Hello Everyone. We just spent the last two days chilling out and relaxing. We still have the same ongoing problems…yes, life goes on but we decided just to take a break from our usual mad running around. Pause to think about life.
It was partly due to this; it was raining buckets. When the weather decides not to co-operate with outside activities, it is best to co-operate with reality and do nothing. We are learning.

Also, we had a visiting froggie that looked like he was contemplating life and so we thought to follow his example. Sometimes slowing down can be a good thing.

Aside from the froggie, we have had another house visitor…a bat. He just hung (ha-ha) around for a day or so and then left.

It reminds me of the time when we first moved onto this farm; the wooden house was just one big room and a whole army of vampire bats had taken residency on the ceiling. So, on our first night in this house, we bravely (or stupidly?) slept on a mattress perched on wooden boards (rather precariously, I might say) in the midst of a house with the to and fro fluttering of about a hundred vampire bats. They squeaked, chirped and swooped all around us…it felt like a scene from a horror movie. Needless to say, we didn’t sleep very well on our first night and still to this very day I wonder why we did it…was it an initiation into ascetic living perhaps or learning to live with all creatures? Anyway, ten years on, we have house rules…only visitors…and we don’t mind the odd rat snake, tarantula or bat but the rules are that they can not take up residency in our house. So far, so good…everything seems to be co-operating.