Category Archives: Farming

Why We Started Making Coconut Soap.


We started making soap because we were both fed up with the quality of shop-bought soap.  The bars that we bought were a funny pink colour with an artificial rose scent.  We didn’t think much of the well-known brands either because they all smelled of unnatural fragrances and dried out the skin.  And so we decided to embark on the making of our own soap…at that time we did not have Internet on the farm and had to conduct our research at the Internet Cafe in town.

Our purpose was to make a good soap for us to use instead of having the buy the poor quality supermarket stuff.  The properties that we sought for in our home-made soap was a good lather and a moisturising bar with natural scent.

Generally speaking, soap is made from oil/fat and lye.  The oil/fat lends the qualities and properties to a soap bar and so we started off by experimenting with anything that we could find off the supermarket shelf.  We tried everything from shortening, to lard and a whole plethora of vegetable oils.

These attempts were a great learning experience: shortening was actually okay but the lard soap actually smelled quite piggy!!  We came out of the shower smelling like we had smothered ourselves in bacon!!  The vegetable oil made a soft moisturising bar but disintegrated very quickly into bits.

At the time, we were also making coconut oil and selling it to the lady at Punta Gorda market.  It was a slow, laborious process of grating, boiling and stirring.  We spent many full days setting up a fire (with coconut husks) and stirring our pot of coconut oil together under the shade of the coconut palms.   It was a very significant time, when we tried to seek meaning in our lives, after extricating ourselves from the rushing urgency and pressures of our previous lives as medical doctors.

I remember making a test batch of coconut oil soaps and eagerly waiting for the results.  When soap is made in this way ie. not commercially, the soap needs time to “cure” and this can take anything from 3 months or longer.  The longer you wait, the better…it is like a fine wine.  Anyway, after waiting 3 months, we tried this soap and discovered that it had all the properties that we were looking far.  It lathered well, did not dry out the skin and the natural scent was lovely.  The skin felt so clean and smooth.

This was the perfect recipe and we were using our own coconuts from the farm!

Our Lovely Coconuts.
Our Lovely Coconuts.

Our soaps are still made from this original coconut oil recipe.  In addition to this, we have created Medicinal Soaps and Chocolate Soaps.

Our Medicinal Soaps include Copal, Jackass Bitters and Neem and White Pitahaya.

Neem and Jackass Bitters Soap.
Neem and Jackass Bitters Soap.

Our Chocolate Soaps include Chocolate Artisan, Cacao Butter Soap and Chocolate scented soaps in four delicious scents: Chocolate-Mint, Chocolate-Orange, Chocolate-Mango and Chocolate-Vanilla.

Chocolate Soap Galore!!
Chocolate Soap Galore!!

To see all our soaps and apothecary items please go to

Cold And Miserable Out Here!!


The weather starts off kinda sunny and cheery in the morning and then by about early afternoon, black clouds move in and there is a huge downpour.  At least that has been the weather pattern for the last few days.  It ends up being really cold and miserable…reminds of good old Scottish weather!

Anyway, we all need to keep on going despite the greyness.  Here are some pictures from the farm taken on better sunnier days.  This one looks a bit startled but honestly, this is a happy, gurgling guinea pig:

Cheery Guinea Pig.
Cheery Guinea Pig.

Geese are fine with the rains and don’t really know what all the fuss is about:

Who Are You Looking At?
Who Are You Looking At?

Duckies: What’s Munchkin upset about?  This is Paradise….


Save The Birdies!!

Our Internet has been a bit dodgy for the last two months or so; it is on and then suddenly it goes off (for minutes, sometimes hours) and then it comes on again.  This is because a tree fell on top of the antenna a couple of months ago.  And it is still there!  Now you are probably wondering why we haven’t removed the tree already…well, it is because a bird has built a nest on the fallen tree. Gnome saw the cute little twittering bird feeding a a whole bunch of little twittering birdies (you can tell that we are not “birders” because the only birds we can actually name are toucans and parrots) and so he came back into the house with his un-used chainsaw.  He said:

“We must save the birdies!”

Gnome.Star.BackgroundThe Gnome has spoken.  That’s why we have dodgy Internet right now!!

Where Are Munchkin And Gnome?

TogetherYes we are still here and we didn’t leave the country.  I just took a break from writing because often things can become a routine, a chore and it takes the fun out of it all.  So I am back and ready to continue with the Chronicles of Munchkin and Gnome!

We have had weeks of hot and dry weather so we’ve been clearing again…oh, and guess what…the brushmower has done broke again.  We had to have one of those “live chats” with the manufacturer and after much to-ing and fro-ing, managed to figure out that it was the voltage regulator.  Can you believe it??  We have never managed to do a full round of mowing in the last two years.  Dearest Gnome is battling along with the weed-wacker (with a 10 inch circular saw-blade attached to the end).  Ha-Ha!!  The ingenuity never ends!!

it's Not Working!
it’s Not Working!

Oh and we have been without running water for the last two weeks.  Hauling buckets of water in this hot, dry weather is no fun!!  I had to carry 8 five-gallon buckets of water just for the washing machine…phew…it was hard work and I really worked those muscles!!

This is the ubiquitous Pigtail  Bucket of Belize.  If you own a farm, you never ever loan these out because they are soooo precious and useful!

