Tag Archives: Frog

Camera Problem!!

Munchkin.Another.Funny.ShotWe are now facing a slight problem with writing our posts.  Our camera has suddenly stopped working and it looks like it is going the usual way of “throw-away consumables.”  Now, this is really upsetting because the camera was  a gift and it was not cheap.  It has only lasted 18 months.  We are not the kind of people who like to throw away stuff to buy more gadgets to play with and throw again.  Plus, we are in Belize!!  I can not physically buy a brand new camera in Punta Gorda, I would have to drive two hours to Belmopan to get one.  Anyway, we tried the camera on my crappy phone (I am still using a flip phone whilst everyone now is onto the clunky, rectangular looking things) and it does work.  The only problem is that, for some unknown reason, we can not transfer pictures from the phone to the computer.  Possibly because Gnome uses Linux rather than Windows??  However, it does work the other way…pictures from computer to phone…but, that is of no help to us.   Arrrrghhh!!!

I don’t know if getting a new phone will change things…I  loathe to buy yet another gadget.  It is my philosophy to keep a mobile phone until it dies its natural death, usually a life-span of 2 years (how ridiculous).   I might be trying the pawn shop for a cheap camera!!

Here are some pictures that I saved up for a rainy day:

Caterpillars on African Tulip Tree.
Caterpillars on African Tulip Tree.

Poor Froggy!!  Must breed more in our buckets of water…

Snake Eating Frog.
Snake Eating Frog.

Let’s hope we come up with a solution because otherwise, you will just have to read my plain old words and imagine the pictures!

Adventure, Romance and Frog Spotting!

More.TogetherLast-night we had a late medical call-out and ended up coming back home at about 10.30pm.  That is late for us considering we are in bed by 8pm usually for our 4am wake-ups.  Anyway, that was the adventurous part for us.  When we came back home, we were still a bit hyperactive from the night’s events so I made us both a nice hot toddy (with a shot of rum).  We sat on the back steps together, side by side, sipping on our drinks in the light of the moon.  That was the romantic part.  We were already sitting ad-mist an orchestra of incessant ribitting and it was getting louder and louder and louder.  So, Gnome stumbled upon the idea of shining a light where-ever we could hear the heavy bass notes of frogs and toads.  And so we did.  It was amazing…we were surrounded by these tiny little jumping, squishy green creatures that could emit such loud, yet melodic and co-ordinated sounds.  That was the frog spotting part.

Liqueur.Tasting.Back.ViewCheekily, in my mind I thought of all the email marketing of Rain-forest, Lodge, Romantic Get-aways and thought of the catchy marketing jargon:

Adventure, Romance and Frog Spotting Bliss!!

Come seek the Adventure of a life-time in the beautiful, unspoiled rainforests of Belize.  Experience unforgettable romance with your loved one as you sit in the moon-light with the chorus of melodic frogs.  Delight in an experience like no other!  Share in the adventure…endless love…frog serenades…

Start your adventure now!

Animal Farm.

Munchkin.Hair.FlowingHere are some pictures of “animals in action” on our farm.  First of all, I would like to say that our cat is back on track after his traumatic event.  He rather enjoyed being fed three times a day and the intensive heavy petting.  No more nightmares for Kitty and by the way, he is sleeping well.  This is the cat “not in action.”

Doing Well.
Doing Well.

Tarantula in the house…this one might actually be a resident but we don’t mind because he does the night shift so only comes out after dark.  I used to be terrified of spiders when I lived in Scotland (and they were tiny compared to the ones here).  Anyway, I actually think that the furriness makes the tarantula look cute and cuddly.

Resident Tarantula.
Resident Tarantula.

I am pleased to tell you that The Gnome Mark III Stingless Bee Beehive has been a success and the little troopers are doing their thing.

Gnome Mark 3 Beehive.
Gnome Mark 3 Beehive.

And, of course, our beloved piggies residing at the famous gated community of Paradise Pastures are doing their piggie thing…eating.  The population is now 15 with 4 expecting mothers.  The maternity wing is ready to receive them!  A few days ago, Mayor Gnome presented each of them with a gift of a personal wax apple.  They were very happy but somewhat confused over personal ownership and so they ended up playing a popular piggie game called “snatch and grab.”

Three Piggies Eating One Apple.
Three Piggies Eating One Apple.

Doing a photo shoot with guinea pigs is actually really difficult because they tend to be camera-shy.  As soon as they see a camera pointing at them they usually scurry off into the corners.  So, you have to realise that I took about 30 camera clicks to get these photos.  I have to say that Stumpy (the Grandmother of all the piggies so-called because she has one stumped leg due to an unfortunate accident in the past) is a real champion with photos because she has bilateral cataracts so she can’t spot the camera.  She’s a real natural, very photogenic:

Grandma Stumpy on the right.  What a Cutey!
Grandma Stumpy on the right. What a Cutey!

Another piggie picture:

Guinea Pigs Eating Wax Apples.
Guinea Pigs Eating Wax Apples.

This is a huge caterpillar (the size of a finger) feasting on our fig plant.  We eventually had to flick it off because it ate up all the foliage.

Bird Shit Caterpillar.
Bird Shit Caterpillar.

And, last but not least.  This frog jumped onto Gnome’s shoulder and promptly fell asleep.

Froggie on Shoulder.
Froggie on Shoulder.

Gnome is much loved by the frog community for continuing the breeding program in various buckets of water on the farm.

House Visitors.

Together.PerspectiveHello Everyone.  We just spent the last two days chilling out and relaxing.  We still have the same ongoing problems…yes, life goes on but we decided just to take a break from our usual mad running around.  Pause to think about life.

It was partly due to this; it was raining buckets.  When the weather decides not to co-operate with outside activities, it is best to co-operate with reality and do nothing.  We are learning.

Heavy Rains.
Heavy Rains.

Also, we had a visiting froggie that looked like he was contemplating life and so we thought to follow his example.  Sometimes slowing down can be a good thing.

Sleepy Froggie Contemplating Life.
Sleepy Froggie Contemplating Life.

Aside from the froggie, we have had another house visitor…a bat.  He just hung (ha-ha) around for a day or so and then left.

A House Visitor.
A House Visitor.

It reminds me of the time when we first moved onto this farm; the wooden house was just one big room and a whole army of vampire bats had taken residency on the ceiling.  So, on our first night in this house, we bravely (or stupidly?) slept on a mattress perched on wooden boards (rather precariously, I might say) in the midst of a house with the to and fro fluttering of about a hundred vampire bats.  They squeaked, chirped and swooped all around us…it felt like a scene from a horror movie.  Needless to say, we didn’t sleep very well on our first night and still to this very day I wonder why we did it…was it an initiation into ascetic living perhaps or learning to live with all creatures?  Anyway, ten years on, we have house rules…only visitors…and we don’t mind the odd rat snake, tarantula or bat but the rules are that they can not take up residency in our house.  So far, so good…everything seems to be co-operating.