Farewell To Grandma Stumpy.

Together.CourtyardThis is an MGNews Special to present a Farewell To Grandma Stumpy.  Our lovely and wonderful Grandma Vanessa Stumpy passed away peacefully in her sleep on the 3rd of October 2015 at her home in Paradise Piggies.  She died at the grand old age of 8 years old.

GrandMa Stumpy.
Grandma Stumpy.

Grandmas Stumpy is the Grandmother of all the piggies and she mothered generations upon generations of piggies on Paradise Pastures.  She will be sorely missed by all.  She was our Sunshine, she was the lovely piggie with a gorgeous heart of gold.  We Love You Stumpy!!

Grandma Stumpy You Are The Best!!
Grandma Stumpy You Are The Best!!

The funeral was held today at Paradise Pastures.  All the piggies gathered to pay their respect.

Grandma Stumpy Reception.
Grandma Stumpy Reception.

The Duckies and Goosie came to say their solemn farewell:

Quack Quack Farewell To Grandma Stumpy.
Quack Quack Farewell To Grandma Stumpy.

Mayor Gnome and Doctor Munchkin were in attendance at the funeral to send Grandma Stumpy off to Paradise Piggie Heaven.

Together.in.UniformA few words from Mayor Gnome:

Farewell Grandma Stumpy.  I promised you Freedom, Fresh Grass and Beyond.  Make haste to the Kingdom of Paradise Piggies and we shall meet again one day in ‘Beyond.’  We Love You!

Funeral Pyre For Grandma Stumpy.
Funeral Pyre For Grandma Stumpy.

This one is for Grandma Stumpy!!  Please let us join in a Farewell with “The King” to help Grandma Stumpy along to her appointed place in Paradise Piggies Heaven.

Amazing grace, oh how sweet the sound
That saved a wreck like me
I once was lost, though now I’m found
I was blind, but now I see
When we’ve been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Then when, when we first begun
Too many ages false and spent
I have already hung
This face and flock He saved us by
His endless grace will leave me whole
Amazing grace, oh how sweet the sound
To save a wreck like me I once was lost, but now I’m found
I was blind, but now I see

We’re Back On-Line!!

Munchkin.Ninja.FlyingJust a quickie to let you know that we are back on-line.  We were up at 5am this morning in preparation for the technicians coming to change our antenna.  We had to be ready for them because the antenna was attached to a 45 foot pole!!

Gnome on the Roof at 6am.
Gnome on the Roof at 6am.
Three Men and a Gnome.
Three Men and a Gnome.

They told us to receive them at 8am prompt; they arrived at 9.15am.  One of the guys had to drive back into town because they forgot the antenna!!  Anyway, it took half an hour to change the antenna and three and a half hours to find the signal.  They actually ended up lowering the post to 30 feet to get a signal!  The signal comes off the main tower in a pyramidal shape so the further you are away from the tower (but still within range) the height of the receiving antenna actually becomes lower.  So, now our Internet is working better because we have a good signal!!

Yay!!  You will be getting our regular posts again!!

I Need a Desk Lamp!!

Munchkin.Scared.of.DressesHi Everyone!!  Gosh…can you believe it…in Belize, I can’t find a simple desk lamp.  I am just looking for one of those normal lamps with the bendy neck and on-off push button.  Yeah one of those cheap (C&G…Cheap and Good) lamps that you can buy anywhere else but Belize.  How frustrating…

The reason why I need one is because I have started hand-sewing out of sheer necessity and I need a desk lamp for better lighting. I am in desperate need of good fitting clothes so I have resorted to buying second-hand clothes and altering them to fit my size and shape.

I think this is a good enough time to talk to you about clothes shopping in Toledo.  Any brand new clothes that you buy here are usually really bad quality and made of material like viscose or polyester.  In the Tropics, these are horrible to wear because your skin can not breathe through them.  On top of this, the fashion is really trashy (yes, call me a prude) with see-through stuff and blouses with too many holes in the wrong places.  Also, all trousers (or pants) are low riders and there is no other choice.  Personally, the only people who suit these type of trousers are the skinny waif types.  5 foot 2 inch  Munchkins, like me, need trousers that actually come up to the waist or else we look like fat squashed-up pears.  In short, the clothes that you buy here are for flirting, showing off flesh and accentuating the size of your bottom (they like voluptuous bottoms here) and I am not into that at all!

