Lime Sulfur Dip For Dogs and Cat.

TogetherA couple of months ago, Gnome made Lime Sulphur as a Bored-in-Belize project.  One of the many uses of it is a dip for dogs and cats.  It can be applied for mange, fleas and ringworm.  We tested our formula on the two dogs and the cat today (not the guinea pigs!!).  We poured out a quantity of the concentrated lime sulphur and diluted it with water in a bucket:

Measuring Lime Sulphur.
Measuring Lime Sulphur.
2 Gallons of Diluted Lime Sulphur.
2 Gallons of Diluted Lime Sulphur.

A rag was dipped into the bucket of solution and the dogs and cat were soaked with it.  Prior to this, they all got a wash with our sulphur soap.  There were no complaints from any any animals concerned as we sponged them copiuosly with this bright yellow fluid.  They seemed to like the smell of rotten eggs!!

Sulfuring Doggie.
Sulfuring Doggie.

Sorry, no picture of the other doggie because we both had to hold her down because she is the mad one that likes to lick toads.

Sulfuring The Cat.
Sulfuring The Cat.

The cat actually stayed still and did not seem to mind the extremely pungent smell.  After all that, we were both smelling of sulphur; Gnome said that he felt spiritually cleansed…I think he was referring to fire and brimstone and all that stuff!!