Oh, you might be wondering what is happening with the two kittens. Well, first of all, honeymoon is over! All they want to do is eat and sleep! I know that they are too young to be fully fledged rat catchers but it would be nice to see some other activity besides ‘hunting’ the Munchkin and begging for food all the time. They get raw meat in the morning and the evening…this is to get them used to eating (and catching) rats and other prey. I learned to feed farm cats this way from an old Belizean lady (who loved cats and owned a female cat that was perpetually pregnant or suckling). This old lady had probably raised more than 100 kittens so I took her word for it. Besides, with our first farm cat, I fed him cooked food (I was afraid of parasites and worm infestations) and as a result of this upbringing he was always digging in the trash looking for scraps of cooked food. We called him ‘Garbage Cat.’ Now it is raw meat and regular worming tablets…yes, look at my ‘active’ farm cats…

Lately, I have been getting annoyed with them (Lazy good for nothing blah blah blah!).

The two kittens are left under the house and night and in the morning, they are allowed into the house. They are fed very well before they enter the house but as soon as they come in, they start sniffing around for food and bits of crumbs everywhere. Whenever, we are eating, they whine and try to scrabble on our laps. What terrible behaviour!! Okay, so Gnome had to intervene since I was getting quite upset about it all.

Gnome: ‘Munchkin, may I make a suggestion? Don’t have the cats around when you are preparing food, eating food or processing food…they always go crazy when this is happening.’
Okay, so I followed his suggestion. The thing is…I am always ‘sorting out food’…I cook breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday!! Not to mention the cups of tea in between. That day, I was also canning meat and broth. Oh, I forgot to mention that when Gnome makes pasta…they go crazy running about for bits of dough flying about! Gnome’s suggestion works but because of the nature of my (our) daily activities, I can only allow the cats in for about one hour a day!
Anyway, hopefully they will learn manners as they get older! The Crazy Cat (the feral cat) has actually become very friendly and personable. When he isn’t hungry (which is most of the time) he will climb onto our laps and sit! Yes, he is sitting…I suppose that is a break-through…

Have we tamed Crazy Cat??!!