And so I have resorted to the used clothes stalls.  The clothes sold here are usually from the Goodwill stores from the States.  So, all you guys out there who are giving away your lovely clothes, in the name of charity, note they are getting sold to us poor buggers in Belize.  Tops, shirts and trousers usually go for about $10Bz ($5US) in the seconds market.  Mens’ second hand trousers can fetch as high as $20Bz ($10US) and they look like they have been worn to death.  I noticed that for a while there was a spate of seconds with sewn on “Dickie’s” labels (but were clearly not Dickies stuff) and because they had that label, they were all being sold at premium prices.  And we won’t even mention shoes…not a single pair of decent leather shoes to be found in the whole country of Belize!!  Wahhhh!!

Munchkin.in.DressAnyway, at least you can find some cotton stuff at the seconds stalls.  Oh, and when I find linen, I grab it!  Also, there is some classical, elegant stuff so I can at least dress like a doctor if need be.  It is pretty embarrassing wearing  tarty clothes on a medical house call!!  It is certainly not the image that I want to get across…but the funny thing is that it is actually perfectly acceptable to wear a hot little number, whilst doctoring, and so the problem actually lies with me!!

There you are…I have  had my little rant and I feel much better for it!  Alas, if only I could find a desk lamp…

Apothecary Administration.

Munchkin.ShoutingHi Everyone, every now and then we have to do the mundane work of website administration.  After all, one of the reasons why we took on this Blogging was to try to make some money from the Apothecary.  Having done this for almost a year, I can confidently dispel the myth that you can “quit your day job” if you have a website shop.  No, people are not flocking to buy our wares on-line.  We find that people just enjoy reading our posts especially for the funny stories and the recipes.  In turn, we have decided that, despite the lack of monetary return, we will continue Blogging because it is an outlet of expression for both of us, especially in my case.  I had aspirations of becoming a writer/ journanlist before I became a medical doctor and I find that I can re-cultivate my writing skills through this form of expression.  Besides, it is a really good way of informing family and friends of what we are doing so they need not worry that we are stuck in the middle of nowhere deprived of entertainment and variety.

Apothecary tweaks include:

The Apothecary has been better organised into categories.  In the soap section, we are offering soaps in plastic wrap, tin and rolls of 50 to give people more of a choice (and a better price).  Also I have added the pictures of the body sprays which have been missing for a whole year.  Still more pictures to come…

Also, there is a new Custom Orders page which gives information on special orders.  It gives a list of possible products (anything really from hair care to nail care to foot care…you name it..and we will create it) and available Belizean raw materials that can be used to create brand new products.  There is a whole list of lovely local stuff; here are some pictures to entice you:

Cacao Butter.
Cacao Butter.
Fresh Lemongrass.
Fresh Lemongrass.
Ylang Ylang.
Ylang Ylang.

There is still more administration to come including New Products and a full list of Elixirs.

Have a good night!!

Peach Palm (Pejibaye) In Season.

Together.Eating.Fire.PotHello Everyone!!  More fruits in season and this time it is the peach palm which is also known as pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes).  These palms are an essential for anyone looking to grow lots of food for themselves.  They start bearing within 3 to 5 years of planting and can produce for up to 75 years.  It is a significant crop because it produces edible peach palm fruits, heart of palm and flowers.  The heart of palm can be harvested from suckers so you need not lose the whole tree to procure this food (compare this to the cohune palm in Belize which is traditionally cut down for this ).

Peach Palm.
Peach Palm.

Today we harvested a single bunch of this fruit; one bunch weighed 10kgs (22lbs).  We have about 20 more bunches to harvest and this is only from 2 trees.  We probably have about 20 pejibaye trees on the farm so you can imagine the amount of food that we can harvest from them eventually.  It will end up being a significant staple for us.  Plus it will feed the rest of the animals.

Fresh Peach Palm Bunch.
Fresh Peach Palm Bunch.

To be honest, we have had problems eating peach palms and we have not been especially enamored by the texture.  We find them stodgy, fibrous and difficult to digest.  To prepare them, we halve the fruit, take out the seed and boil them in a vat of water for a couple of hours (I have read that they are boiled for 5 hours but if you did that, they would just turn to mush).  The result is a carbohydrate which is not bad tasting (maybe at a push like sweet potato) but really heavy on the stomach.  You certainly could not eat an entire plateful of them!

