Do you know that you can forage for greens in Belize? This is purslane…it’s a perfectly good vegetable to eat!

If you are really looking for “organic” one of the answers is foraging. There is plenty of this around…just get your shade hat on and start walking about…

It’s got all the usual good stuff that you would expect from a green vegetable: It is rich in vitamin A and C and has a high percentage of omega 3 which is usually only found in fish oils and flax seed. You can eat it raw in salads or you can cook it anyway which you want. Taste wise, it is mildly acidic with a crunchy texture; the flowers and stems are edible.
C’mon then…get out there and start picking your greens…I’m doing it!

For more information click on Purslane.
I also have some recipes: