Category Archives: Amusing

Thoughts for Today…

The day has been productive.

Now I am at the stage of converting 8-bit signed and unsigned numbers to and from decimal numbers.  A few more exercises and it will be done.

More sorghum is maturing.

I still have not done today’s row on “the Blanket.”

I analysed the bamboo structure (that Panda will talk about soon…) and that we built together.  It is stronger than the first one I made by quick and dirty eye-balling and guesstimating by myself.  The zip ties were a good idea, though thicker ones would have been better, the amount of time saved in not having to use string was significant.  Measuring to a standard length also had its advantages in terms of evenness of the structure (apart from the inevitable bananas).  I would use a shorter standard length next time; say, cut down the distance between posts to 6 or 8 feet.  The next one will be better.

Also:  started two new growing tables under the potato garden for…yup, potatoes.

The Panda is depressed.  He sounds like Lucas from a dodgy History channel series called Alone (…given to me by the same Panda…no less!).  I told him to publish his email to me as his second blog post, as therapy  but I get the feeling that he is too shy to reveal his inner-most sensitivities to BlogWorld (TM!).  I think he is still finding his inner Panda…

Okay BlogWorld (TM!), have a nice Sunday and think deep thoughts.

Slice Of Life.


I was thinking that the best way to describe our blog is that it is a “Slice of Life.” They are snippets of conversations, ideas, farm life and our way of life.  With humour thrown in for extra good measure.

This snippet is a perfect example of the Tao of Munchkin, Gnome and Panda.

The other day, Panda came at 8am in the morning to assist Gnome in the construction of a bamboo shelter for growing potatoes.  There was no pre-amble and “let’s have a cup of tea first, mate.”  Gnome and Panda went off to the bamboo to cut and haul.  Everything was measured to the correct size.  Holes were dug in the ground and work was done without the need for idle chit-chat.

The structure was made in 6 hours (separated into two mornings of 3 hours).  Panda, still new to the “The Way of Munchkin and Gnome” kinda looked at us funny and asked politely what farm work had to be done for the afternoons.

Munchkin reply:

“Our farming way of life encompasses a way of life.  It is not about working like a dog for 8 hours a day…”


Gnome added,

“It’s all about doing what you want to do…with focus, discipline and motivation.”


So Gnome suggested that Panda take the extra cut bamboo home and, “have fun with it…make something cool…maybe some blinds or something.”

Panda, who happens to like working with bamboo (well, he is a Panda after all) was very pleased that this way of life also offered creativity and leisure:

“This is great.  I like that!  I’m off then!”

He said this as he slung the bamboo poles over his shoulder.

Panda Happy.
Panda Happy.

Words Echoing in My Brain…

The Artist Known as Gnome.
The Artist Known as Gnome.

Even though the Munchkin hasn’t said anything, this look,


at breakfast, makes these words reverberate in my brain:

“Since everybody is writing posts, you should write too!”


So, today, I put the clear tin on the potato garden; ground sorghum for flour and breadcrumbs; watered everything with horrible, stinky water; sorted out Munchkin’s photographs for blogging; put another egg in the incubator; crocheted another row of “the blanket” and now I am settling myself down to sit in front of the computer and do some coding….moving on to end of Chapter 3 quiz…

See?!?!?  I wrote something…remaining bloggers together…I hope I get one of these:


rather than one of these:


Cheers!  Have a good day everyone.

Lime Sulphur Pet Dip is Popular!


We just delivered a fresh batch of Lime Sulphur XXX Pet Dip For Mange, Fleas, Ticks and Ringworm (wow…what a looooong name).  The guys at the Farm Store in Punta Gorda just call it Presidente (the name of beer from which we have recycled the bottle)…for Pets.  Brian, the manager at the Farm Store tells us that the Pet Dip is very popular.

Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.
Mr. Brian Cho at The Farm Store.

Later on I spoke with Gnome and discussed the possible reasons for the popularity of this particular product.


Munchkin: “Hmmmm, Maybe it’s because we use recycled bottles.”


“Maybe it’s the Triple XXX on the label…makes it look really serious.”


Maybe it’s because people imagine two doctors in the bush, stirring over a cauldron of sulphur pet dip, and think it’s really cool imagery….”

Gnome, of course had a reply:


“Maybe it’s because it actually does what it says on the label.”

Oh. Selling something that actually works.  What good marketing strategy!


Checkout this product in The Apothecary or check it out at The Farm Store in Punta Gorda, Belize.

This Is What Happened Today.

gnome-sitting-on-rocksToday I was talked at:

Munchkin:  “Since everybody is going to write posts, you should write posts too…”together-munchkin-pointing

Gnome:  “Yeah, but I’m too busy coding right now, I’m almost at Chapter 3; and I have to move the tin for the potato garden cover I made with Panda; and there is the gate to chisel out and fix…maybe when things settle down…”


Munchkin:  “Since everybody is going to write posts, you should write posts too…”together-munchkin-pointing

Gnome:  “I don’t think I have time…maybe some other time…”

Gnome.with.DrinkMunchkin:  “Since everybody is going to write posts, you should write posts too…”together-munchkin-pointing

Gnome:  “I think I really don’t have time…”

The Artist Known as Gnome.

…but I guess since everybody is writing posts…

Finding The Creativity To Write.


Gnome just saw this title and tells me that I go through a 3 month cycle where I go through very busy times (doing outside farm work, making products, cooking, patients, etc) and then I find that I have no energy to write anything.  He says this goes on for a little while until I start going on about finding creativity and then I write a post like this.