Anyway, today we decided to do some experimentation in order to find a way that we could eat peach palm so we took a bunch of peach palm, de-seeded them and boiled them.

Boiled Pitted Peach Palm.
Boiled Pitted Peach Palm.

To get a good homogeneous mash, we then put them through a meat grinder (blender was too small for the large quantities).

Grinding Peach Palm.
Grinding Peach Palm.

We took a third of this to sun-dry.  Another third was just bagged and frozen and the last third, we made into peach palm paste (like lotus seed paste or red bean paste) for Chinese sweets like mochi balls and Moon Cakes.  This was the result…we even stamped them to make them look authentic.  The sweet paste actually tastes very good (yay…a success) and the added sugar seems to make it more digestible.

Sweet Peach Palm Paste.
Sweet Peach Palm Paste.

Watch this space for more peach palm recipes and experimentation!

Eating Eggfruit Everyday.

So Hot!!
So Hot!!

Wow!!  It was unbelievably hot today with a temperature of 32oC (90oF) and a realfeel of 47oC (117oF).  How can one get any farm work done??

Anyway, I would like to introduce you to a new fruit in season which goes by a few names including Eggfruit and Canistel (Pouteria campechiana).

Ripe Eggfruit.
Ripe Eggfruit.

This fruit is indigenous to Central America but despite this, it is not found readily in the backyards or jungles of Belize.  Many people, including locals, have never seen or heard of it  and the few people who actually have this tree actively made efforts to procure this particular fruit tree.

It is one of those fruits of Tropics which can never be viably exported because once it is harvested, it needs to be eaten immediately, probably within 48 hours before it starts fermenting.  This fruit comes in different shapes and sizes; some are long and pointed like the picture above and some are more ovoid in shape.  They can be eaten out of hand and in common literature it is described as having the texture of boiled egg yolk (hence the name).  I think it tastes like cooked (mashed) sweet potato and to my palate, because of this carbohydrate taste and texture, it fits more appropriately into savoury dishes.  But that’s just me!!  I read that other people make ice cream and milk shakes out of this fruit.

We always look forward to canistel season which usually falls into September and October.  We have four baring trees and they can be very generous hence the reason why we are eating eggfruit everyday.  This of course, calls for a lot of imagination because if you eat them the same way everyday, you will naturally get bored of them. So here are a few pictures of my canistel creations.  By the way, some pictures include pumpkin…

Lots of Pumpkin!
Lots of Pumpkin!

…so, to be more accurate, we are eating eggfruit and pumpkin everyday!!

Mashed Canistel (like mashed potato):

Mashed Canistel.
Mashed Canistel.

Canistel seared on a skillet:

Canistel in Skillet.
Canistel in Skillet.

Avocado stuffed with young pumpkin and canistel.

Stuffed Avocado.
Stuffed Avocado.

Seared Canistel with Pumpkin and Spicy Sausage with Steamed Callaloo.

Canistel Pumpkin Dish.
Canistel Pumpkin Dish.

There are more pictures which I will post them as recipes over the next week or so.

Go forth and find some Eggfruit to eat…they are yummy!!

We Made Moon Cake!!

Standing.TogetherYay!!  We made Moon Cake!!  Look at the picture: we are soooo pleased that we can make such an auspicious cake.

Home Made Moon Cake.
Home Made Moon Cake.

Moon Cakes are enjoyed during the Mid Autumn Festival by the Chinese.  The night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar moon is called “Night of the Moon” and the 25th day of the 8th lunar month is called “Mid-Autumn.”

As a child, I remember eating Moon Cake with my family at this time of the year.  The ones with lotus paste and duck eggs were always our favourite.  Traditionally, they can also be made from red bean paste.  More contemporary fillings contain durian, jackfruit, taro, chocolate and even ice cream.  I can already see the creative possibilities…how exciting!

We baked traditional lotus paste Moon Cake this year.

Moon Cakes in the Oven.
Moon Cakes in the Oven.

I made the pastry and wrapped it around the lotus paste.

Making Moon Cake.
Making Moon Cake.

Gnome did his bit which involved the moulding of the cakes.  This part is not that easy because you need to tap the moulds on a hard surface in order to get the cakes out perfectly.  This is the Gnome Magic, of course.

Gnome Magic in the Kitchen.
Gnome Magic in the Kitchen.
Moon Cake Moulding.
Moon Cake Moulding.
Moon Cake De-moulded. Perfect!!
Moon Cake De-moulded. Perfect!!

