A Big Thank-you to Ruri-chan for a late Christmas gift all the way from Singapore! Just arrived in Belize last week and it was a lovely surprise to open up a box of pressies at the post office. As usual, I had to go through the rigmarole of opening up the package in front of the Postal Worker.
When I opened up the box with the extremely blunt knife, the worker looked at this funny looking purple case and said, “What’s that?”
I confidently said in an even tone,
“It’s a Smiggle Bag.”
He shifted slightly, coughed politely and said,
“Yes it’s a Smiggle Bag.”
He wrote “Smiggle Bag” on the customs form and then waved me out of the postal room. Outside the post office I just cracked up laughing because neither of us had a clue what a smiggle bag was but yet we both insisted on pretending that we knew what it was!
I had to do a Google Search on Smiggle Bag and “Smiggle” is actually an Australian based retail store that sells well, Smiggle stationery!
Thanks for the Smiggle Bag!!
Smiggle is so cute I’m obsessed with them! Loved the post! Maybe check out my blog? Possibly give it a follow?!
Much love ♡ – Ali