Lotus Paste Doughnuts with Custard.

Munchkin.with.BagRecently, I have been having a craving for “Dunkin’ Donuts”; It may be a nostalgic feeling from my university days when I used to choose a different flavour each time to take home and enjoy with a nice cup of tea.

We managed to get a hold of a huge packet of lotus seed paste and Gnome and I have been diligently and conscientiously working through it as hard as we can.  I did an Internet search on recipes with lotus paste and only two main things came up: mochi balls and mooncake.  Well, we have been eating mochi balls like they have been going out of fashion (and loving it).  And, I would like to make the mooncake for the Mid-Autumn Festival which is the night of the full moon between early September and Early October (celebrated by Chinese).

So, I decided to mix things around and fulfill a doughnut craving at the same time.  Today. I made Lotus Paste Doughnuts:

Lotus Paste Doughnuts.
Lotus Paste Doughnuts.

I opted to make a yeasted dough without eggs and milk.  This gives a fluffier and lighter texture.  Also, I added very little sugar to the dough because I thought that the filling was sweet enough.

And, of course, we had to have ours with custard!!

Doughnuts in Custard.
Doughnuts in Custard.

Needless to say, I am no longer thinking of shop-bought doughnuts…if you are interested in my lower calorie doughnut recipe, check out Lotus Paste Doughnuts.