We had such a lovely time in the kitchen making them and then we had an even nicer time eating them!  We enjoyed it so much that we have decided to do this every year to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival.  We would like to thank our Singapore connection for the thoughtful gifts of lotus paste and Moon Cake moulds.

Check out the full recipe for Moon Cakes with Lotus Paste in Belize Wild Recipes.

By the way, the Lunar Eclipse  will start at 6.11pm tonight and the full eclipse begins at 8.11pm (Belize time).

Coconut Squares with Chocolate Drizzle.

Munchkin.with.UmbrellaYum!!!  Another dessert from the Munchkin kitchen: Coconut Squares with Chocolate Drizzle.  This dessert is soft and richly textured and it is so easy to make. The chocolate sauce is made from coconut cream too!

Coconut Square with Chocolate Drizzle.
Coconut Square with Chocolate Drizzle.

Yes, you may have guessed it…torrential rain every night so that the farm is covered in puddles (getting to pools actually).  So, what else can I do but sequester myself in the kitchen and cook up yummy stuff with our lovely coconuts!

Our Lovely Coconuts.
Our Lovely Coconuts.
Freshly Grated Coconuts.
Freshly Grated Coconuts.

The chocolate sauce complements the sweet very well; it is made from  Cotton Tree Chocolate:

Cotton Tree Chocolate Bars.
Cotton Tree Chocolate Bars.

and our own coconut cream.

Coconut Cream.
Coconut Cream.

Check out the full recipe in Belize Wild Recipes.  Enjoy!!

Kue Lapiz For Belize Independence.

Liqueur.Tasting.TogetherYesterday (21st September) Belize celebrated its 34th year of Independence.  We celebrated with a Kue Lapiz in the Colours of Belize.

Kue Lapiz, Belize Colours.
Kue Lapiz, Belize Colours.

Kue Lapiz in Belize?  A bit of an oxymoron…I know…but you know that we like to mix things up a bit.  Kue Lapiz is  a steamed multi-layed dessert, made typically from glutinous rice flour and tapioca flour, traditionally made in Indonesia (South East Asia).  It is usually made of bright vibrant colours so that is why I thought of colouring it with the Belize colours: red. white and blue.

Belize Flag.
Belize Flag.

Hmmm maybe there are Indonesians (or Dutch) in Belize or Belizeans in Indonesia (or The Netherlands) who would appreciate this gesture!!  Nevertheless, Happy Independence Day to Belize!!

Note: I did not post this up yesterday on the actual Independence day because I did not want to steal the Thunder from the Paradise Piggies Mayoral Election.  I know that y’all out there were on the edge of your seats waiting for the results.  Congrats to Mayor Gnome on his re-election.  Now, life can go back to normal on the farm.

Paradise Piggies: The Results Are In!!

Paradise Pastures, Toledo, Belize:

15 Guinea Pigs eligible to vote (ie. Over the age of 6 weeks).


Mr. Arnold Wang: 1

Magical Rodent: 4

Mayor Gnome: 8

Spoiled Ballot Papers (eaten or chewed up): 2

100% TURN OUT!!

Mayor Gnome Wins with The Majority!!

Mayor Gnome Wins The Big Prize!!
Mayor Gnome Wins The Big Prize!!

All Piggies will be celebrating in Paradise Pastures tonight!

Re-election For Mayor Gnome.
Re-election For Mayor Gnome.

Mayor Gnome Says:

Thanks Piggies!!

It is crazy out here in Paradise Pastures with all the whooping, chirping and weeeing. We are totally beside ourselves  with the joy and excitement!!

Happy Piggies on Paradise Pastures.
Happy Piggies on Paradise Pastures.

And…we haven’t finished yet with all the news.
Mayor Gnome has appointed Magical Rodent as Deputy Mayor!!

Magical Rodent Appointed Deputy Mayor of Paradise Pastures.
Magical Rodent Appointed Deputy Mayor of Paradise Pastures.

Mayor Gnome:

I like Magical Rodent. She may be mad but her heart’s in the right place. Besides, she’s got audacity and guts of steel…my kind of mouse!

Magical Rodent:

Hmmmm…position accepted, albeit reluctantly.

Any last words from Arnold Wang?

I'll Be Back!
I’ll Be Back!

Sounds like there will be a sequel…

Everything Handmade in Belize.