A few months back at an Elixir Tasting at Cotton Tree Lodge, I took the liberty of describing the plethora of jobs that Gnome had undertaken in working independently on the farm. Not only has he been a medical doctor for 20 years but he is the on-site engineer, mechanic, plumber, electrician, farmer, soap-maker, wine/ liqueur maker, herbalist and generator of great and amazing ideas. One woman in the group after listening to the description said gleefully,
“If I had my own private island, I want you both on it!”
I feel that he definitely deserves acknowledgement for everything that he does. Because I am usually the spokesperson for us, a lot people don’t realise that we are living our idealistic philosophy because Gnome has the tremendous strength the carry it forth and keep it going.
Here’s one for Gnome! Hip Hip Hooray!!
Gnome Buddy Does It Better: