YOU won’t believe it!! WE can’t believe it!! MGNews PrimeTime Sunday brings you an exclusive news flash.
Mayor Gnome has changed his campaign!! The day before the Mayoral Elections, no less!!
Here it is guys:
Freedom, Fresh Grass and Beyond!
I Guarantee 5pm Tickling Time For All Toddlers!
Well, this certainly is a change of heart from Mayor Gnome. Tough love has been replaced by promise of love and fresh air. Mayor Gnome had done a complete U-turn!!
It looks like GOOD prevailed and Mayor Gnome has won the battle against EVIL!
MGNews PrimeTime Sunday. What a whizz…we can’t get enough of this election. This is awesome beyond all proportions. Out of this world!!
Reader’s Poll Results and Last Day before The Mayoral Elections 2015, Paradise Pastures!!
MGNews PrimeTime Sunday. We are all in a tizz!! We are soooo excited, we can’t contain ourselves. The suspense is killing us. We look back at all the campaigns, the thrills and the spills, the good and the evil, and twists and the turns, it has indeed been a roller-coaster ride all the way to Election Day.
We are proud to present to you the results of our Reader’s Poll.
Who is the best candidate?
Mayor Gnome 66.67%.
Magical Rodent 33.33%.
Mr Arnold Wang 0%
So, is the Reader’s Poll a reflection of the votes on Paradise Pastures?
We are literally on the edge of our seats…
Who is it going to be?
Arnold Wang, The Pie Man.Magical Rodent, Mad T Mouse.Mayor Gnome, El Diablo Blanco.
Hi Everyone!! The heavy night time rains have stopped for a few days and there are less puddles around the farm. The grass is long (again) and we are gearing up for another big clean up. Didn’t we just do that already?? Here are some pictures which I took whilst trudging about in my rubber boots…I try not to walk in deep puddles because I have a hole in one of my boots!
We have lovely purple basil growing which will be processed into pesto:
Purple Basil.
The last of the cashew fruit for the season…we have really enjoyed cooking with them this year in savoury dishes. Note also the funny looking bug on the green fruit.
Sideways Picture of Cashew Fruit.
These are bilimbi fruit which are really, really sour. So, far I haven’t found anything too exciting to do with these except for stir frys and soups. Any ideas?? Here in Belize, some people like to make a juice out of them but I personally find them a tad too tart.
Bilimbi Fruit.
This flower is of the Aristolochia sp.; they are start off looking like this and at this stage we call them alien pods:
Aristolochia gigantea.
When they open up they look like this and they exude an odious carrion-like smell to attract flies for pollination.
Open Aristolochia.
Beautiful baby woodrose flowers. Once the flowers mature, they produce a wood-like pod which looks like a wooden rose.
Baby Woodrose.
Sometimes I have to remind myself to stop and admire the beauty on our farm rather than running around like mad trying to achieve agendas. Have a good night everyone!! We are staying in tonight and I have made another one of these Chaos Cinnamon Cakes which I will lavishly drizzle with icing:
Monster Cinnamon Goo Cake!!
Ooooh yum!! We are going through a sweet phase right now!!
Oh, and for the rest of you 93.75% of readers who haven’t voted yet for the Favourite Candidate for the Mayoral Election 2015…Hint Hint!!
Just the other day, Gnome was asking me if I could make some sort of dessert which wasn’t heavy like cake but something light and sweet.
We have been processing a lot of coconuts lately so I tried to think up of something with this ingredient.
Our Lovely Coconuts.
Then I suddenly remembered that a long time ago (10 years to be exact) when we first came to Belize, a Hawaiin- Filipino couple had invited us to their farm and served us this delicious dessert made from coconut milk. I had forgotten about it until now and so I rummaged through my personal recipe books and found that I had written it down. I recall that my friends had mentioned that there are variations of this dessert Haupia and that some people like to add fresh fruit to it. I have opted for simple and pure coconut milk squares. They are soft, silky and melt in your mouth.
Haupia: Easy Coconut Dessert.
Gnome was very pleased with the dessert and scoffed off the whole lot in one sitting. This is very unusual for him because he does not have a sweet tooth.
Yum Yum!!
Check out the full recipe for Haupia: Coconut Dessert in Belize Wild Recipes. It is soooo easy to make and it is made from simple ingredients including cornstarch and sugar. If you live in Toledo, you can purchase our coconut cream from Green Supauls (Punta Gorda) to use for this recipe. Otherwise, use fresh or canned coconut milk.
