This is a “Thank-you” post. About a year ago, I had written as an aside, in one of my posts, that I would love to make one or two of these:

What happened does go to show that we have friends that look out for us.
This is what we have received through the post; the larger one came about a month after my write up. Thank-you Joanna!
And the set of smaller ones were a Christmas gift (3 months late because of sloooow transit times from the States to Belize). Thank-you Erin!

The large one is definitely for goose eggs but we haven’t eaten any yet since we are trying to set all of them. I will have to post some food pictures but not sure if they will look as pristine as the animated picture! Cheers and Thank-you!!
I love this post (as I do all of them) 😊! I can’t wait to see the food pictures, even if they’re not as pristine as the animation! May you get lots of good use out of them!!
Thanks Erin for your continued support!! Will post pictures…if they look okay. If they look like a dog’s dinner, I’ll keep on trying…Ha-Ha!!