We made another round of soaps today; this time they are the White Pitahaya Soaps which are facial soaps for acne and oily-prone skin. The seeds are rich in nourishing oils; prior to making the soap, we lightly crush the seed and infuse them in coconut oil to allow diffusion of oils. The coconut oil is then used to make the soap.
Pitahaya is also called Pitaya (also, dragon fruit) and is of the Hylocereus sp. They can come in different colours namely red, white and yellow. They are highly esteemed in Belize, Central America and in Asian countries. The seeds, in our soaps, are obtained from the local variety which has a red flesh. Our soaps are called “White Pitahaya” because they are white in colour, not because the seeds are obtained from the white variety.
Here are some pictures:

These soaps are unscented so that they can be used for sensitive skin. They have a natural, subtle coconut smell to them and they produce a lovely creamy lather. The seeds are also mildly exfoliating.

Check out The Apothecary for our full range of coconut oil soaps. Also, if you live in Punta Gorda, you can find the White Pitahaya soap at Vance Vernon Pharmacy on Front Street.
Enjoy your Sunday!!