Pigtail Bucket.
Pigtail Bucket.

Good Night Everyone!!

All Go!!

Standing.TogetherWe have had a good run of hot sunny days so we have been able to start mowing and cleaning up the farm again.  Gnome managed to fix the brush-mower…he used a die to fix the stripped threads on the spindle…in other words he used his Gnome ingenuity to save money!

it's Working!
it’s Working!

Oh, and we have been getting so many jackfruits…I had to process five in 2 days.  Look it the size of them!  Phew…a lot of work but lots of food.

Jackfruit Baby.
Jackfruit Baby.

We are still making pasta…black pasta.  This one is called Black Opal No.3…made with charcoal.

Black Opal Pasta.
Black Opal Pasta.

New Pictures.

Here are some new pictures from the farm taken by Gnome!  He has made improvements in leaps and bounds in his photography…his former pictures used to be blurry and out of focus.  Hmmm…maybe it is because he changed his glasses?!

This is Redhead (Hamelia patens) which is known for its natural medicinal properties; The flowers, leaves and stems are boiled in water and skin conditions such as wounds, sores, rash and insect bites are bathed in the decoction. Furthermore, the oral consumption of the decoction of the flowers and leaves is supposed to relieve menstrual cramps.

Redhead Berries Forming.
Redhead Berries Forming.

The berries from this plant are also edible…get them before the birds!

Red Head Flower Buds.
Red Head Flower Buds.

Ear mushrooms (Auricularia auricular); these wild mushrooms are edible and much loved by Asians.  Great in stews and stir-frys.

Ear Mushroom.
Ear Mushroom.
Ear Mushrooms.
Ear Mushrooms.

A beautiful ornamental.  These produce seedpods that resemble  woody roses.

Hawaiin Baby Woodrose.
Hawaiin Baby Woodrose.

Still stuck!


Interesting that we are still stuck on the farm but for other reasons this time.  About a week ago, half the gate fell over; it’s a really heavy gate made from sturdy hardwood but unfortunately the post has been destroyed by termites.  We didn’t see this happening because the termites had cleverly burrowed into the wood and were digesting the wood from the inside…on the outside it looked perfectly normal.

The gates can be moved with brute Gnome strength and so any trip out entails the moving of a tonne of wood back and forth.

So we have had to think seriously about taking trips out of the farm…basically no joy rides or “…let’s go out and get something quickly.”

The Gate.
The Gate.

So the other day, just in good humour, I said to Gnome:

“Darling, we have run out of sugar to put in our tea.”


Gnome replied rather facetiously with,
“Well, would you like me to move a 2 tonne gate and run out to get a cup of sugar for you, my dear!”


The Trials of Munchkin and Gnome Continue….

It’s So Bushy!!

TogetherWith all the rains from the last two weeks or so, everything is bushy again!!  The grass is growing…needs another mow…oh no, more work!

Here are some pictures;

This one was shot with a “fishbowl effect” just for fun!

The Farm.
The Farm.

We are getting lemons again this year and it looks like it will be a bumper crop…

Lemon Blossoms.
Lemon Blossoms.
Young Lemons.
Young Lemons.

Lots of fresh callaloo to pick…

Basket Of Callaloo.
Basket Of Callaloo.

African oil palm seeds…the piggies love these:

African Oil Palm.
African Oil Palm.

And this one is lemongrass; great for tea and to flavour food.


Back To Work!

About two weeks ago, we had a really bad storm which uprooted one of our trees which then landed on the roof of our nursery.  It caused devastation with branches falling everywhere and it ended up blocking our usual walking route through the farm.

Fallen Tree.
Fallen Tree.

When we saw the extent of the mess, we could see the amount of work involved, we looked at each other and said at the same time,

“Oh No!!”


And so we procrastinated for a while plus luckily for us, the weather wasn’t cooperating so there was never a ‘right time’ to clean up.  Our Munchkin and Gnome form of procrastination included re-vamping the web-site, making copious amount of pasta to dry and store, designing new products, seeing patients and stuffing ourselves with mangoes.  Oh, and I am learning to touch type!

Anyway yesterday was the day and we just got out there and did it!  Here are some pictures:

Cleaning up Fallen Tree.
Cleaning up Fallen Tree.

We managed to get the tree off the roof!

Fallen Tree.
Fallen Tree.

We cut up all the wood and it was my job to gather it all up for mulch.

Cutting Up Branches.
Cutting Up Branches.

All done and as Gnome surveyed the surroundings with a sigh  of relief he said nonchalantly,

“Oh, now I need to fix up the nursery.”


Blowing Hot And Cold!


What a weird day for weather…one minute it was dull and grey and then the next minute it was hot and sunny.   And it was so blustery. Make up your mind!!  To add to all this, the power was going on and off.  As soon as it switched on, I would get up to try to get something done and when it went off, I had to sit down again.  It was like musical chairs!!  Arrrghhhh!!!

Gnome had a better attitude; well, at least he was in a better mood by the end of day even although we both had an unproductive day.

“I am going to sit here and not move.”


Well, I guess we are not all as spiritually enlightened as the Gnome!!  Despite the ups and downs, the farm is our constancy…still producing lots of lovely stuff;

Wax Apples.
Wax Apples.

Hope the weather makes up its mind tomorrow!!