What a weird day for weather…one minute it was dull and grey and then the next minute it was hot and sunny. And it was so blustery. Make up your mind!! To add to all this, the power was going on and off. As soon as it switched on, I would get up to try to get something done and when it went off, I had to sit down again. It was like musical chairs!! Arrrghhhh!!!
Gnome had a better attitude; well, at least he was in a better mood by the end of day even although we both had an unproductive day.
“I am going to sit here and not move.”
Well, I guess we are not all as spiritually enlightened as the Gnome!! Despite the ups and downs, the farm is our constancy…still producing lots of lovely stuff;
Yip, these are most definitely habaneros. A while back, I wanted to plant Jalapeños and bought a seed packet imported from the States. When the first lot of leaves started coming out, I had some doubts because they were heart-shaped rather than elongated. Nevertheless, Gnome told me to be patient and I waited a bit longer. The plants started flowering and then I watched the formation of the fruits with great anticipation. All this time, I kept on think to myself…
Gnome: “My dear…be patient!”
Well, there’s not denying it! They are definitely habaneros!!
Red habaneros.
They are still nice and I do like the red colour of these habaneros. Okay…back to looking for some real jalapeño seeds!