Category Archives: Construction

Morning Rains.

We have been having morning heavy showers since Thursday. It rains so much that all the basins fill up and by about 10am the sun comes out in its full glory. This may sound pleasant but it actually feels really uncomfortable. It has happened again today! I will probably run in and out of showers to do stuff. Last week, we took advantage of the rains and planted our basil plants in all the tyres.

Since the mower is out of order, Gnome has been working on the well in the old coop. This coop has been converted into a nursery and contains all our planting beds. To get through the dry (seems like it is a wet dry season this year!) Gnome thought that he would replace the submersible pump, attach solar panels and voilà…we would be able to water our plants with a hosepipe.

(At this point, I need to pause to laugh…or even cry…you will not believe the obstacles that we have come up against!!)

First of all, whilst Gnome was pulling the entire pipe up from the well, the last 15 foot section fell into the well…the whole length of the pipe consisted of three pipes screwed end to end to make a 45 feet length. Gnome exclaimed:

“…I can’t believe the last section just fell off…it was screwed tightly when I put the pipe down!”

Okay, so now we have a 15 foot pipe stuck down the bottom of a well! Gnome has tried hooking, roping, praying and singing…so far, no success. Any ideas, anyone?

And that’s not all of it. The submersible pump is the perfect rinky-dink low wattage for our slow-trickling shallow well. It only needs a 100 Watt solar panel. When Gnome did a test run of the pump, he could not get it to work and had to take it apart. He was glad that he did it because he found that one of the springs was misaligned and wasn’t pushing the brush. Okay, then he got it working…then what happened?

The submersible pump didn’t fit down the 3 inch well casing!! Arrrghhh!! This one Gnome managed to figure out…he used a sanding drum to shave a 1/4inch all around and sanded down the screws.

Fixing Well Pump.

There you go! That’s what has been happening. Frustrating but we are trying to keep a sense of humour!

Pressure Tank Done Broke!

Oh the silly little ironies, right?  Gnome just finished the plumbing…the sink, washing machine and the bathing area…and now what??  The pressure tank has stopped working.  It is filling up but there is no pressure so it looks like there is probably a leak in the bladder.  Here in Belize, I have not seen any pressure tank bladders for sale so it looks like a brand new tank has to be bought.  The one that we have was not cheap and it is only about two years old.

Well, anyway, we’ve been working through our list of projects quite diligently and the new water tower was not scheduled until late next year.  So Gnome said that the best thing to do was to turn this unfortunate incident into a fortunate opportunity to begin water tower construction early.  He said that if Munchkin could whine sufficiently enough about hauling buckets of water into the house, he could probably get the water tower up in record time.  And so begins the complaining and the whining…it’s for a worthy cause, right?  🙂

Water Tank.

It is going to be a big project and no mean feat for a Gnome to accomplish.  Water will still be collected in our tanks which are close to the ground…a solar pump would be used to pump water up to a single tank placed on a water tower.  The water tower will have to be high enough (Gnome says about 30 feet (10 metres)) to give pressure to the water as it cycles back down into the plumbing system of the house.  This new system is a step in our direction of independence as we will harness energy from sun and gravity rather than relying (and paying) for electricity.  Okay, let’s see what happens…

We will try and turn this into something good…

Home Decor With M & G…

Gnome Magic.

Hello!!  Yes, thought I would squeeze in another Blog post so that you don’t think that it is every 7 to 10 days only!!  You know what…time just flies by and before I know it, I haven’t written for ages.  Anyway, we are now in November-December time…the last leg of the year when it goes crazy-fast and you are left spinning in a whirlwind.  I really do think that from Thanksgiving time to Christmas/ New Year time, time accelerates and if you are not careful, projects come to a stand-still.  We are making a huge attempt to hold onto our sensibilities and keep on going!!  The veranda is getting its make-over.  Master Make-over Gnome has been plumbing and tiling.  The sink (love the sink!) and the bathtub are plumbed and working…oooh, look at that…

Sink and Bathtub.

We also re-located the washing machine-sans-case since the outer white cover was donated very generously by Gnome to the goosies as a nest:

Nesting Boxes.

Gnome Decor: attach the control panel to the wall and remove outer covering and lid.  Who needs frivolous washing machine accessories like that?  The washing machine, believe it or not, works absolutely fine.  On the plus side, stripped of its case, it is easier to move and takes up less space:

Gnome Washing Machine.

There you go…I now have all water stuff in one place…we will keep on going….

