We just delivered a fresh batch of Lime Sulphur XXX Pet Dip For Mange, Fleas, Ticks and Ringworm (wow…what a looooong name). The guys at the Farm Store in Punta Gorda just call it Presidente (the name of beer from which we have recycled the bottle)…for Pets. Brian, the manager at the Farm Store tells us that the Pet Dip is very popular.

Later on I spoke with Gnome and discussed the possible reasons for the popularity of this particular product.
Munchkin: “Hmmmm, Maybe it’s because we use recycled bottles.”
“Maybe it’s the Triple XXX on the label…makes it look really serious.”
“Maybe it’s because people imagine two doctors in the bush, stirring over a cauldron of sulphur pet dip, and think it’s really cool imagery….”
Gnome, of course had a reply:
“Maybe it’s because it actually does what it says on the label.”
Oh. Selling something that actually works. What good marketing strategy!
Checkout this product in The Apothecary or check it out at The Farm Store in Punta Gorda, Belize.