I have just realised that time has passed and I haven’t written for ages again! What’s Happening? Well, not much really…terrible way to start a post…that’s why I haven’t written!
We had another big Thursday rain this week and most importantly, Gnome has been out of action for a few days because he has hurt his hand. He had been digging holes for posts around the house and I think he got over-zealous in his efforts. I asked him if he wanted to go to Social Security to report the injury and he laughed saying:
“…if I had to report every injury, I would be a permanent feature in Social Security.”
Gnome’s hand is getting better…there was some soft tissue swelling which has now gone down. He had to make huge efforts not to use it…even simple things like opening buckets and jars…at one point we were going to put a sock over it to stop him from using it. All is well and he should be back to work on Monday.
What else? Oh, the fate of the possoms…..

If you recall, we caught five possums in two nights because they had been stealing goosie eggs…we found the cracked shells of two eggs. We went through a moral dilemma with this one. First of all, they looked at us pitifully with those beady dark eyes and my heart went out to them,
“…awhhhh…they are kinda cute in a possumy way…”
Gnome said:
“….yes, cuteness goes a long way…”

We also found that two of the captives had babies in their pouches so they were released. So, three left after that. Gnome then said:
“…hang on a minute, we have a freezer full of food…we don’t need any-more meat.”
He was right. It didn’t seem acceptable this time round to eat the possums. Last time, rogue possums had decimated our entire population of 30 guinea pigs and we had possum curry as a result of that incident. We released the last three into the bush. I shouted at them as they sped off into the rainforest,
“…don’t come back and steal any-more eggs!!”
I hope they heard me!
It is sunny and dry again today. We will probably have a rest today before starting the week afresh. I will leave you with a picture of the duckies staring curiously at a possum.
“Hello Mr Possum…we are the Duckies!! Pleased to meet you!!”