You might recall that in a previous post which was written about 2 months ago, I had expressed the need for a desk lamp. In fact, I had been quite explicit about it because the post was named “I Need A Desk Lamp.”
I had actually posted this at the time because I was really rather desperate for one as I wanted a close-up light to hand-sew. At that time, Gnome advised me to ask for it directly in order to prove or disprove the idea of “ask and you shall receive.” I was a bit cynical but decided that it was worth the try…besides I couldn’t find one in Belize.
On New Year’s Day I reminded Gnome of this intention that I had made and rather glumly said to him that I did not receive a desk lamp so I had to disprove the theory. Gnome replied by saying,
“Maybe it just hasn’t come yet.”
I shrugged my shoulders and let it go.
Then this happened today. Whenever we get all sorts of computer stuff that we no longer need to use but still works, we usually give it away to guy in Punta Gorda who “does computers” so that he can add it to his graveyard of electronics. Anyway, we went to see him today to give him stuff and he was so appreciative that he offered a “free room” in his shop on the off chance that we were stranded in town for the night. He also gave us this:

When Gnome saw this, he beamed a knowing smile at me. When I saw this, I grinned back!!
Too funny, right? And this guy has never read my Blog or seen my statement of intent. What are the chances of that?
Anyway, Thank-you!! And another big Thank-you to Paul for his gift of speakers. Now we can listen to our favourite songs in the middle of the jungle.
This one is for you Paul: