What A Relief!!

Ahhhh!!!  It’s actually cool today…what a relief from the unrelenting hot, dry weather.  When it’s blistering hot every day, you always feel that there is no end in sight.  So today we had already decided not to have our 4am wake up alarm and wake up with the light.  Waking up naturally is such a lovely thing and we had the added bonus of a cool weather change.  Great stuff: we are both in better spirits with the cool weather;  heat makes you hot-headed and tense all the time…it’s maddening!!

Anyway, I took the time to walk around the farm to take some pictures to give you an update on what’s happening.

Oh, the garden is getting very bushy; despite the dryness this year, we have managed to get plenty of greens from our bucket garden.

Container Garden.

The fennel is flowering.  We can collect seeds and start a whole load of these:

Flowering Fennel.

Gnome’s tobacco: Not fi eat!!  That’s flowering too:

Tobacco Flowering.

Jalapeño peppers are doing really well:

Jalapeno Peppers

The farm keeps on producing and we feel so fortunate that we have an abundance of food.

Jackfruit is loaded:

Lots of Jackfruit.

It’s been a good year for soursop:

Lots of Soursop.

(Hi Tanya!!  I’ll let you know when some are ready!!  🙂 )