Here’s a tune for Gnome for doing everything that he does: “Gnome Does It Better.”

Audio Player

What’s A J Roller Anyway??

A couple of weeks ago, Gnome gave me the mission to find a J Roller in Belize.  My first question was,

“What’s a J Roller when it’s at home?”

So he told me to look up pictures in Amazon and read the descriptions.  I am not sure how he came up with the tool name because he had never mentioned it before…he probably read instructions somewhere…he is the only person that I know that reads instruction manuals with great interest and enjoyment.

A J Roller is a “J” shaped roller made of rubber.  It is used to aid the adhesion of  surfaces with a sticky underside…you basically roll it back and forth on a surface to make it stick down smoothly.  They can be used for adhesive tiles which is what we had for a new project.  Aha…he read the back of the box! 😉

The task of looking for an uncommonly used tool in Belize can be quite a challenge.  I started my mission in the hardware stores in Punta Gorda.

Farm Store.

When I said,

“I am looking for a J Roller.”

I would usually get a perplexed look and,

“…what’s that??”

So, then I had to modify my first question and say,

“Do you have a J Roller?  It looks like a paint roller but it is made of rubber.”

(This did not work because the shop assistant would automatically turn the conversation to paint rollers being made of foam in Belize).

Okay, so I had to further change my method of questioning and point to their formica counter tops and say:

“…what do you use to stick that (formica) onto the countertop.”

These were the answers that I got from a few hardware stores (I feel like I was conducting some sort of survey on how to ask silly questions and how to get silly answers back!!):

“…errh…you just smooth it out with your hands…”


“…you get a big old smooth stick…”



Hmmmm…needless to say, I wasn’t getting anyway.  So, I asked for Panda’s assistance since he was driving out to the big city.  He said that he even printed out a picture of the J Roller and showed it to a few hardware stores.  No luck…at least they knew of the existence of the tool but did not think that it was of much use hence the reason they did not stock said tool.

Okay…Okay…so, we had to do it the Munchkin and Gnome way.  Get a marble rolling pin and use that instead.  No shortage of rolling pins in Belize!!  When I presented the rolling pin to Gnome he said with a smile,

“…well, if it doesn’t work, we can always roll out some nice pasta noodles with it…”

Well, it does the job!!  So, if you are looking for a J Roller in Belize, try the kitchen section for a heavy rolling pin instead!!

Rolling Pin.

We Can’t Lift The Gate!

Ha-Ha!!  This is toooo funny!!  This one is Farm Job #507 and has been on the waiting list for 18 months.  The front gate fell apart due to termites and it has been such a pain (physical) for Gnome since he has to manually remove the gate every-time we need to leave the farm.  So at long last we have got to this job…Gnome did all the measuring and designing and then we ordered the hardwood.  He said:

“Aha!!  This time I am making one big gate to stretch across so I only need to hinge one side…”

The brand new gate was designed with wheels to take the weight and on paper, it seemed like a practical and well-thought out design.  Well, Gnome put the gate together and…

New Gate.

…we can’t lift it!!  It’s way too heavy.  In the picture you can see the old gate which is really quite wonky and needs replacing.

Okay, so back to the drawing board…Gnome will be sawing the gate in half and we will have two sides to the gate and yes, he will have to hinge both sides.  Oh well, we just have to have a normal gate!!


“…well, not actually that normal!  One side will be longer than the other!”

Ha-Ha, I just had to laugh at that.  Also, the wood has just been freshly cut and not seasoned so they are all bananas.  Whenever Gnome does a wood project, we usually joke about him lining up the bananas!  Nothing is straight and nothing fits despite obsessive Gnome measuring!

Old gate when it was working:

The Gate.

When we have the gate up it will be a cause for celebration.  Some more Harvey’s Bristol Cream, methinks!

The Usual…

So, what’s the usual for us?  Gnome put it quite succinctly today,

“I spend most of my time just fixing things and nothing gets done!”

So, the freezer is on its last legs and we are systematically going through all the food to preserve them.  So far, we have canned the fruit and we have made miso out of the canistel (it’s bright orange, by the way).  Next are the chicken feet (I know, you are probably wondering what I am doing with 50lbs of chicken feet…I’m not quite sure either).  No, that was a joke…I know exactly what to use chicken feet for…they actually make the best soup.

Gnome is still working on his construction and yesterday it nearly all ground to a standstill again.  The circular saw stopped working!  Luckily it started working again once the brushes were cleaned out.

