Category Archives: Our Products

Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip At The Farm Store!

Hello Everyone!!!  We have the wonderful smell of brimstone pervading through our house since Gnome has made up a fresh batch of Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip for The Farm Store.  Ahhh…like the Catholic Gnome that he is he feels spiritually cleansed and renewed with the richly aromatic vapours of sulphur!

The High Velocity Cleansing Power of Sulphur.
The High Velocity Cleansing Power of Sulphur.

So, get your Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip at the Farm Store in Punta Gorda.  Guaranteed to work regardless of religion of pet.

Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.
Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.

Ask Brian at The Farm Store.  Use it for the treatment of Mange, Fleas, Ticks and Ringworm.  If you can’t remember the cumbersome long name of the product, just ask for “Presidente.”  You’ll know why if you look at at our cheap budget packaging.

Presidente Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip.
Presidente Lime-Sulphur Pet Dip.

Coconut Cream For Sale!

Munchkin.ShoutingHello Everyone!!  We went into Punta Gorda today to deliver a fresh batch of coconut cream to Green Supaul’s.  Just in case you are wondering, we make it by grating the coconut:

Grated Coconut.
Grated Coconut.

Next, we add some hot water to the grated coconut and squeeze the liquid out. The liquid is then left to sit for some time to allow the cream to separate and come up  to the top (the coconut milk is at the bottom).  The cream is skimmed off and sold in these bags.  One coconut cream bag (about 4oz) is equivalent to one coconut.

Coconut Cream.
Coconut Cream.

This is fresh, organic, vegetarian, gluten-free, locally produced and politically correct in every way! 😉

!Sabor Natural!  Ja-Ja!!  😉

More Apothecary Pictures.

Munchkin.Kimono.TableI have updated The Apothecary section of our Website and finally (it has been more than a year) put in the following pictures:

This is our Body Salt Scrub range available in lemongrass, lavender, passionflower and ylang-ylang scents.  The scents are all made from plant extracts or essential oils.

Body Salt Scrubs.
Body Salt Scrubs.

Here is the Foot Spa Range which is also available in the same scents.  These foot soaks are ideal for soothing tired or swollen feet  or used as a natural anti-fungus (Athlete’s Foot) remedy.  Or you could just use it as a relaxing treat!

Foot Spa.
Foot Spa.

Last but not least, here is a picture of our Chocolate Velvet range which is available in original, orange, mint and all-spice flavours:

Chocolate Velvet Range.
Chocolate Velvet Range.

All labels are designed by Gnome, printed out here in the middle of the bush and pasted by yours truly.  These are Authentic 100% Munchkin and Gnome products.  Be aware of “Made in China” Cheapo copies!! 😉

What’s Happening?

Munchkin.Sitting.DownHello Everyone!!  I have not been so regular with writing  the Blog lately due to…the weather of all things!  It has been dull with thick grey clouds which block the sunlight.  When it gets like that I just feel, “Ugh!” and Gnome reacts with, “Oh, dear!!”  and then we start a fine merry-go-round of ranting and complaining!


Thank goodness the sun is out today and the mood has lifted.  I feel more inspired to write about our usual Munchkin and Gnome activities.

We have been making a marathon run of soap.  This takes the whole day with mixing and pouring in the morning and cutting (Gnome) and polishing (Munchkin) in the evening.  It is a good activity to do when you want to stay out of trouble!

Our Soap.
Our Soap.

Gnome started a mini project to grow watercress:

Hydroponic Watercress.
Hydroponic Watercress.
Preparing Watercress Cuttings.
Preparing Watercress Cuttings.

And I made lotus paste mochi balls today!

Lotus Paste Mochi Balls.
Lotus Paste Mochi Balls.

Yum!!  These were the mochi balls that I had promised Gnome for Chinese New Year which he didn’t get because I decided, rather inconveniently, to go on a diet plonk in the middle of Chinese celebrations.  I am feeling a bit happier about my weight so I made the belated mochi balls to celebrate a good day together!

Elixir Tasting With Dandelion Chocolate.

Liqueur.Tasting.TogetherOn Monday evening we had an Elixir Tasting with Dandelion Chocolate, a company from California.  Greg D’Alesandre heads the group every year at Cotton Tree Lodge.  This year’s tasting was much the same with general fun, laughs and disruption (of course!) from Greg.  We attempted a “controlled brawl” under medical supervision (Ha-Ha!).  😉

Here are some pictures (sorry the “flash” on my phone is quite non-existent).

Elixir Tasting With Dandelion Group.
Elixir Tasting With Dandelion Group.

This is Greg intensely scrutinising an Elixir:

Greg From Dandelion.
Greg From Dandelion.

The Elixir Tasting was a success.  Our gauge was the general noise level and Drunken “I Love You, Guys!!”

The Cacao Fruit Elixir was of great interest to everyone since the group are here specifically on a chocolate tour.  Greg kept on murmuring  about a Fireball Whisky and Ginger Ale all through the tasting.  Apparently he thinks that the Lemongrass Elixir goes very well with ginger ale.  And the Fireball…hmmm…not sure if that was just an obscure comment about the cacao liqueur?!

Cacao Fruit Elixir.
Cacao Fruit Elixir.

Just A Thank-You.

