Here’s something for the hair from the House of Mascia! This is actually a Golden Oldie and was one of our first products; it is now back by popular demand. It’s just one of those things…as soon as we stopped making the product, we received emails asking, “…where is this?” and, “I bought this a while ago and I can’t find it anymore.”
And so we have it available in The Apothecary and if you live in Punta Gorda, it is available at Vance Vernon Pharmacy.
This is a hot oil treatment that can help re-condition dry and damaged hair:
Allspice and Orange Oil helps stimulate circulation and encourages hair growth.
The combination of base oils nourishes the hair especially if it is sun-damaged, chemically treated or in general bad condition.
The copal resin has natural anti-septic and anti-fungal effects. The anti-inflammatory property of this ingredient also soothes irritated and sensitive scalps.
Allspice And Orange Hair Oil.
And this is how you use it:
Warm vial of hair oil in glass of hot water while washing hair. Dry hair and apply oil to hair. Wrap in plastic for 20 minutes. Relax. Re-wash with shampoo.
About two weeks ago, we had a really bad storm which uprooted one of our trees which then landed on the roof of our nursery. It caused devastation with branches falling everywhere and it ended up blocking our usual walking route through the farm.
Fallen Tree.
When we saw the extent of the mess, we could see the amount of work involved, we looked at each other and said at the same time,
“Oh No!!”
And so we procrastinated for a while plus luckily for us, the weather wasn’t cooperating so there was never a ‘right time’ to clean up. Our Munchkin and Gnome form of procrastination included re-vamping the web-site, making copious amount of pasta to dry and store, designing new products, seeing patients and stuffing ourselves with mangoes. Oh, and I am learning to touch type!
Anyway yesterday was the day and we just got out there and did it! Here are some pictures:
Cleaning up Fallen Tree.
We managed to get the tree off the roof!
Fallen Tree.
We cut up all the wood and it was my job to gather it all up for mulch.
Cutting Up Branches.
All done and as Gnome surveyed the surroundings with a sigh of relief he said nonchalantly,
We are pleased to inform you that we have Cacao Elixir 8oz bottles for sale in The Apothecary. Usually they are snapped up by chocolate connoisseurs at Elixir Tastings before they even get into the on-line shop.
Cacao Fruit Elixir 8oz.
The Cacao Fruit was gathered in May of Last year; the pods were cracked open and the Elixir has been through a lengthy process of infusion and regular siphoning since then.
It started with the Cacao pods:
Cacao Pods.Cacao Fruit Elixir.
The Final Product:
Cacao Fruit Elixir.
This is our Profile for the Cacao Fruit Elixir:
Colour: Amber brown with hints of burgandy.
Clarity: Very slightly translucent.
Nose: Musky, earthy and reminiscent of freshly cut hay.
Taste: Sweet and coats tongue with an unctuous velvety layer. Complex taste with chocolate tones.
Medicinal Indications.
Digestive Stimulant. Mood-lifting properties.
Serving Suggestions.
Store in the freezer for a cool, sipping liqueur. Pour into a liqueur glass or shot glass and enjoy. Excellent after-dinner digestif especially after a heavy meal.
Serve in a highball glass over ice and top up with soda. Add an orange twist to complement the chocolate taste and aroma.
With the start of the rainy season in Belize, the bugs have come out; the whole army of biting bugs include mosquitoes, botless flies, sandflies and noseeums. It can drive you crazy especially when they get aggressive and start buzzing around you. Here are a few tips to keep the bugs at bay:
Wear long sleeves and trousers and socks when you can. Bugs favour the elbows, ankles, face and neck area and reducing the amount of exposed areas, makes less skin area available for biting.
light a lamp or candle 10 feet away from the area that you plan to be using; this will draw any biting insects away from you and actually incinerate them. Make sure that the flame is away from pets, children and causes of mischief.
Bathe regularly and only wear clean clothes after bathing. Biting insects are attracted to body odours and sweat that accumulate without bathing. As a general guideline, the bedroom would benefit from becoming a zone that can only be entered after bathing first to reduce biting insects at night.
Don’t leave anything that can gather standing water near your dwelling. Favourite spots are plant pots, containers and old tyres.
Try and live in a raised dwelling otherwise you need an open fire all the time in the tropics.
After all the above factors are taken into account, it is appropriate to consider using an insect repellent. Incidentally, …wink….wink..nudge…nudge…this Brand works very well.