Oh, and the washing machine…that stopped too last week and I had to hand wash a whole load.  I was really annoyed because I had chucked in a load of towels and sheets!  Anyway, Gnome had a good look at it and it appears that the water sensor for medium wash is broken.  Well that’s actually okay because I just need to set it to a small wash instead and it works.  So, we managed to bypass that problem.  Gnome says that washing machines should last forever…you just need all the replacement parts for the sensors and the capacitor.  We are going to keep our washing machine going no matter what!!

Washing Machine.

Just as an aside, Gnome took the outer cover:

Washing Machine Cover.

and gave it to a goose as cover around a nest (a while back).  The goose actually snubbed the gift and moved all her eggs to a different area.  Talk about being difficult!!

“No I don’t want the washing machine cover around my nest!!”

Sitting Goose.

I want to end with something nice.  So here it is: this is a huge 4 lb (2kg) mango given to us by the Taiwanese.  The seed is really thin and tiny so most of the weight is the flesh.  Oh, and the best thing about it is that it tastes so sweet and divine.  We are definitely planting the seed!

Big Mango.

Farming 101!

There should a Farming 101 course or a Dummy’s Guide to Farming.  We sure could do with this since neither of us grew up on farms.  Now, this is a funny story that happened this week…which makes me wish that we had farming classes at school that taught you the basics…like how to pull a wooden post out of a 3 foot hole without doing your back in.

Gnome is currently working on building a back veranda and needs to erect 8 sturdy rose-wood posts, 10 feet tall, 3 feet into the ground.  He’s dug the holes (oooh, that started the sore back) and now he has to re-locate posts into this new area.  Now, these posts have been used for different things around the farm and need to be dug out of their holes.  The posts are about 200kgs (400lbs) in weight so it’s no joke!  I saw Gnome perform the heroics of removing one post (ooooooh…sore, sore back!!) and I promptly told him to stop before he did any silly damage to himself.

So we decided to take a break (cup of tea and a Kit-Kat) and do a Google search on “how to lift posts out of holes.”

Something called a “Farm Jack” came up.  We both looked at the description and it suddenly dawned us that this was the exact piece of invention that we were looking for!  Where had it been in all these 13 years of farming when we were painstakingly trying to dig posts out of holes…

And then we realised that there was a piece of equipment that looked exactly like a farm jack lying rotten and neglected, dying a horrible death under our house.  It had been left as a “can you keep this I’ll be back in 2 weeks” piece of equipment which we have now kept for 10 years waiting for this guy to come back who will never come back.

We both looked at each other and said at the same time,

“Oh we have a farm jack!!  Is that what it is! “

All those years of keeping that piece of equipment and having no idea what it was!!  Too Funny, right?  Or should we just feel very silly and sheepish…

Ancient Farm Jack

Anyway, Gnome took the hunk of metal junk out and with a pair of pliers, some diesel and a wire brush proceeded to clean it up.  Upon closer scrutinisation, the original two pins had been replaced, in a haphazard way, with a nail at the top and a half broken screw at the bottom.  Gnome attempted to “fix” the farm jack and with some magic and a piece of wire with a metal key-holder managed to get the thing working.  It wasn’t perfect since the bottom pin was broken so he used a wire to lever the pin back and forth.  It worked…it actually worked…well, we got a post an inch out of the hole before the make-shift lower pin gave way and broke.  Arrrghhhh!!!  It was looking so promising.

Farm Jack Quick Fix

Well, it’s not fixable now and the broken pin is stuck so can not be removed and replaced.  It is such a shame because if it wasn’t for that, it would work!

Now to look for a farm jack in Belize.  Not easy.  We tried looking for one in Toledo, Belize and the likes of it has never been seen or heard of before in this district.  We must search further afield…

Work has temporarily come to a standstill on our farm due to a  sore back and difficulty procuring equipment.  🙂

Dry Season Work.

Hello There!!  The Easter weekend was cold and wet so it kinda allowed  an enforced rest.  Then Monday came and nothing came out of Monday.  Mondays can be write off a lot of the time, I’ve noticed.  I personally think that the beginning of the week should start Tuesday!

Anyway, we started Tuesday.  We are trying to do all the tidying up and construction that we had stored up for the dry weather.

