This is an actual conversation which took place between Munchkin and Gnome which typically exemplifies the many talks that they have together.
Gnome: I fancy a nice Lancashire Hotpot!
Munchkin: Okay, Darling, I will make it for you.
Gnome: Ooooh, is it going to have lamb in it?
Munchkin: No.
Gnome: Ooooh, are there going to be carrots and potatoes, then?
Munchkin: No.
Gnome: What are you putting in it, my dear?
Munchkin: Pork.
Gnome: In what way is that a Lancashire Hotpot?
Munchkin: It’s slow-cooked in the oven like a Lancashire Hotpot. Mmmm…maybe it isn’t a Lancacshire Hotpot…it’s more like a Shepherd’s Pie.
Gnome: Ooooh, so its going to have mashed potatoes?
Munchkin: No. Mashed taro.
Gnome: In what way is that a Shepherd’s Pie, my dear?
Munchkin: Mmmm…maybe it isn’t a Shepherd’s Pie. I have a great idea…let’s call it Belizean Shepherd’s Hotpot!
Gnome: But Dearest, I asked for a Lancashire Hotpot!
And so this recipe was borne from this loving banter. It is slow cooked like a hotpot in the oven and it has mashed taro (like mashed potatoes) so you could say that it was a very distant cousin, thrice removed, from the Lancashire Hotpot and Shepherd’s Pie. Or, you could argue that there is absolutely no relation to these dishes at all! Nonetheless, it makes a hearty, tasty meal and Gnome did indeed enjoy it, even although it wasn’t what he had asked for!

It kinda looks like a purple Shepherd’s Pie from this picture:

Check out the hybridised recipe: Belizean Shepherd’s Hotpot in Belize Wild Recipes!