We are now facing a slight problem with writing our posts. Our camera has suddenly stopped working and it looks like it is going the usual way of “throw-away consumables.” Now, this is really upsetting because the camera was a gift and it was not cheap. It has only lasted 18 months. We are not the kind of people who like to throw away stuff to buy more gadgets to play with and throw again. Plus, we are in Belize!! I can not physically buy a brand new camera in Punta Gorda, I would have to drive two hours to Belmopan to get one. Anyway, we tried the camera on my crappy phone (I am still using a flip phone whilst everyone now is onto the clunky, rectangular looking things) and it does work. The only problem is that, for some unknown reason, we can not transfer pictures from the phone to the computer. Possibly because Gnome uses Linux rather than Windows?? However, it does work the other way…pictures from computer to phone…but, that is of no help to us. Arrrrghhh!!!
I don’t know if getting a new phone will change things…I loathe to buy yet another gadget. It is my philosophy to keep a mobile phone until it dies its natural death, usually a life-span of 2 years (how ridiculous). I might be trying the pawn shop for a cheap camera!!
Here are some pictures that I saved up for a rainy day:

Poor Froggy!! Must breed more in our buckets of water…

Let’s hope we come up with a solution because otherwise, you will just have to read my plain old words and imagine the pictures!