Gnome has been boiling up sulphur and lime for our Lime-Sulphur XXX Pet Dip For Mange, Fleas, Ticks and Ringworm.

Available at the Farmstore in Punta Gorda, Toledo by the way. Just ask for Presidente…for Pets. You will know why once you see the bottles because we are recycling old Presidente beer bottles:

He’s making it on a kerosene stove on the veranda which has been inadvertently converted into yet another work space…not fit for people…he does it on purpose so that we can’t invite anyone around:
“errh…sorry folks you can’t come round because I’m boiling sulphur today…sorry about the inconvenience…maybe another day when I’m not boiling sulphur!!”
Today the sulphur concoction boiled over so there was a very strong eggy smell pervading the veranda, the house and our senses. Gnome loved it and as I have previously mentioned he is a Catholic Gnome so he feels thoroughly cleansed when he plays around with sulphur. He said to me, in a rather a playful manner,
“Don’t cry over spilled sulphur my dear…this will get rid of the snakes…the evil eye…and bad spirits…I’m giving the house a thorough cleansing!”
Well, what could I say? One can not go against the word of a Catholic Gnome!
Okay, we also have more goosie trouble. Our white goosie (we call her January Jones) has been sitting on a clutch of goose eggs.

I’ve mentioned in a previous post that there has been problems with a male goose who keeps on fighting to sit on her eggs (yes, I know…do ganders get broody too??). After many fights, the eggs were getting smashed and alas she ended up with one egg. I had been timing her sit and her EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery…Ha-Ha using medical terms…might be Estimated Date of Hatching) was on Wednesday. Anyway, we gave her a few more extra days and lo and behold, the egg exploded because it was rotten. Now you would think that she would get off her nest since there were no more eggs plus there was a terrible stench of exploded egg. No, she wouldn’t budge an inch.
Since January Jones had no more eggs to sit on and she had lost so much weight over the last month, we made an executive decision to throw her off her nest and out of the coop. I know it sounds horrible but she was wasting away and we needed to break her broodiness so she would start eating again.
Well, she’s thoroughly pissed off with us! Every morning she waits outside the house to ambush us. She runs full throttle at us and tries to leap and thrash at our legs! What a feisty goose…I hope at some point she will find it in herself to forgive us because these goosie attacks are getting a bit too much.
Anyway, I still want to end on a positive note. Here are some recent baby pictures!! We love Oor Goosies despite their evil temperaments!!