Coconut Cream For Sale At Green Supauls.
You only need to use a 1/4 of this bag, diluted with water to make up the coconut milk component of the recipe.
If you haven’t already…Get Your Vote In!! C’mon guys!! We need your votes for the favourite candidate for Paradise Piggies!!
Munchkin and Gnome have been super cool and happen’ today chasin’ trucks through the mean streets of Punta Gorda Town in Belize. Yes, readers, you can indeed live your life vicariously through the exciting exploits of M&G!!
Mean Streets of Punta Gorda.
Munchkin and Gnome Mission of the Day:
Find an unmarked white truck driving through Punta Gorda Town between the hours of 0900 and Anytime Now (Belizean Mountain Time). Secure 6 bottles of orange oil from the truck.
Tip offs: Driver goes by the name of Eugene. Able to procure the mobile number of truck driver but here in Belize, nobody answers their phone if they do not recognise caller ID. So, no chance of him actually answering the phone.
Munchkin and Gnome at 0900 Hours:
Detective Munchkin enquired at the Chinese Supermarket “James Shop” and asked if they had seen the white truck.
Chinese Girl at Supermarket.
The Chiney Girl replied in perfect Kriol,
“Da truck no di come yet.”
Munchkin and Gnome at 0930 Hours:
Circled the mean streets of Punta Gorda in search of the white truck. No sign of any big white vehicles.
We’re Happenin’!
Munchkin and Gnome at 1000 Hours:
Watched and waited like hawks ready to pounce on their prey. Parked vehicle on the edge of town waiting for the appearance of the “white truck.”
The Edge of Town.
Munchkin and Gnome at 1030 Hours:
Munchkin: Ooohhh!! White Truck!! White Truck!!
As soon as the truck passed, Gnome trailed behind in silence and anticipation. Always keeping a distance so that the truck driver would not get wind of the quiet truck chase. Meanwhile, Munchkin was on the edge of her seat brimming with excitement at the thought of “the catch.”
The truck finally came to a stop and Gnome surreptitiously slowed down and parked quite a ways behind to avoid detection.
Oh…but lo and behold:
The Egg Truck.
Wrong one…this unmarked truck was selling eggs from Spanish Lookout. What a red herring!!
Munchkin and Gnome at 1100 Hours:
Back to the secret waiting spot.
Edge of Town.
Finally a second truck flashed by and they were hot on their heels.
Unmarked White Truck.
When the truck finally stopped, Munchkin accosted the driver and he confirmed his name as Eugene. Six bottles of orange oil were procured outside the Jose Maria Supermarket. There was a silent exchange of money and Munchkin walked away cleanly with the goods secured. Operation successful.
So you might have found this true story funny but this is the reality in Belize (at least here in Punta Gorda). Wholesale trucks from Belize City, Spanish Lookout and Stann Creek have designated days in which they bring their goods down to Punta Gorda. Organisation of delivery of products is precarious at best and for all intents and purposes, practically non-existent. So, if you want something in particular from a wholesale truck, you need to go Truck Chasin’.
We have been busy little bees over the last 6 months or so making Chocolate Artisan Soaps for the new tourist season which starts around November. Here are a collection of pictures to show Gnome’s artistic expression…it is the Italian in him!!
Gnome: An Artist.
An Artistic Tumble of Chocolate Artisan Soaps. Sheer Indulgence. What Every Woman Secretly Wants!!
Chocolate Soap Pile.
Soft Midnight Tones for the New Season:
Chocolate Artisan Soap.
Add Panache and Flair To Your Bathroom:
Chocolate Artisan Soap.
Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate and White Chocolate. Delicious and Seductive Warm Colours.
Chocolate Artisan Soaps.
The “Must Have” Chocolate Artisan Soaps. Sets Aside Your Bathroom From The Rest.
Chocolate Artisan Soaps.
Live Life To The Max..Maximal Velocity With Chocolate Soaps.
We have found a great way of growing pumpkins without the headache of caterpillars boring holes into them and all manner of insects laying their eggs in the growing fruit. Previously, we grew our pumpkins “high and dry” on beds so that we would be able to spot them for harvest. Unfortunately, this also meant that that all the other critters could see them too and we had all sorts of problems with infestations.
Rather fortuitously, a pumpkin patch grew out of a voluntary plant on the ground and it has grown into a monster.
Pumpkin Patch.
