick about it!

Italian Brunch.
Italian Brunch.

Serve immediately.  Best with Fry Jacks but you can have it with crusty bread or toast.

Italian Fry Jack Brunch.
Italian Fry Jack Brunch.

In The Midst Of Dry Season.

Munchkin.FuryThe heat is Punishing; It’s stifling hot and we are suffering in the midst of dry season in Belize.  I’m not whining for nothing…it has been a real feel of 117F (47C)!  Phew!!  The Piggies are whining in Paradise too…with squeals, squawks and prolonged weeeeeeeeeees!  Mmmm…maybe we should do a Piggie Haircut Day…anyone for a mow-hawk!!  It’s not a joke by the way, we do shave their hair as an annual event..

The Heat Is Punishing!
Did You Say Mow-Hawk?!!

On the farm, we are having issues with water scarcity.  We haven’t had any rains for four weeks now.  We have a shallow well which is being pumped up by an air-compressor (using the air-lift method).  If you have any inclination to read about our Water Saga (actually quite an entertaining read!) then please click on the following pages: Pump Vs Frog and Gnome Premonitions.

Anyway, today Gnome decided to change the tubing which connects the compressor to the bottom of the well.  The air goes down the tubing and displaces the water which shoots up out of a PVC pipe.  The well hasn’t been filling up quick enough so we figured that we needed to draw up the water slower with a smaller tube.  So, today we both got hot and sweaty to pull all the piping up to make the necessary changes.

Pulling Up Pipe.
Pulling Up Pipe.

Our hope is that there will be a continuous draw of water rather that spits and spurts.  Anyway, let’s hope this will work otherwise there will be more Gnome tweaking.  😉

More Elixir Tastings…


We have been busy little bees frequenting Cotton Tree Lodge with our Elixir offerings.  As usual, the crowd starts off meek and quiet and as we proceed, they start getting rowdier.  Here is a picture from last week…there is a leg up in the air…I took it as a good sign!

A Jolly Knees Up.
A Jolly Knees Up.

Last night we had the pleasure of hosting the Taza Chocolate based in MA, USA.  They were a very interested and inspired group; this lot took the tasting very seriously and even used napkins to help determine the colour and clarity of the liqueurs.

Elixir Tasting.
Elixir Tasting.
Taza Chocolate.
Taza Chocolate.

Even the big bossie Chris Crowell joined us last night:

Christopher Crowell.
Christopher Crowell.

The favourites always vary from group to group.  This time, the Balam Spirit was much appreciated for its unique nutty and spicy aroma.

Balam Fruit.
Balam Fruit.

Another clear favourite was the Passionfruit Elixir noted for its subtle floral and fruity components.  A few of the group members were intrigued by its apparent aphrodisiac properties…

Passionfruit Elixir.
Passionfruit Elixir.