Well my response to his observation was,

“I don’t think so…”


He’s such a smart-arse!!  Unfortunately, he is correct and now I am on the upward cycle where I feel that I need to write more regularly.  I have to re-evaluate my reasons for writing; it is to keep a journal and to remind myself of what I do and why I do things.  I don’t want to run automatically through my life and do things for no good reason except to keep busy.  I think about life a lot, the way that we live it and the way that I can live with significance in my actions.  This is deep Munchkin talking…she doesn’t come out much because she’s too busy writing inane blogs to entertain people.

Gnome says in response to this:

“That sounds like the beginning of a thought…are you taking this somewhere?”


Munchkin: “No.”


Well that was a conversation stopper if I ever saw one!!

Zazen Piggies!!

Mayor Gnome Gets it Done!
Mayor Gnome Gets it Done!

Mayor Gnome was true to his word and moved the piggies to the Zen Garden this morning.  The Big Move:

Piggie Home.
Piggie Home.

Concrete blocks make great little cubby holes for shelter from the rain.

Piggie Development.
Piggie Development.

Zen Piggie Home:

Piggie Home.
Piggie Home.

Master Zazen Duckie greeted the piggies and gave a rousing welcome speech to the new residents.

Master Zazen Duckie.
Master Zazen Duckie.

At the end of the speech, the Duckies invited them for a group meditation.  This is what the piggies said:

“We’ve still got some packing to do love…and then we need to eat a whole bunch of grass.  Maybe see you laterz!!”

Zazen Duckie replied with:

“I see you need to learn discipline…that is so.”

Big Move For The Piggies!


The Piggies have been grumbling a lot lately…about the weather, you know the usual stuff that we all get miserable about.  On top of all that, their Yoga teacher left a couple of months ago to the greener pastures of San Antonio.  There has been a lot of squealing, squeaking and squawking and general complaining on Coco-Prune Resorts.  Of course Mayor Gnome was awfully concerned for the emotional welfare of the community of Paradise Piggies and held a meeting to find a solution.

Mayor Gnome: “How can I make life better for the gated community of Paradise Pastures/ Coco-Prune Resorts and Condos?”


Piggies: “There is nothing to do at the resort…it’s so boring!!  What are we supposed to do in the condos…watch telly all day?”

We Are Bored!!
We Are Bored!!

Piggies: “We need a reason to live…we need to find meaning in life!”

Gnome: “Okay, Piggies, it looks like you have done all your frolicking and fun and now you want some spiritual food.  I know what you need!”

Piggies: “Oh Mayor Gnome, what are you going to do?”

Gnome: “We’re moving you to the Zen Garden.  The Zazen Duckies can help you lot get back on your feet!  No more resorts!!”

Zen Garden For Duckies and Piggies.
Zen Garden For Duckies and Piggies.

Tune in tomorrow (if you are really bored and have nothing else to do) for THE BIG MOVE!!  How exciting, can’t wait….

Lemonade, Worth The Wait!!

Special Lemonade.
Special Lemonade.

When we were living in Scotland (yonks ago), we came across an old doctor’s book dating back to the 1900’s.  There was a section on diet in convalescence and this is where we discovered an old-fashioned recipe for lemonade.  Gnome remembered the time that I made it and he absolutely loved it.  Since then, he has said a few things now and then like:

“Dearest…do you remember that smashing lemonade you made once in Scotland…it was really good!”


“Oh, I could do with some of that lemonade you made once.”


“Oh it’s hot today, a nice glass of refreshing lemonade would go down well, don’t you think?”

I Could Murder a Lemonade!
I Could Murder a Lemonade!

I would normally respond with,

“Yes dear, when I have the time.”

and then promptly forget.


Well this time, Gnome (after 12 years of waiting patiently for lemonade which never materialised) growled at me at said,



At that point it suddenly dawned on me that he had asked me millions of times for over a decade.  He really was losing patience…and gosh…what an amount of patience he had!!

This is what I said,

“Yes, right away dear.”


And this is what I made:

Old Fashioned Lemonade:

Squeeze the juice of 5 lemons,

Add one lemon, sliced

Add 1/4 cup of sugar and 1 tbsp tartaric acid dissolved in 1 cup of water

Add enough water to all ingredients above to make up  a quart (about 1 litre) and refrigerate until nice and cool.

Serve with ice.

Ahhhhh!!  Lovely and refreshing….

This is what Gnome said after I made the lemonade in a record 15 minutes,

“Well it didn’t actually take that long to make!  Why did I have to wait so long for it!!”

Stacks of Soaps!

Stacks of Soaps.
Stacks of Soaps.

Ooooh…look at that…stacks of Chocolate Artisan Soaps.  We are getting ready for the new season with our lovely soaps made from Toledo Cacao and coconut oil.  Here is a gallery of some of our chocolate offerings made by Gnome, the budding artist!

The Artist Known as Gnome.
The Artist Known as Gnome.

These are brand new for the season: White Chocolate Mint Soap….smells delicious…you’d think you could eat them!!

White Chocolate Mint Soaps.
White Chocolate Mint Soaps.

Artisan Chocolate Soaps…these are the swirly ones….

Chocolate Artisan Soaps.
Chocolate Artisan Soaps.
Chocolate Artisan Soaps.
Chocolate Artisan Soaps.

Oh…and of course….100% Doggy Approval…this one tries to grab and eat them!!

Please Can I have a Chocolate Soap?
Please Can I have a Chocolate Soap?

They are not for eating, doggy!!