Gnome revealed the mystery of the 55 gallon barrel at last. Over a cup of morning tea, Gnome said rather nonchalantly,
“Oh by the way, I am going to make liquid soap and fill the barrel up with it.”
Munchkin: “Why?”
Gnome: “I calculated that a whole drum would last us about 7.5 years so I thought we would stock up!”
Then he quickly added,
“Oh, and Munchkin, since there is so much, you can sell try selling it too!! I am now charging you with the responsibility of selling liquid soap…”
Munckin: “Hmmm…”
Gnome: “Yes, Marketing Munchkin, go and do your job!!”
Munchkin: “Since when did marketing become a Munchkin job…along with cleaning the inside of barrels?”
Gnome: “Will you stop pulling that funny face and get on with it , my dear?”
Okay guys, we have lots (a whole barrel) of coconut castile soap for sale. Buy our organic, hand-made soap, it’s great stuff…shop opening soon!!

Gnome: “I think you have to try a bit better than that, my dear but keep on trying!!”