It’s Monday; dull and gray and it’s the full moon! I can feel the frenzy…or perhaps it is the strong cup of Yorkshire tea I had this morning.
Yorkshire Tea.
Well this certainly a cuppa that hits the spot…Gnome also agrees because he felt the whizzy feeling with it today.
feeling Whizzy?
For all you British connoisseurs out there, there is a couple in Cayo ( who are selling British goodies.
British Goodies.
This is the Munchkin Selection but there is a whole load of stuff on the website. If you are familiar with these products you probably be saying “Ahhhh!” and “Oooohh!”
The business of coughs and colds always fall to the responsibility of the GP and right now, we are having a busy time with it! As I look back at previous years, I have noticed a spike of this type of ailment in June. I think this co-insides with the abrupt change in weather from from dry to rainy season in Belize. On-call, off-duty, on-duty….it’s all the same to a doctor…everywhere we go right now, we are bumping into people with coughs. Just a few days ago, I stepped into a man’s shop and he was lying on his back (on crates) coughing and spluttering. I can’t get away from the call of duty. 😉
I am now armed with a stethoscope and medical paraphernalia as I walk down the streets of Punta Gorda.
We have noticed that some people do start off with a benign cold here…they call it “fresh cold” in Belize. It usually goes away by itself with a bit of rest, good wholesome food and TLC. There are however some people who don’t rest and continue to erratically go through life in the same stressful and deleterious way. These are the ones who get into trouble and the upper respiratory tract infection develops into pneumonia. We end up seeing these people as patients.
Anyway, for all you people who have recently developed the sniffles…STOP. Give your body a rest!! Doctor’s Orders!! And here is an easy drink that you can make at home (3 times daily for the next 7 days) to help reduce the phlegm and cough.
Cough And Cold Remedy.
Put the following in a mug:
Juice of one lime
1 tbsp honey
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/8 tsp chili powder (or a quarter piece of fresh habanero, finely chopped)
Since we are in the business of making hand-made soaps, many people have asked,
“Why Buy Hand-Made Soaps?”
For many people who are not into Artisanal, Hand-Crafted goods, the question is valid and I would like to take the opportunity to explain the reasons.
Soaps are made from fat (eg. tallow, coconut oil, olive oil, etc) and an alkali, usually Sodium Hydroxide (commonly known as lye). These two ingredients react together in a chemical process known as saponification.
Firstly, you need to know about cold-processed and hot-processed soap making.
Cold-Processed Soap Making.
This is typically the process used in making small batch hand-made soaps. The process involves mixing ingredients and allowing the reaction of saponification to occur at room temperature. It is important to note that the making of fine soap involves accurate measurements because it is a very exacting process; too much fat will produce rancid soap and too much alkali can cause skin irritation. Soap-making requires skill, practice and strict measuring.
In other words, you can’t Glug Glug!!
Cold-Processed soap results in a small excess of fat (this is called super-fatting). Also, the glycerin component of the soap remains (compare this to industrially made where all glycerin is extracted as a side product). For these reasons, hand-made soaps are more moisturising than shop bought soaps.
The other advantage of Hand-Made soaps is that the maker can choose the fats and oils according to the qualities that they wish to impart to the soap. For instance, we use coconut oil which allows a rich creamy lather and has characteristic emollient properties.
At this point, I would like to mention briefly that some “Artisanal Soaps” may be made from Melt and Pour Soap. I will go into more detail about this another time. For all intents and purposes, this is a commercially made soap which requires Melting and Pouring into moulds only. In other words, the soap has already been made…people are just re-pouring it. Therefore no soap-making skills are required in this process.
We make Cold-Processed Soap!!
Our Soap.
Hot-Processed Soap Making.
This is the process of making your shop-bought soap which is sold by the millions or billions. The fat and lye are added together in extremely exacting amounts so there is no “super-fatting.” This is boiled and after saponification occurs, the excess fluid is drained off. This fluid contains all of the glycerin component which is extracted as another industrial raw material. So, at this point the soap can be rolled, pelletised and/or flaked so that they can be put into a machine that can make the bars.
Industrial soap does not have the extra fat and glycerin that a cold-processed soap contains.
So, the reason why you might choose to buy Hand-Made Soaps is to have the extra emollient qualities of the soap. You are also supporting an individual rather than an industry.