Munchkin.More.EatingIf you follow our posts, you may have realised by now that we enjoy the creativity and inventiveness of harvesting and processing our own food.  Peach Palm Miso was borne out of a fusion of an Asian preservation technique with a farm grown ingredient.   I would like to give a special Thank-you to Julian Obererlacher of Itz’ana, Placencia for his resourcefulness in using our Peach Palm Miso as an ingredient in his menu.

Another Thanks to Enrico Cordenons for providing us with the Itz’ana Menu as follows:

Sweet/spicy soup of Belizean vegetables with masa
King Estate Pinot Gris 2013 (USA – Oregon)
Poblano pepper stuffed with arugula, lentils, Caves Branch ricotta and parmesan
Zolo Malbec 2014 (Argentina – Agrelo Valley)
Snook, Casa Mascia Peach palm miso glaze, coco yam puree, grilled zucchini Itz’ana garden chinese greens
Crimson Fetzer Pinot Noir 2012 (USA – Napa Valley)
Banana loaf, chocolate, peanut cream, belizean rum caramel, purple basil 
Mayan hot chocolate or Local Rum (Belize Punta Gorda/Placencia)
It is inspiring to see a preference and a confident boldness in using local ingredients.
Itz'Ana Picture.
Itz’Ana Picture.

We have Peach Palm Miso for sale within the country.  Please check out The Apothecary for more information.

Coconut Cream Brownies.

Munchkin.Eating.BunThis recipe is designed to entice our local readers to whet their appetite…and to buy our freshly squeezed coconut cream!  For all our readers outside Punta Gorda, you can used canned coconut cream for this recipe…it is still delicious.   We are coming up against stiff competition with the packeted dehydrated coconut powder.  At this point in time, it looks like convenience is winning through.   Arrrrghhh!!!  What happened to all you organic farm-fresh lot out there?! 😉

Our Lovely Coconuts.
Our Lovely Coconuts.

Our coconut cream is manually squeezed by yours truly on our farm.  They come in 4oz bags for only a $1 each.  We can deliver this fresh to anyone in Punta Gorda every Wednesday of every week.

Coconut Cream.
Coconut Cream.

You definitely have to try this Coconut Cream Brownie Recipe.  The coconut adds extra creaminess and decadence to the whole experience!  Yum…

Coconut Cream Brownies.
Coconut Cream Brownies.


Casa Mascia Products in Placencia!


Hey Guys!!  Just another quick reminder that you can buy our Casa Mascia products at the Placencia Sidewalk Festival this weekend.  Annette Vernon (of Placencia Pop-Up Art) will be selling our stuff.  She will have all the favourites including our Copal Medicinal Soap, Oil and Ointment.  And there is much, much more!!  Okay, I am not that good with the marketing jargon… it’s maximum velocity, awesome and out of this world (Ha-Ha)!!

Here are some pictures to entice you:

Copal Medicinal Soap.
Copal Medicinal Soap.
White Pitahaya Soap.
White Pitahaya Soap.
Neem and Jackass Bitters Soap.
Neem and Jackass Bitters Soap.

Have Fun at the Festival!!

A Happy Ending!

Munchkin.CuteA couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a lady in the States who had discovered our Casa Mascia products whilst on holiday in Toledo.  I think that she bought a few items but once she was back home her young daughter became enthralled by them. Anyway, after a few excited emails back and forth, she ordered a whole load of extra goodies.  I told her that the package would most likely reach her within two weeks via the Belize Postal Service.

The package was due to arrive at her address the beginning of this week.  Yesterday, I received an email from this lady saying,

“The post office lost it at the post office…”

Now I didn’t exactly get the details of the story but it sounded like a lot of back and forth trips to the post office with cries of woe and frustration a-plenty.

Now, we have never had any of our packages lost in the post and this was our first time.  So we decided that under these distressing circumstances the best thing to do was to send out a new package quick smart.  The lady was understandably stressed over the loss of the package and so I tried to console her over an email,

“…these things have a way of working out so don’t worry about it.”

She asked me if I was covered for insurance and I looked at the back of the certificate of posting and read the following:

Postal Ticket.
Postal Ticket.

The short answer was “No.”  If you actually care to read the small print it will make you laugh…it is totally archaic and out-dated and looks like it was the policy made back in the British Honduras days.

I was just about to start getting the new package together when I received the following email with “Look what we got!” and this absolutely priceless picture.

Goodies Arrived!
Goodies Arrived!

Here are more pictures with the opened package:



Apparently, it was a lost and found package!  I didn’t ask anymore questions.  All that is important is that this story has a very happy ending!

Placencia Sidewalk Festival 2016.


Hi Everyone!!  I am writing to let you know that Annette Vernon of Placencia Pop-Up Art will be selling our Casa Mascia Apothecary products at the Placencia Sidewalk Festival next weekend.  She will have all the following goodies:  Copal Medicinal Oil Vials, Copal Medicinal Ointment, Copal Medicinal Soap, Itch Done Gone, Lemongrass Insect Repellent Balm, Jackass Bitters and Neem Soap and White Pitahaya soap.  Look out for all these products…

Copal Medicinal Oil Vial.
Copal Medicinal Oil Vial.
Copal Medicinal Soap.
Copal Medicinal Soap.
Lemongrass Insect Repellent Balm.
Lemongrass Insect Repellent Balm.

Sorry we won’t be there this year!!  If there is anybody that wants something that is not on the list please email me.  Cheers and have fun at the festival this year!!