Tag Archives: Rainforest

Adventure, Romance and Frog Spotting!

More.TogetherLast-night we had a late medical call-out and ended up coming back home at about 10.30pm.  That is late for us considering we are in bed by 8pm usually for our 4am wake-ups.  Anyway, that was the adventurous part for us.  When we came back home, we were still a bit hyperactive from the night’s events so I made us both a nice hot toddy (with a shot of rum).  We sat on the back steps together, side by side, sipping on our drinks in the light of the moon.  That was the romantic part.  We were already sitting ad-mist an orchestra of incessant ribitting and it was getting louder and louder and louder.  So, Gnome stumbled upon the idea of shining a light where-ever we could hear the heavy bass notes of frogs and toads.  And so we did.  It was amazing…we were surrounded by these tiny little jumping, squishy green creatures that could emit such loud, yet melodic and co-ordinated sounds.  That was the frog spotting part.

Liqueur.Tasting.Back.ViewCheekily, in my mind I thought of all the email marketing of Rain-forest, Lodge, Romantic Get-aways and thought of the catchy marketing jargon:

Adventure, Romance and Frog Spotting Bliss!!

Come seek the Adventure of a life-time in the beautiful, unspoiled rainforests of Belize.  Experience unforgettable romance with your loved one as you sit in the moon-light with the chorus of melodic frogs.  Delight in an experience like no other!  Share in the adventure…endless love…frog serenades…

Start your adventure now!