The surrounding perennial peanut and grass render the vegetables virtually undetectable to all. This is why we have called it the Hidden Pumpkin Technique. The pumpkins are deeply embedded in the grass and when picked, they are beautiful and pristine with no signs of insect damage.
All you need to do is to find a Munchkin to walk through the patch every day to try to spot any harvestable pumpkin. It can be a lot of fun because they are actually very hard to find and requires the keen eye of a forager.
We have been picking young pumpkins…at this stage, they taste just like courgettes (or zucchini).
Fresh Young Pumpkin.
I rarely allow the pumpkins to fully mature because I distinctly dislike hacking into the tough shell…it is so much work! They are so much sweeter when they are green and can be steamed like a vegetable.
Steamed Pumpkin with Miso Pasta.
We have been mostly eating pumpkin!!
Remember…you can still vote for your Favourite Candidate for the Mayoral Election 2015 for Paradise Piggies!!
One More Week. 8 Days and counting. MGNews PrimeTime Sunday. Boy, we are keeling over with excitement.
Mayoral Election 2015, Paradise Pastures, 21st September 2015.
Mark the date on your calendar because it could possibly the most exciting day of the year! Tonight, we give the viewers the chance to vote in our Paradise Pastures Poll.
You can vote as many times as you like and you have 7 days to do it in. Get Your Votes in Folks!!
Will it be Candidate No.1:
Mr. Arnold Wang, The Pie Man.
Time For a Game Change Piggies!
He is a straight talking, fearless kinda guy who wants to make meat pies out of the piggies. Nothing wrong with a man trying to make his way in the world.
Will it be Candidate No.2:
Magical Rodent.
Ms. Maddy T or Magical Rodent or Mad T Mouse.
Wow, what a mouthful of names but she’s worth the name dropping because she promises to lead the Piggies to their new underground home. She will create the “Universe’s Super Being Piggie” from this community of Piggies and whatsmore, she wants to return to the surface to enslave the humans. A bold statement from an intelligent and thoughtful rodent.
Will it be candidate No.3:
Tuff Love. Nuff Said.
Mayor Gnome, El Diablo Blanco.
Looking for another term at Paradise Pastures. Tough Love Gnome needs no introductions. Even although he has gone through a sinister campaign change, the Piggies still admire his audacity and panache. Despite all the evil and darkness, his charm may prevail and he might just win on the strength of his good looks.
Start your voting now!! The Reader’s Poll for Paradise Pastures Mayoral election 2015 starts now. Be proud, be a part of it. Don’t miss out on your chance to vote.
It’s a Saturday night so I am sure you are all out having fun!! A few days ago, I mentioned that we visited a friend at Cotton Tree Lodge. Here are a few pictures.
It has been wet wet wet from the rains so the roads are very muddy:
Mud Everywhere.
Oh look…a Gnome was spotted at Cotton Tree Lodge. A tall specimen…I think the latin name is Gnomo gigantius.
This was the Maya Mountain Cacao house where chocolate beans were fermented and processed. They have recently moved their operation to “the dump” which is a place commonly so-called with no sign of a dump. It is just about 10 miles down the highway from the Barranco turn off.
A few days ago, I was having a “bad day” and chaos reigned through out. Everything I tried to do didn’t turn out and it became a vicious cycle. Wahhhhh!!! Don’t you ever just want to jump up and down with indignation!!
Anyway, Gnome tried to be helpful and suggested that I go into the kitchen and cook something nice. That usually does the trick…
I decided to embark upon the folly of baking cinnamon buns and to this very date, I still can’t make them. I have followed many recipes and they never turn out…they are usually too gooey to be manipulated into a roll. Of course, this time was no different, if not worse. The sticky, yeasted mix was just a big sloppy monster on my kitchen counter and it looked alive, menacing and explosive. At this point, I was nearly in tears (yes, even the best of us has a good old cry now and then) and I called Gnome for help.
Gnome to the Rescue.
With one deft swoop, Gnome scooped up the schloppp and chucked it into my glass baking dish. By the time he calmed down the chaos in the kitchen (ie. me) the cinnamon roll- gone wrong was looking quite the thing as it started expanding and taking up the space in the dish.
Monster Cinnamon Goo Cake!!
I did end up baking the cake which I have now coined “Cinnamon Chaos Cake.” It is so much simpler than rolling out those darned buns…you just take any cinnamon bun recipe and you slop it into a baking dish, cinnamon sauce and everything. Bake it for the same amount of time as the normal recipe and there you go…it tastes exactly like the cinnamon roll but even better…no goo on a rolling pin and tears to boot!!