Belizean Shepherd’s Hotpot (Not Lancashire).

Together.EatingThis is an actual conversation which took place between Munchkin and Gnome which typically exemplifies the many talks that they have together.

Gnome:  I fancy a nice Lancashire Hotpot!

Munchkin:  Okay, Darling, I will make it for you.

Gnome:  Ooooh, is it going to have lamb in it?

Munchkin:  No.

Gnome:  Ooooh, are there going to be carrots and potatoes, then?

Munchkin:  No.

Gnome:  What are you putting in it, my dear?

Munchkin:  Pork.

Gnome:  In what way is that a Lancashire Hotpot?

Munchkin:  It’s slow-cooked in the oven like a Lancashire Hotpot.  Mmmm…maybe it isn’t a Lancacshire Hotpot…it’s more like a Shepherd’s Pie.

Gnome:  Ooooh, so its going to have mashed potatoes?

Munchkin:  No.  Mashed taro.

Gnome:  In what way is that a Shepherd’s Pie, my dear?

Munchkin:  Mmmm…maybe it isn’t a Shepherd’s Pie.  I have a great idea…let’s call it Belizean Shepherd’s Hotpot!

Gnome:  But Dearest, I asked for a Lancashire Hotpot! so this recipe was borne from this loving banter.  It is slow cooked like a hotpot in the oven and it has mashed taro (like mashed potatoes) so you could say that it was a very distant cousin, thrice removed, from the Lancashire Hotpot and Shepherd’s Pie.  Or, you could argue that there is absolutely no relation to these dishes at all!  Nonetheless, it makes a hearty, tasty meal and Gnome did indeed enjoy it, even although it wasn’t what he had asked for!

Baked Meat and Onions in Casserole Dish.
Baked Meat and Onions in Casserole Dish.

It kinda looks like a purple Shepherd’s Pie from this picture:

Belizean Shepherd Hotpot.
Belizean Shepherd Hotpot.

Check out the hybridised recipe: Belizean Shepherd’s Hotpot in Belize Wild Recipes!