This recipe which contains asafoetida, doubles up as a home remedy and a tasty condiment.

Asafoetida is a resin obtained from the tap-root of several species of Ferula. It is mostly used in Middle-eastern and Indian cuisine. It contributes a strongly pungent taste to food and can be compared to a combination of garlic and onions. It makes a very unique tasting chilli sauce and asafoetida has the added health benefits:
1) Digestive aid.
2) Anti-flatulent.
3) Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial.
4) Traditional remedy for asthma and bronchitis. Can also be used for coughs and colds.
5) In Aryuvedic medicine; it is used to balance the Kapha constitution which has a watery/phlegmatic tendency. Also, it can balance the airy qualities of the Vata constitution which requires grounding.
I have put the Asafoetida Chilli Sauce recipe in Belize Wild Recipes and Home Remedies.

The recipe also contains:

Cilantro (Coriander):

For international readers asafoetida can be purchased from health-food stores and Indian supermarkets. For those in Belize, asafoetida can be bought from The Apothecary.