Hello Everyone, we are continuing with the mushroom theme since the rains are bringing a huge abundance of them onto our farm and the Toledo region of Belize. Interestingly enough, many of them fall into the category of the Lepiota sp…also commonly known as the parasol mushrooms.
Here are some pictures from the farm:

Lepiota mushrooms are notoriously difficult to identify and many of them are poisonous, whilst others are edible and delectable. Although we are pretty adventurous with our eating, we have decided not to chance it with these mushrooms since it would be pretty embarrassing for two doctors, in the bush, to come to an early demise due to mushroom mis-adventure.
This particular Lepiota is more distinctive as it has green spores. This one is Chlorophyllum molybdites; unfortunately, inedible and can cause gastro-intestinal upset.

Even although we can’t eat any of these, we still have a passion for mushrooms and love to take pictures of them.
By the way, we know that we are back in the Toledo region of Belize (been out of town last few days) when we have to stop the car to let the little piggies cross:

Who’s piggies are these? do you have piggies on the farm?
The piggies are from San Felipe Village, a mile from our farm. The villagers allow their pigs to forage during the day. No, we don’t have piggies on our farm…except for guinea pigs!!