Hi Everyone!! There was no post yesterday because we had a power-cut in the evening. We had to rummage around in the dark for all our candles…it was most inconvenient. We really need to get energy independent one of these days.
Again, boredom and excitement (what an oxymoron) are stimulating us to run around like busy little bees. Right now we are starting our day at 5.30am… as soon as the sun comes up. After that, it is a race to get things done before the on-slaught of heat! Today, Gnome was mashing and his comment of the day was, “I had good results from the Mashing today, tomorrow I will be Sparging.” Other than that, he didn’t say much else. He also made some nice sandal-wood scented soaps.
I have posted up a recipe for Hibiscus Spring Rolls…catching up an a back-log of old recipes. Hibiscus is also known as Roselle; here in Belize, everyone calls it Sorrel.

And these are my yummy Hibiscus spring rolls with shitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots (my own, of course) and water chest-nuts. No meat, so they are vegetarian spring rolls. The hibiscus adds colour, crunch and a mild sourness to the whole culinary experience. Lovely!!