Tag Archives: Rorschach Test

Artisan Soaps and Apothecary Additions.

Munchkin and Gnome: Mad About the Beans!

Phew…today started off with steaming, stifling heat at 5.30 in the morning and it just got hotter and hotter.  In the dry season, strategy is the key and there is a small window of opportunity from 6am to 10am to “get things done” and in our case this means brush-mowing the farm, collecting coconuts and processing them into cream, weeding, watering plants, housework, making soap and packing products.  It is indeed a mad rush before the wall of heat gets the better of you and you collapse into a red-faced, sweaty heap.  What Fun!!

Here are the Artisan Chocolate Soaps that we made yesterday:

Product.Stack.Soaps.Chocolate.SwirlThe soaps turned out to be more of an “impressionist” style of art, as you will see from the following Rorscharch examples.  For those of you who are not familiar with Rorscharch, it is a test which uses a system of ink-blot pictures as psychological analysis.  Being a doctor, I think it is fun to try to perceive impressions from our Artisan chocolate swirl soaps.

Rorscharch Gallery:

A Crab…

Product.Soap.Chocolate.Swirl.Gallery.3A Pig Snout… Product.Soap.Chocolate.Swirl.Gallery.2

A Willow Tree Bending in The Wind…


I do have quite an imagination!  Do you see it too?  Or am I just getting googly-eyed from the heat?

Last but not least, there have been new additions to The Apothecary which include: Body Salt Scrubs (Lavender, Lemongrass, Passionflower, Ylang-Ylang) and Foot Soaks in the same scents.  This completes our Spa range of products.

Rorscharch Soap Test and Gnome Messing Around.

Munchkin.Feeling.RightousThe Rorschach Test is an Inkblot test created by a Swiss Psychologist called Hermann Rorscharch.  This test involves the psychological analysis of a subject’s perception of inkblot images.

We have transferred this same concept into our soaps since the swirls and blotches can form distinct images.  Have a look at the following picture…I see mirror images of a toucan.  What do you think…have I just got “Belize” in the brain!!

Chocolate Swirl Artisan Soaps.
Chocolate Swirl Artisan Soaps.

What do you see in the next Rorscharch Soap?  How many birds do you see?!

Artisan Soap.
Artisan Soap.

On a different note, I just wanted to tell you that Gnome hasn’t got round to writing anything this week because he has been messing around with well, gnome stuff.

Gnome.EmbarassedHere are some pictures; maybe he will explain them to you at some point.

Fermenting Bananas.
Fermenting Bananas.
Squeezing something into a bucket.
Squeezing something into a bucket.

As I write this, he is still messing around!  And by the way, that was my nice lilac pillow case!

Gnome says this is a Gravity Press.
Gnome says this is a Gravity Press.

Munchkin.ConfusedGnome now refuses to explain what he is doing!!

Soap Marathon!!

cropped-cropped-rainbow1.jpgLiving in Paradise sometimes isn’t all it is cracked up to be especially when it starts getting very buggy.  Right now the weather is cloudy and rainy and it is bringing out the biting bugs; the no-see-ums (sand-flies) are the worse because you can hardly see them until you start getting an antsy, itchy feeling.  They are coming out in swarms and as a result, we are staying indoors!  So, this is the perfect time to do a soap-making marathon.

We started off by making our Artisan Chocolate Soap.  This time we opted for a more blotchy appearance as opposed to our usual swirl.  It turned out well and it is amazing how one batch can make such a variation in designs!

Splotchy-Designed Chocolate Soap.
Splotchy-Designed Chocolate Soap

Since some designs can be very unusual, interesting and unique, we have come up with an idea to pick 12 of the best looking soaps and offer them packaged in a Special Edition Silver Tin.  So, when our Apothecary finally opens, look out for our specials.

Playing with the “Doctor” theme, Gnome has come up with an idea to select some of our soaps as Rorschach Soaps because they have that ink-blot look which is associated with this well-known psychological test.  So, keep an eye out for the Rorsharch Gallery devoted to possible interpretations of pictures on our soaps!