Firstly, the tree that fell on the roof of the house (about 8 months ago) which has been perching precariously over the Internet antenna, was removed.  We had been waiting to buy a chainsaw (because our cheapo one broke…it was a luminous green and purple one and looked like a Fisher Price toy!).  Just as an aside, I usually start Gnome with cheap tools so that he learns to use them without getting worried about wear and tear and breakage.  Once he shows that he actually knows how to use the tool, we graduate onto more expensive tools.

Well, we haven’t got the good chainsaw yet!  So, Gnome had to take the tree down, traditional-style with a machete.

Cutting Down Fallen Tree.

With the usual one Gnome heroics, the tree was cut down, pulled to the side and cut into pieces.

Moving swiftly on, we (Gnome actually, I do all the cleaning up after) has taken the back wall off the house to replace with zinc because it is water-proof and sturdier.  With all this messing around at the back of the house, we had a better chance to intensely scrutinise the wooden posts that were holding up the stairs.  We knew they were rotting and we had to fix them…sometime.  The posts had actually rotted right through and the stairs were being held up by…I don’t know… magic and air.  Anyway, the stairs were pulled out and now replaced with a ladder (Ha-Ha).  Also, the posts holding up the door are rotting through!

It’s funny because the cat comes up to the house from the back stairs and we were both worried that he wouldn’t be able to get into the house in the usual way.  The cat didn’t have a problem with the ladder…of course!!  Savvy cats can get up and down ladders!!

Savvy Cat.

So, today, instead of getting the zinc up, Gnome has to cut extra pieces of wood to hold the door up!

Yes, the place is falling apart but we must save the sinking ship!!

Good Start to The New Year!

It’s been a good start to the new year because the weather has been dry and sunny (except for today, of course, there are rain clouds and it feels like it wants to rain).  Anyway, with the good weather, we felt uplifted and ready to start the new year full of energy and enthusiasm.  Well, it started off with Gnome fixing the washing machine!  Yay, we have clean clothes now!!  I’ve been doing a big spring clean inside the house and throwing all sorts of kipple and the like.  It’s a lovely feeling dumping things and making a great big fire…whoopeeeeee!!

Kipple…stuff…just multiplies!!


Anyway, Gnome has been doing some manly, physical work (so, I’ve been very nice to him…bringing out cool lemonade and dainty egg sandwiches to keep him going).  He is setting up the platforms for our water tanks.  This time we will be ready for the dry season and we won’t be caught out.  We will have our tanks lined up  to catch the rains from now to April.

Water Security!!

Water Tank.

And as usual the farm has been producing so there is the usual Munchkin harvesting….

Carambola Fruit.

Cleaned Plate of Akee.

More Sour Peach Jam to make:

Sour Peach.

These are Monkey Cap; the taste like peanut butter and have the consistency of peanut butter.  They are nice but kinda get stuck in your teeth because they are gummy-like.  Don’t eat them when you have guests around or you’ll get into a right old mess with orange gums and teeth…Ha-Ha!  I wasn’t trying to put you off this fruit by the way!

Monkey Cap.

We hope that the year is starting off well for y’all out there!!

Remember Remember The 5th of November.

Yes, we did have a Guy Fawkes Night on the 5th of November!  Here are some pictures of the day.

Special thanks to Panda for The Guy (made from rice trash and lots of imagination)!

Penny For The Guy:

Guy Fawkes.
Guy Fawkes.

You really have to have grown up in the UK to realise the significance of Guy Fawkes Night.  As children, back in the good old days, we used make an effigy of Guy Fawkes and then take it around town saying “penny for the guy” to get money for the bonfire and fireworks.  The 5th of November is a really big day in the UK and is usually marked by spectacular firework displays.

Gnome made a temporary camp, with bamboo, by the pond:

Guy Fawkes Sitting Area.
Guy Fawkes Sitting Area.

We had all our meals for the day out here.  It was really quite lovely with the views of the pond:

Pond View.
Pond View.

Towards the end of the day, the wood was stacked in preparation of the bonfire:

Bonfire Pile.
Bonfire Pile.

Bonfire Starting.
Bonfire Starting.

Ooooh…great Bonfire!!

Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night.
Guy Fawkes Bonfire Night.

Got to end the post with this…

The Fifth of November
Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Threescore barrels, laid below,
To prove old England’s overthrow.
But, by God’s providence, him they catch,
With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
A stick and a stake
For King James’s sake!
If you won’t give me one,
I’ll take two,
The better for me,
And the worse for you.
A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,
A penn’orth of cheese to choke him,
A pint of beer to wash it down,
And a jolly good fire to burn him.
Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!
Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!
Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!