Whilst waiting for my freezer (one of those huge bottomless pit kind of freezers that you can get lost in) to de-frost, I will write my blog post. I have a whole load of pictures so I will try to thread a reasonable coherent story together for you of what we are doing right now. By the way, whenever I de-frost my freezer, I come across so many lost and forgotten goodies!! Will probably have a feast this weekend!!
Found these; Chinese Sausage!! Ooooh, you have to be Chinese to get excited about this stuff!! Ha-Ha.

Anyway, do you remember that at Chinese New Year, our darling little duckies gave us a gift of 8 eggs? It turns out to be even more special because on asking other local people, their ducks aren’t laying at all and don’t lay until March when the number of hours of day light increase. Anyway, so far there has been success with the incubator ie. the cat hasn’t sat on it this time round. This is because I deftly used Secret Invisibility Technique by sticking a vacuum cleaner in front of the incubator. Aha, I fooled the cat!!

The eggs were candled on day 3 to check if the embryos were forming; 6 out of the 8 eggs at that time appeared viable. Right now, two eggs have pipped and we are waiting to see how many actually hatch. Should be some fun, excitement and peep-peeping at the weekend!! With regards to our other darling little baby duckie (the lone duckie that hatched by itself despite the cat sitting on the incubator) he/she (we think “she” actually but have not properly sexed her) thinks she is a guinea pig now…sometimes a human being and definitely not one of those loud quacky things that quack around the yard. Yip, he/ she duckie is spending too much time with the piggies and loves to fall asleep to the dulcet tones of cavy noises.

I would also like to take this time to apologise for neglecting my food posts; I am either too busy or too lazy and can’t find the “in-between” state to re-start the food parades. We are still eating really well…I just haven’t written about them. With the dry season, there should be new harvests so I will endeavour to start again. I also want to post up my sorghum recipes…we eat it almost everyday now and is proving to be a very interesting, versatile and tasty grain. Look still eating great food:

It’s the usual stuff on the farm…always something to harvest…seeds to plant…and it comes round in cycles. You have to really like doing this to do it!!