So what’s happening with the Zazen Duckies in the Zen Garden? They’ve been giving Mayor Gnome the “Duckie Look” for weeks.

Mayor Gnome has made a valiant attempt to ignore these enquiring looks for fear of confrontation. But alas, it seems that our spiritual duckies are winning out on this staring competition. He finally broken down and asked them:
“What’s the matter duckies?”
Spokesduckie: “Mayor Gnome! We are embarrassed by your weak ploys and foolish manipulation to get us into those concrete monstrosities.”
Mayor Gnome: “Oh, you mean the laying nests which I built for you to strict ISO building standards?”
Spokesduckie: “Yes. Do you honestly think that we would lay eggs in them?”
Mayor Gnome: “Well, yes. What’s wrong with them?”
Spokesduckie: “There have ping pong balls in them!”
Mayor Gnome: “They are supposed to be fake eggs!”

Spokesduckie: “Well you certainly didn’t fool us!”
Mayor Gnome: “So you’re not convinced?”
Spokesduckie: “Mayor Gnome…they have “Halux 40″ written on them?”
Mayor Gnome: “Oh.”