Gnome is the New Sexy!

Well, he’s turned white (nearly) so we said why not??  Gnome is the new sexy!!  This is also a pathetic bid to get our stats up…can a handsome picture of the Gnome get more people to read our Blog and be spurred to transform their lives in significant ways??

Anyway, what’s happening?  It’s been pouring down for days, so much so that  I’ve lost count of the number of days.  The ground around the house is getting muddy and wet and it doesn’t help with the geese trampling about with their big clumsy feet.  The goosies are a bunch of loitering hooligans around our house right now and I am getting headaches from their constant screeching and shrieking.  Gnome’s comment:

“…if only they used that noisy energy to lay eggs…at least they could do something useful…”

Gnome has been feeling a bit dour lately and has commenced Gnome’s Hadrian’s Wall of Tyres.  He is systematically forming a high fence of tyres around the house…an impenetrable barrier against the dastardly goosies.

Munchkin: “Gnome, I thought you liked the geese.”

Gnome: “Of course I like them.  If I didn’t I’d make it a lot easier for myself and get rid of the whole lot.  Instead, I am moving heavy tyres on account of them.”

Anyway, we are filling the tyres with soil, seaweed and sawdust; our plan is plant in each stack of tyres…we will be starting with papaya and I am sure we will think of many other food plants and trees.  I will have pictures for the next post.  I just wanted to showcase the New Look Gnome on this one.  🙂